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Leadership Session 1. Learning Objectives To understand the theory base for leadership To appreciate how models are used in the workplace To unpack latest.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Session 1. Learning Objectives To understand the theory base for leadership To appreciate how models are used in the workplace To unpack latest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Session 1

2 Learning Objectives To understand the theory base for leadership To appreciate how models are used in the workplace To unpack latest themes in the literature To examine the different ways organisations try to develop leadership

3 What is leadership about? Leadership vs. management? Types of leaders? Born or made? Power? Motivation? Managing interactions?

4 Best boss / worst boss In pairs – characteristics of the best boss you’ve ever had or the worst boss you’ve ever had

5 Definitions “…it is about capturing attention and motivating people to follow your way – your vision and your dreams” (Augier & Teece, 2006) “leadership is the process whereby one person influences others to work towards a goal” (Yulk and VanFleet, 1992)

6 Types of Leader Charismatic –Churchill? Hitler? Traditional –Hereditary Monarchs Situational –Context specific Appointed –Managers Functional –Depends on what the leader does

7 Leadership Theory Great Man Trait Behaviourist/Styles Situational/Contingency Transactional Transformational Dispersed/Distributed leadership

8 Behaviourist Blake & Mouton (1964) Country Club Management Team Management Impoverished Management Authority Obedience Organisation & Management Concern for production Concern for People

9 Situational/contingency leadership Fiedler Contingency Theory –Leader-member relations –Task structure –Position power Hersey & Blanchard –Task behaviour –Relationship behaviour –Maturity

10 The SLII ® Model 5–1 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

11 i–3 The Core Competencies of a Situational Leader Diagnosis –Identify characteristics and needs of four levels of development –Determine needs for direction and support Flexibility –Adjust leadership style when competence or commitment increases or decreases –Be perceived as flexible and effective Partnering for Performance –Something we do with people, not to them! © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

12 Diagnosis The willingness and ability to look at a situation and assess others’ developmental needs in order to decide which leadership style is the most appropriate for the goal or task at hand. 3–1 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

13 Development Level Competence Commitment 3–2

14 3–3 Competence Demonstrated goal- or task-specific knowledge and skills Transferable knowledge and skills © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

15 Commitment Motivation –How interested are they in the task –How enthusiastic are they? –How keen are they to start? Confidence –How do they feel about their own abilities? –How self-assured are they in their own abilities? 3–4 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

16 The Four Development Levels D1 D1—Low competence and high commitment D2 D2—Low to some competence and low commitment D3 D3—Moderate to high competence and variable commitment D4 D4—High competence and high commitment 3–5

17 The Four Development Levels D1 D1—The Enthusiastic Beginner D2 D2—The Disillusioned Learner D3 D3—The Capable, but Cautious, Performer D4 D4—The Self-Reliant Achiever 3–18

18 Motivation v Confidence MotivationConfidenceBehaviour A ↑ X↓X↓ B X↓X↓ ↑ C X↓X↓ X↓X↓ D ↑ ↑ © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

19 Development Levels D4D1D3D2 Commitment Competency © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

20 Flexibility The ability to use a variety of leadership styles comfortably. 4–1 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

21 4–2 Directive Behavior The extent to which a leader –Sets goals and clarifies expectations –Tells and shows an individual what to do, when, and how to do it –Closely supervises, monitors, and evaluates performance © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

22 Directive Behavior Teach Organize Structure Supervise Evaluate 4–3 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

23 4–4 Supportive Behavior The extent to which a leader –Engages in more two-way communication –Listens and provides support and encouragement –Involves the other person in decision making –Encourages and facilitates self-reliant problem solving © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

24 Listen Explain (why) Ask (for input) Nurture / Encourage Facilitate (problem solving) 4–5 Supportive Behavior © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

25 Style 1 4–6 You really want to help others develop their competence! Find something to acknowledge Give direction – show and tell Check for understanding © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

26 4–7 Style 2 You want to show you care! Find something to praise Lead with your ideas and why Consult and listen Make the final decision © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

27 4–8 Style 3 You want others to believe in Themselves! Pull ideas from the individual Listen and encourage Ask open ended questions Hold the individual accountable © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

28 4–9 Style 4 You want others to go beyond the possible! Allow the other person to take the lead Ask to be kept informed Challenge them to excell © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

29 The Four Leadership Styles 4–10 You really want to help others develop their competence! You want to show you care! You want others to go beyond the possible! You want others to believe in Themselves! © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

30 Style 1 for Development Level 1 5–5 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

31 Style 2 for Development Level 2 5–6 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

32 Style 3 for Development Level 3 5–7 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

33 Style 4 for Development Level 4 5–8 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

34 A Leader Has Three Choices Match Oversupervise Undersupervise 5–4 © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

35 Where are the Hot Spots? D4 Hi Comp Hi Comm D3 Hi Comp Var Comm D2 Lo Comp Lo Comm D1 Lo Comp Hi Comm S1 Directing Hi Direction Lo Support S2 Coaching Hi Direction Hi Support S3 Supporting Lo Direction Hi Support S4 Delegating Lo Direction Lo Support MANAGER’S STYLE OF LEADERSHIP FOLLOWERS DEVELOPMENT LEVEL © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

36 Where are the Hot Spots? Too Little S Too Little D X X Too Little D Too Much S Too Little S Too Much S Too Much D X X Too Much D D4 Hi Comp Hi Comm D3 Hi Comp Var Comm D2 Lo Comp Lo Comm D1 Lo Comp Hi Comm S1 Directing Hi Direction Lo Support S2 Coaching Hi Direction Hi Support S3 Supporting Lo Direction Hi Support S4 Delegating Lo Direction Lo Support Over Leading : Leadership style is more than required for the situation Under Leading: Leadership style is less than required for the situation MANAGER’S STYLE OF LEADERSHIP FOLLOWERS DEVELOPMENT LEVEL © 2001 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved.

