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NBC2 Builds the Biomanufacturing Infrastructure for the Bioeconomy Sonia Wallman Executive Director NBC2.

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Presentation on theme: "NBC2 Builds the Biomanufacturing Infrastructure for the Bioeconomy Sonia Wallman Executive Director NBC2."— Presentation transcript:

1 NBC2 Builds the Biomanufacturing Infrastructure for the Bioeconomy Sonia Wallman Executive Director NBC2

2 What is Biomanufacturing? “Biomanufacturing… It is about 21 st century advanced technology manufacturing inside living cells” -NSF Proposal 0903208

3 NBC2 Hub Partners  Minuteman Regional High School, Lexington, MA  Finger Lakes Community College, Canandaigua, NY  Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, MD  Baltimore County Community College, Catonsville, MD  Alamance Community College, Graham, GA  Ivy Tech Community College, Bloomington, IN  Mira Costa College, Oceanside, CA

4 Community College - Biomanufacturer Partner: Mount Wachusett Community College - BMS  Sought NBC 2 help from the time there was talk that a biopharmaceutical biomanufacturer was thinking of locating at Devens, MA (old military base).  Campus engineer and architect of the proposed biotechnology/biomanufacturing laboratories to GBCC to view set-up for biotech research, development and biomanufacturing.  Richard Elmer, Manager of Learning and Development at BMS, to GBCC to see biotech/biomanufacturing facility and discuss NBC 2 biomanufacturing hands-on curriculum.  Mount Wachusett adopted GBCC biotech/biomanufacturing facility set-up and equipment.  Once lab built, adopted NBC 2 hands-on biomanufacturing curriculum for first biomanufacturing class in Spring 2009.  Mount Wachusett is customizing the NBC 2 hands-on laboratory curriculum for second biomanufacturing class this Spring 2010.  NBC 2 will publish the Mount Wachusett version of the NBC 2 hands-on laboratory curriculum at  Mount Wachusett is helping NBC 2 evaluate the online Virtual Chromatography Laboratory curriculum to support the actual hands-on NBC 2 Chromatography SOPs.

5 Importance of Industry Partners  Advisory Board member  Provides understanding of local/global industry  Lectures in class and trouble shoots in lab  Provides tours, apprenticeships or internships  Donates plastic ware (including filters, test tubes) and expired media, buffers, and reagents  Provides help with curriculum development  Participates in career fairs  Provides finder fee for employing successful student graduate

6 Curriculum  Biomanufacturing Laboratory Manual  Introduction to Biomanufacturing textbook  Biofuels Production and Analysis textbook  Biofuels Laboratory Manual  Virtual laboratory and industrial scale biomanufacturing modules  Adult certificate course in biomanufacturing  Protein is Cash laboratory manual

7 Biomanufacturing Laboratory Manual  Generic  Custom  CHO – tPA  Pichia pastoris - HSA  Protein is Cash

8 GBC Generic Laboratory Manual Metrology: SOPs for Equipment Validation Protocols EH&S Program Quality Assurance: cGMP, SOPs, Batch Records, Equipment Logs Quality Control Microbiology SOPs Upstream Processing SOPs: E. coli recombinant for GFP, CHO recombinant for tPA Cell Culture, Pichia pastoris recombinant for HSA Cell Culture Downstream Processing SOPs: Purification of human tPA from CHO Cell Culture Purification of human serum albumin from Pichia pastoris Cell Culture Quality Control Biochemistry SOPs: SDS- PAGE, tPA and HSA ELISAs

9 NBC 2 Biomanufacturing Laboratory Manual Adopters Mount Wachusett Community College (BMS is biomanufacturer partner) Minuteman Regional High School Adult Evening Program (Shire is biomanufacturer partner) Hudson Valley Community College (Regeneron is biomanufacturer partner) Great Bay Community College (Lonza and Stryker are biomanufacturer partners) Montgomery County Community College (Centocor) Hagerstown Community College (MedImmune)

10 Introduction to Biomanufacturing Authored by Industry Experts 11 chapters Piloted in Spring 2011 Industry interest Scheduled for release, fall 2011

11 Introduction to Biomanufacturing Engineering Operational Excellence Marti Mathews, Biogen Idec Facilities Brian Shingle, Centocor Metrology Gene Kernan, HGSI Validation Patrick Sheehy, HGSI EH&S John Piampiano, Kodak Production Upstream Processing Olga Mollin, Lonza Jane Flanagan, Lonza Downstream Processing Paul O’Neil, Pall Euroflow Process Development Ezster Birck Wilson Quality Quality Assurance Cynthia Sarnoski Frank Hallinan, Pfizer Ron Hudcosky, Merck Microbial Control John Hasyn, MCCC QC Biochemistry Mary Harne, HGSI Zhenhong Lee, HGSI

