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Compound Sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Compound Sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compound Sentences

2 Compound Sentence SV+,CSV+.
Subject verb additional words comma coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) subject verb additional words end mark

3 SV+,CSV+. Subjects are always a NOUN or PRONOUN
Always use a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) to combine sentences when writing a compound sentence

4 Compound Sentence For = works like the word “because”
And = in addition to Nor = works like the word “neither” But = except Or = a choice is given Yet = even though So = because of that this happened

5 Same Subject Compound sentences can be written using same subjects on both sides of the comma and conjunction Ex: Sally went to the dance, and noun she had a great time. pronoun The 2nd subject with ALWAYS be a pronoun

6 Different Subject Compound sentences can be written with different subjects on both sides of the comma and conjunction Ex: Sally went to the dance, but 1st noun Jason decided to stay home. 2nd noun Notice that the subjects in each independent clause (SV+) is different

7 Now let’s try writing some together

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