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Control Some Material taken from RobotSubsumption.pdf.

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Presentation on theme: "Control Some Material taken from RobotSubsumption.pdf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control Some Material taken from RobotSubsumption.pdf

2 Remember Where Are We Going? Sumo-Bot competitions

3 Finite State Machine (FSM) Representation Read QTIs backup turn right turn left go forward both low right low left low both high

4 Finite State Machine (FSM) Representation Read SonarGo forward turn left turn right go forward Obj forward Obj right Obj left No Obj

5 FSM Read sonar and set nextState variable Read QTIs and set nextState variable check nextState variable and branch Go forward Go backwards turn teft turn right

6 How to Put It Together? Read sonarGo forward turn right turn left go forward Obj forward Obj rightObj left No Obj Read QTIs backup turn left turn right go forward both low right lowleft lowboth high

7 Program High-Level Outline 1. Declare pin assignments, constants, parameters, and variables 2. Initialize thresholds 3. Wait the required start delay 4. Read boundary line sensors and move accordingly 5. If the boundary line is not detected, read proximity sensor and move accordingly 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until completion

8 Libraries, Pin Assignments, Constants, Parameters, and Variables All global – defined outside of any function The code

9 Setup() and Loop() The code

10 QTI Functions The code

11 Ping Functions The code

12 Putting It all Together Code for the Ping on a revolving turrent Code for a stationary Ping mount

13 Possible Enhancements  Optimize the position of the sensors  Optimize your mechanical design for fighting Design against being pushed out of the ring  Optimize the code to maximize bot performance Evaluate tradeoffs in movement choices and sensor reading Develop a strategy

14 Here are a few strategies demonstrated in videos: Speed off the starting line: Torque and drop downs: Maneuvers: More drop downs: What it’s really like: Strategies

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