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MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 1 spokesperson remarks CMPB 1. funding issues 2.planning the near future what slips and what does not risk areas 3. MICE Installation/Commissioning/Operations group (MICO)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 2 Aspirational MICE Schedule now (unchanged since march 2006) 15 September 2007 15 August 2007? STEP I November 2007 december 2007? STEP III: begin in winter 2008 march 2008? STEP II STEP IV: fall 2008 or winter(Jan-Mar) 2009? STEP V: summer 2009 STEP VI end 2009 UK PHASE I PHASE II R&D beam line commissionning starts August 2007! PHASE I
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 3 -- UK: 9.7M£ (OST+ rolling grants + CCLRC contribution) Phase II bid under review -- absolutely crucial and not too soon (18 mo - 2 yrs lead time needed for FC module) Manpower requested is absolutely needed -- USA: funding from the NFMCC (DOE baseline scenario 4.125M$) +RF source + NSF grant (IIT) 300k$ + MRI grant (tracker + tracker solenoid) 750k$ (NB tracker part was reduced substantially by D0 electronics deal) + DOE suppl. for MUCOOL coupling coil 300k$ + Fermilab 800k$ further requests submitted: + NSF MRI for MUCOOL CC (resubmitted in 2007) + NSF cooling funding proposal by Pr G. Hanson and coll. shelved + NSF tracker proposal by Pr G. Hanson et coll pending (1postdoc + 2 PhD students) + *NEW* PIRE proposal by Cremaldi et al Partnerships for International Research and Education support for postdocs and students in international collaboration -- was not selected in 2006 -- prepare a new one Summary of funding situation (I)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 4 -- Japan: working hard on it -- Switzerland: PSI solenoid Uni-Geneva+SNF (DAQ, trigger+TOF0 ~200k€) + 2PhD+1RA + Bulgaria collaboration (PID electronics) (74kCHF) -- CERN: 1 RF station providing 4MW (173kCHF 110k€ + 0.3 FTE) agreed on 3 Nov 2006: Maurizio Vretenar charged of execution -- Netherlands: Mag probes discussion took place (need about 50 probes) -- Italy (TOF, Calorimeter) 500 k€ so far, 200 k€ missing for completion of PID, happening, INFN exec board on 9 march should approve the operation and provide an invoice to RAL -- China (MICE coupling coils) bid submitted from ICST to HIT. needs to be agreed by ministery (local) support visit by AB and MZ planned in April or early May Summary of funding situation (II)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 5 Vittorio Palladino informed us 2 nights ago that "The top management [of INFN] is discussing with finances how best to absorb your contribution in the INFN budget and make it available to the relevant INFN labs" NB:THIS APPROVAL IS EXPECTED ON MARCH 9 in addition "MICE/INFN will be, from now on, part of NTA (New Technique of Acceleration), one of INFN stable special programs. This MAY imply some stability and continuity." Which means at last official recognition of the effort. This should be a much better situation than the previous attachment to commission 5. The request by the MICE INFN group will be soon examined by the referees of NTA my comment: Although the story is far from finished and pressure should gently be kept on for the timely spending of the RAL funds, these, if confirmed, can be considered excellent news. INFN funding missing cost to completion of TOF system and KL estimated to 200k€ Case/Request was made to CMPB (Womersley) on 13 November Mid January RAL end-of-fund 195k€ was allowed from MICE this is not completely enough as INFN needs to authorize operation.
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 6 Japanese Funding Status for MICE Japanese FY2007 Bid for “ Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Research ” of the category of “ Scientific Research of Priority Area ” of Ministry of Education, applied in November, 2006 15M Euro/5 years project, lead by Prof. Takaaki Kajita (ICRR, U. of Tokyo), MICE PI: Prof. Yoshi Mori (Kyoto) Our Subject is the study of “ Leptogenesis ”, in which MICE is one of several sub- programs (1M Euro total). Others are HK ground investigation, Double beta decays, muon LFV, Nufact accelerator R&D, etc. A two-stage evaluation (paper evaluation and interview evaluation) The result will be known by early summer, 2007. Bid for the US-Japan funds. Applied as MUCOOL R&D (commonality) together with US colleagues in January, 2007 with Shigeru Ishimoto as PI not yet approved discussion with FNAL management (Alain Bross)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 7 common fund thanks you for the responses to C. Booth. 42 people have announced to suscribe Common fund is due October 1st 2007 a number missing: Italy Japan CERN (will be 1) Fermilab ANL we have reiterated the request at the MICE collaboration meeting 42 people times 3k£ is 126£ We expect about 175+-25k£ Obviously this will not raise up to 420k£ This point has been made to the RAL management wih associated request that beam line expenditure be taken up by RAL
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 8 brief HIGHLIGHTS from CM17 attendance 54 (incl. 10 students) Welcome by Aymar: NF (even mentionned MC!) is one of the possible futures of CERN after LHC. CERN will contribute to Design Study
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 9 1. final size of upstream/downstream shields and PID was defined. 1’ scheme for design (Louvain) and fabrication (Fermilab) of shield devised 1’’ mechanical support of TOF1 and TOF2 not clear yet. 1’’’ mechanical supports of CKOV have been requested from RAL 2. first go at a strawman installation/commissionning plan 3. update on spectrometer solenoid and tracker schedule. presently expect < = 1 month delay, will try to beat this back to arrival on Nov. 1st at RAL (now 1st Dec.) 4. upstream beam monitor launched (FNAL) additional trigger counters located (GVA) waiting for TOF2 5. situation of target is on critical path. review on 9 march (TB on 6 march to examin situation) 6. out-of-vault beam line design is not totally finished… (matrix is not complete, corrector and collimator schemes incomplete) 7. interesting ideas for MICE PHASE III !
