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Design III Due today: User Manual Next Class:Pressman 8; Homework #4 Questions? Team Status Reports Design Principles (UI related) Bio Break ( 5 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "Design III Due today: User Manual Next Class:Pressman 8; Homework #4 Questions? Team Status Reports Design Principles (UI related) Bio Break ( 5 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design III Due today: User Manual Next Class:Pressman 8; Homework #4 Questions? Team Status Reports Design Principles (UI related) Bio Break ( 5 minutes ) Design Principles (Architecture related)’s architecture

2 Usability’s Three Golden Rules 1.Place the User in Control 2.Reduce User’s Memory Load 3.Make the Interface Consistent Source: Theo Mandel, cited in Pressman Chap 15

3 1. Place User in Control Mode issues Flexible interaction choices Interruptible and undoable actions Macros for streamlining Hide technical workings … transparency Design direct interaction w/ screen objects

4 2. Reduce User’s Memory Load Reduce short term memory load Establish meaningful defaults Intuitive shortcuts (Alt P for Print) Real world metaphors Progressive disclosure of information

5 3. Make UI Consistent Provide cues for context Cross-application consistency Follow established standards (Alt S is Save)

6 Other UI Design Issues Experts vs. Novices Frequent vs. Occasional Users Importance of Task Analysis Online Help Error Messages Error Checking

7 Design Model Data Design Architectural Design Interface Design Component Design

8 Architecture Design Issues Modularity –Cohesion –Coupling (IBM’s 4* Modules) Flexibility Scalability Reliability Performance Capability

9 Basic Architectural Styles Data-centered Data Flow Call and Return Object Oriented Layered Architecture (See Pressman text for diagrams of these styles)

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