37 References Augier & Teece (2006) Understanding complex organization: the role of know-how, internal structure, and human behaviour in the evolution of capabilities, Industrial and Corporate Change Vol 15, Issue 2 395-416 Rollinson, Broadfield and Edwards (1998) Organisational behaviour and Analysis (chapter 11 and 12) Blake R. R. & Mouton S. J. (1978) The New Managerial Grid, Houston, TX, Gulf Hersey, P. and Blanchard, K. H, Leadership and the One Minute Manager, William Morrow, 1999 Fiedler, F. (1969) Leadership, A Contingency Model, Organisations and identities Chandler and Barry 1994

38 Until next week…

39 Leadership Session 2

40 Quick review Last time –Theories of Leadership –Situational Leadership Today –Four Circle Model - Climate and Styles –Latest Themes in Literature –Developing Leaders

41 Four Circle Model Job demandsCompetencies Leadership StylesClimate Performance Hay McBer

42 Competencies Motives Values Self image Social Role Skills and Knowledge

43 Four Circle Model Job demandsCompetencies Leadership StylesClimate Performance Hay McBer

44 Leadership Styles Directive Pacesetting Affiliative Visionary Coaching Participative

45 Four Circle Model Job demandsCompetencies Leadership StylesClimate Performance Hay McBer

46 Climate Responsibility Rewards Flexibility Clarity Standards Team Commitment

47 Current themes…. “Leadership is a compelling yet elusive topic” “as a scientific concept, leadership is a mess” (Augier & Teece, 2006)

48 Shifting sands…. “With a shift to team-based knowledge work comes the need to question traditional models of leadership” (Pearce, 2004) “traditional and hierarchical modes of leadership yielding to a different way of working – one based on teamwork and community, one that seeks to involve others in decision making, one strongly based in ethical and caring behaviour…..servant leadership (Spears, 2004)

49 Beyond traditional boundaries… Shared or Democratic forms of leadership –Pearce (2004) – high performing teams display more dispersed leadership patterns –Fullan – leading with moral purpose Partnerships – the power of “we” –Tisch (2004) – partnerships redefine traditional business relationships

50 Themes on the individual…. Emotional intelligence (Goleman; 2004), versatility and resilience (Shatte) –Flexibility and tailoring styles –About knowing and managing yourself (Boyatzis & McKee, 2006)

51 Current themes…. Authentic moral leaders –Verschoor (2006) – good ethics is good business Leadership as a “state of being” –Leaders embark of a developmental cycle of awakenings prompting higher levels of enlightenment (Locander & Leuchauer, 2006)

52 The fundamental state of leadership Leading oneself –“you must be the change you wish to see in the world” Ghandi Grapple with the shadow sides –Empathy is good but cannot replace confrontation with yourself (Badaracco, 2006)

53 Developing Leadership What are we trying to develop? How can we develop it? How do we know if we’ve been successful?

54 Leadership competencies Five forces shape leadership competencies –Global Competition –Information technology –The need for flexible organisations –Teams –Differing Employee Needs –(Barrett & Beeson, 2002)

55 AstraZeneca Leadership Capabilities Provides Clarity About Strategic Direction Ensures Commitment Focuses on Delivery Builds Relationships Develops People Demonstrates Personal Conviction Builds Self Awareness

56 NCSL 17 leadership qualities Analytical thinking Challenge and support Confidence Developing potential Drive for Improvement Holding People Accountable Impact and influence Information seeking Initiative Integrity Personal Convictions Respect for others Strategic thinking Team working Transformational leadership Understanding the Environment Understanding Others

57 Developing Leadership Training is most common developmental practice More effective? –Special projects –Mentors –Personal Coaches –Action Learning Sets –(Pomeroy 2006)

58 Informal Leadership Development Informal –Engaging with texts (Augier & Teece) Reflective Enquiry and Action –(Jentz and Murphy 2005)

59 One Size Fits All? A1 – A3 leadership roles Implications for talent management and succession planning

60 Leadership progression Job ShapeA3A2A1 Strategic Tactical Operational

61 Leadership progression Job ShapeA3A2A1 Strategic Tactical Operational

62 Final thoughts Developers must show ROI What does this mean for movement towards ethical and moral leadership?

63 References… Succession management: Trends and current practice Busine and Watt Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources.2005; 43: 225-23 Pomeroy (2006) Jentz, B. & Wofford, J. (2006) Leadership and Learning: Personal Change in a Professional Setting

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