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 10 60 L=60 65 L90
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 11 Towards phase I 1. Target 2. in-vault beam line 3. in-hall beam line 4. Beam optics, correctors, collimators 5. Hall preparation, shielding, safety 6. TOF0, TOF1 7. CKOV1 8. Tracker 9. Spectrometer Solenoids 10. Diffuser 11. DAQ and monitoring 12. Software and analysis 13. run plan and common fund
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 12 NO target upstream beam line upstream beam monitors B1 PSI sol B2 Collimator CV and CH CKOV and TOF0
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 13 MICE Hall and infrastructure: Vault closed Cycle start INSTALLATION Commissng Operation
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 14 Instrumentation/commissioning TaskMilestoneCommissioning period U/stream diagnostics13Jul0714Jul07 – 08Aug07 CKOV 114Jul0721Jul07 – 08Aug07 D/stream diagnostics14Aug0715Aug07 – 22Agu07 TOF 014Aug0715Aug07 – 22Aug07 Tracker (no solenoid)22Aug0723Aug07 – 30Aug07 TOF 122Aug0723Aug07 – 30Aug07 Downstream scint.22Aug0723Aug07 – 30Aug07 KL31Aug0701Sep07 – 15Sep07 start phase I data taking02Oct0702 Oct07 - Tracker solenoid01Nov0702Nov07 – 22Nov07 Tracker+ diffuser +TOF1+KL in solenoid 22Nov0722Nov07 – 30Nov07 Step II, first run start30Nov0723Nov07 – 21Dec07 End of run party21Dec07
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 15 Setting up the Mice Installation Commissioning and Operations group --MICO-- draft circulates in Exec board Membership: MICE project manager (Paul Drumm) and/or deputy MICE Hall Manager (Chris Nelson) --> chair during installation MICE spokesperson or deputy (pres. Alain Blondel or Mike Zisman) or run coordinator --> chair during commissioning/operation representatives of MICE subsystems: Target (Chris Booth) Beam line (Kevin Tilley) TOF (Maurizio Bonesini) CKOV (Lucien Cremaldi) Tracker (Ken Long or Alan Bross) DAQ (Jean-Sebastien Graulich) Controls (Martlew) Spectrometer Solenoid (Steve Virostek) KL (Ludovico Tortora) Software (Malcolm Ellis) ( either in person or on-charge person) ISIS representative (left open for David Findlay to nominate himself or a delegate)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 16 MICO chair will nominate a secretary. The minutes of MICO will be placed on a dedicated web page promptly and announced to all MICE by email. The software coordinator has agreed to make a special page in which pictures can also be placed so as to provide the MICE collaboration of a vivid account of events. Suggested meeting time: Mondays at 15:00 weekly or more often as seen fit. SAFETY The spokesperson is responsible for the execution of the MICE project, both from the point of view of scientific achievement and safety: he/she defines the scientific objectives and makes sure that they are consistent with safe operation of the experiment. For each MICE step a set of safety reviews will be organized by the MICE project manager, before installation (safety design review), before commissioning (authorization to operate) and before regular operation. The critical subsystems of MICE will be reviewed either collectively or one by one as will be seen fit by the MICE project manager in agreement with the spokesperson. A fool-proof operations manual, including safety aspects, will have to be ready for each MICE subsystem before regular operation. The documentation is the responsibility of each MICE subsystem.
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 17 Either the MICE project manager of the MICE Hall manager will be “MICE Operations Manager”. (Not decided yet) “It shall be the responsibility of the MICE Operations Manager to operate MICE safely and to the satisfaction of the Director of ISIS”. In case of a possible contradiction between the stated scientific objectives with safety issues or with ISIS operation the spokesperson (or the run coordinator who reports to him/her) will have to adapt the scientific objectives, or the way to achieve them, accordingly. In case of a serious perceived difficulty, either the ISIS representative or the spokesperson can request a negotiation and/or safety review to be organized. It is the responsibility of the MICE operation manager to validate the safety training of the MICE shifters. The safety training is the responsibility of the MICE members themselves. “MICE Operations Manager”.
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 18 The MICE Radiation Protection Supervisor is nominated by the MICE collaboration as one of the RAL staff members who has an appropriate safety training. If he/she is not already member of MICO he/she will attend MICO on a regular basis. MICE Radiation Protection Superviser
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 19 MAIN concerns … 1. succesful tests in beam, but with lower specs. Target system that can work with ISIS at 50Hz is still not fully demonstrated even at home or in simulation review next week (9 March) TB on 6 March. 2. beam line: some risk still involved with PSI solenoid and beam line magnets (repairs) The full matrix of momenta/emittances to be achieved has still not been demonstrated and collimator/corrector scheme is still inthe air. 3. TOF situation not completely on track yet. PHASE I : PHASE II : -- UK phase II approval -- Coupling coil for RF R&D -- SW calorimeter -- will TOF sustain RF background? …
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 2 March 2007 20 Conclusions MICE is working hard to match schedule of Phase I first beam in August, operation of stepI in October StepII in december. many places to worry and work hard about, but no sign of delay at this moment. Overload on Project Manager should be solved rapidly.
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