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Technology - Efficient Methods to be in the Know Presented to you by: Mr. Marquardt & Mr. Bloemker.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology - Efficient Methods to be in the Know Presented to you by: Mr. Marquardt & Mr. Bloemker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology - Efficient Methods to be in the Know Presented to you by: Mr. Marquardt & Mr. Bloemker

2 Efficient Methods to be in the Know Sandwich School District website Sandwich parent lunch portal & Web Store Edline parent access and demonstration Home Internet Security & Content Filtering Parental Educational Resources

3  Sandwich School District website  eBulletin, Newsletters, Activity & Sports Calendars  Sandwich Parent Portals  Lunch Debit Card, Web Store & Edline  Home Internet Security & Content Filtering  Suggested resources & software  Educational Resources available to parents






9  What is it?  Where is it?  How to use it?

10  Help?? How-To Document.

11  Signing UP  Logging In  User ID – Email  Password

12  New Account?  Needed Info  Email Address  Parent Name  Child’s Student ID#  Your default password  your email address

13  Initial Welcome Screen  Click on “General Maintenance” to proceed further

14  To change your password, click on ‘Change Password’  To proceed to your child’s account, click on ‘Internet Participants’  Click ‘Select’ next to your child’s name

15  For a purchase history report, input your date range here and click on ‘Submit’.  DO NOT use the ‘Internet Deposit’ There is the Web Store for that purpose.

16  Web Store  Where & How

17  Click on your child’s school  Elementary is for grades PreK – 5 th grade.

18  Click on Food Service for adding Lunch Monies.  You can pay registration fees as well.

19  Click on the Food Tray.

20  Fill in the boxes: Amount, Child’s last name & Child’s School ID number.  Click on Check Balance for balance info.  Click on Buy Now to add to your cart.

21  You can either:  Add monies for other children,  Start Over  Go to checkout  Verify your Totals.



24  Home internet security  Home internet content filtering

25  How strong is your computer security at home?  Is your Antivirus current? Are your Microsoft updates being installed on a regular basis? Check the settings on your computer.  What about your internet security at your home?  How often do you change your online passwords? Should be quarterly or monthly.  Is your wireless router secured? Are you using the default router password rather than the one of your own? You want to use your own password.  Is your password something to do with you or something totally random? Most folks use something about themselves. Should use random.  Do you click on website links in an email from unknown email senders? Or even from known folks? Doing this can cause fraud and infections.

26  Do you know where your children have been on the internet? Which websites?  Does your child have social networking accounts such as Facebook, MySpace and now GooglePlus?  How much information have you put out on Facebook or Myspace or any other online account?  Do your children have access to inappropriate material for their age group?  You can and do have access for limiting exposure to inappropriate internet material and websites.

27  Parents may consider installing a content filter on their home computers. These services can filter and/or monitor the Internet sites your children are visiting. While filters do not replace parental supervision, they may help parents keep their children safer on-line.  The following resources may be helpful for parents to explore:  OpenDNS - (free) – content filtering for home computers/  K9 Web Protection - (free) – content filtering for home computers and mobile devices (recommended by The National Parenting Center and iParenting Media)  E-Blaster - ($100) - monitoring solution for parents, also version for Blackberry and Android mobile devices (recommended by iParenting Media, Parry Aftab –, Dr. Justin Patchin – Cyber Bully expert)  Net Nanny - ($40) – content filtering for home computers (recommended by iParenting Media, Scholastic Administrator, PC Magazine)  bSecure – ($50) – content filtering for home computers and any other device on the home network such as video games, smartphones, etc. Also has iPhone/iPad version available. (recommended by iParenting Media, Focus on the Family, American Family Association)  PureSight – ($60/yr) – pornography, cyberbullying and other offensive content protection (no recommendations)  For more information, we suggest reading a great article titled “5 Steps to a Family-Safe Internet” from Wired Magazine available at  This list has been provided for your convenience, but we do not officially endorse any of these products, nor do we offer tech support on home machines.

28  Very important that phone numbers & email addresses are kept up-to-date  Has been in use for over 2 years now  Uses have been mainly for emergency closings or situations.  This year we have been widening its use to include building & district related events such as this one tonight.

29  Have been using online instead of paper for 2-3 years for some surveys.  Beginning to migrate all surveys to electronic where the links are posted on the District website.  Will be used in the upcoming Parent/Teacher conferences instead of the paper surveys.  This is a great communication and feedback tool as all responses are anonymous.  Results are tabulated instantly as soon as the ‘submit’ button has been pressed.

30  Sandwich District Website  Your child’s school website  Edline, your child’s Edline class website for homework, grades, other resource links.  Google, Yahoo, etc.. An excellent search tool for most any subject.







37 Thank You for attending!

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