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Bridging Teaching & Learning through Undergraduate & Faculty Teaching Partnerships Anna L. Ball & Neil A. Knobloch University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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2 Bridging Teaching & Learning through Undergraduate & Faculty Teaching Partnerships Anna L. Ball & Neil A. Knobloch University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

3 The UFTP Grant Project…… Bridging Undergraduates &Faculty

4 Credits Anna L. Ball, Lead PI Neil A. Knobloch, Co-PI Kara Butters, Research Assistant Advisory Committee  Kirby Barrick, UF  Jimmy Cheek, UF  L.H. Newcomb, OSU USDA HEC Grant 2005-38411-15866

5 Overview Reflection on teaching  15 minute Break UFTP models  30 minute Lunch UFTP award of innovation proposals

6 Assumptions & Expectations Assumptions “Good” teacher Open to new ideas Reflective practitioner Expectations Interaction and discussion Cooperative learning and peer teaching Ask questions

7 Introductions and Reflection on Teaching Interview and introduce table by:  Name, rank, department  Class they are teaching  What they do well  Opportunities for development

8 Learner-centered teachers need more time to..... Develop innovative teaching ideas/approaches Manage cooperative learning groups in class Mentor learners’ out-of-class projects Measure impact, reflect, and re-design

9 Objectives Deeper understanding of teaching practice Identify UFTP’s, benefits, & challenges Develop model of UFTP in your teaching

10 An UFTP..…… Occurs when an undergraduate student is given a portion of the teaching responsibilities within a course (Miller, Grocia, & Miller, 2001) Other terms?

11 UFTP’s Vary by…… Function: What is the teaching role or capacity of the peer educator? Responsibilities: What tasks do the peer educators perform? Target Audience: Who are the learners? Connection: What is the educational setting?

12 Cooperative Learning/Peer Teaching Read article individually (5 min.) Analyze in groups and organize content presentations (15 min.) Present UFTP info to large group (5 min.)

13 Lunch 30 min After lunch  You will work on developing a draft outline of a proposal  Answer FAQ and your questions about the RFP  There will be a door prize (who will be the lucky winner?)

14 Core Components of UFTP Function  Individual students (mentors, tutors)  Small groups of students (co-operative, problem- based)  Lab/discussion sections  Entire class Responsibilities  Course logistics  Grading  Office hours  Tutoring  Feedback  Curriculum design  Facilitation  Training others

15 Core Components cont…. Target Audience  Remedial programs  1 st year students  Gen. ed. Courses  Faculty  Adult students  Honors courses Connection  In-class  Out-of-class  Attached to course  Unattached to course  Distance education

16 Benefits Faculty  Productivity  New perspective on teaching  Focus to design, development, and mentorship Peer Educator  Responsibility  Leadership skills  Deeper learning and professional development Student  Cognitive and affective gains in instruction  More motivated  Connected to a learning community

17 Planning Considerations Selection  Application  Interview  Nomination  Volunteer Compensation  Volunteer experience  Service learning  Academic credit  Pay Training  Pre-semester  During semester  Designated course  University workshops Mentoring  Clearly defined roles  Clearly defined outcomes  Performance evaluations  Timely feedback

18 Award Application Ten--$5,000 Awards for Innovative UFTP’s Faculty teaching undergraduates Food and agricultural sciences disciplines Implement Fall Semester, 2006 or Spring, 2007 Evaluate impact of project Budget to present results at 2008 NACTA conference

19 An UFTP……. Connected to curriculum Supports learner-centered teaching Bridges students and faculty through peer educators Shared responsibility for instruction Aims to benefit student learning and development

20 Questions?

21 UFTP Resources Miller, J.E., Groccia, J.E., & Miller, M.S. (2001). Student-Assisted Teaching, A Guide to Faculty-Student Teamwork, Anker Publishing, Bolton, MA. UFTP Website at LCT Website at http://lct.aces.uiuc.edu Anna Ball,

22 Let’s wrap up! Opportunity to ask individual questions Collaborate with a partner Then, let’s conclude with  Workshop Evaluation  Door Prize

23 Think about the bridges you will build using…… Please complete the workshop evaluation. Thank-you!

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