12 Biofuels Curricula

13 Biofuels Production and Analysis Introduction Energy Fuels Gases Molecules & Biomass Enzymes Photosynthesis and Algae Biofuels

14 Biofuels Laboratory Manual Introduction to Biofuels Production Using Cellulosic Enzymes to Produce Bioethanol Using Bacteria to Produce Biohydrogen Using Algae to Produce Biodiesel

15 Protein is Cash Laboratory Manual – Metrology – Transformation – Upstream processing – Downstream processing – Qualitative analysis – Introduction to Cellulosic Biofuels Can be found at:

16 Biomanufacturing Certificate Course  12 week course  Meeting 5 days a week  With a 6 hour lecture and lab each day  Mix of Protein is Cash and selected laboratory- scale SOPs from the generic laboratory manual  Virtual laboratory and industrial scale biomanufacturing modules - blended learning  Online lecture series is next step

17 Promoting Biomanufacturing Careers: Biomanufacturing Apprenticeships Joe was an apprentice at Lonza in the first year of his Biotechnology Associate’s degree from GBCC in 2008. With 12 credits transferred in from college classes taken in high school (Running Start), he graduated early and worked at Lonza prior to attending UMBC this Fall 2009.

18 Protein is Cash Adult Certificate Program (Details) WeekLectureLaboratory Work 1Intro to Biotech/Biomanufacturing & GMPDocumentation of Work GMP Activities Metrology : Introduction to Precision and Accuracy Balances, Micropipets 2Upstream Processing: Basic Cell Structure Microbes vs animal cells Cell Growth Sterile Techniques Media Preparation (liquid and plates) Antibiotic sensitivity 3Upstream Processing and Genetic Transformation of DNA; Protein Characteristics Use of Balance and Autoclave Validation of Sterilization 4Upstream Processing : Cell Culture, Scale-Up, Monitoring of Cell Growth, Harvest Determination of Live Cell Number and OD

19 weeklectureLaboratory Work 5Downstream Processing Methods of Purification Harvest and Centrifugation TFF concentration of product 6Solution Preparation and pH Determinations Salt and pH effect on proteins in solution; Use of the pH meter Preparation of buffer solutions 7-8Purification of Product by Chromatography Techniques Size exclusion, hydrophobic interaction, Ion exchange 9Qualitative Analysis of Purity of Product PAGE analysis of product purity ELISA /product identification 10Documentation of Products by Batch Records, Final Formulation FDA and Drug Approval Calculation of total yield of product FDA review process for Drug Approval 11Use of laboratory sized process controlled bioreactor Growth of cells in bioreactor P.pastori s cell production of HSA 12Use of laboratory sized Process controlled LC Use of LC process for automated purification of HSA by Affinity Chromatography

20 Virtual Chromatography – The Power of Interactive Visualization in Understanding a STEM Field of Study  Understanding the physics, chemistry and biology of the chromatographic system and the binding of the protein of interest to the chromatographic matrix or beads (Science)  Understanding the design and operation of chromatography components and of the chromatographic process (Technology and Engineering).  Understanding the calculations needed to run the chromatographic system (column volume) and the measurements on chromatograms needed to calculate the HETP, number of theoretical plates, retention time, and resolution (Mathematics).

21 Actual BioLogic System Complex System Not easy to ‘see’ interaction of components Students use virtual system to prepare to use actual system Use virtual system for BIOMANonline System same as industrial chromatography skid

22 Chromatography Skid – Components Engineering and Advanced Technology A screenshot of the Virtual Liquid Chromatography Laboratory. 3D images of major system components are delivered as you click on them.

23 Chromatography Skid – Controller Engineering and Advanced Technology The Virtual Liquid Chromatography Laboratory showing the interactive controller which enables students to operate the system and set process parameters.

24 Chromatography Skid – Chromatogram with Mathematics The Virtual Chromatography Laboratory teaches students how to make calculations on chromatograms such as the efficiency of column packing (HETP).

25 Chromatography Skid – Chromatography Science and Technology The Virtual Chromatography Laboratory showing the operation of the chromatography system during the ‘load’ phase, the chromatogram showing the flow through of proteins that do not attach to the chromatographic matrix, and a nanoscale view inside the column of the affinity bead with the protein of interest in the filtrate (green) attached and proteins not specific for the bead flowing through the column.

26 Chromatography Skid – Chromatography Science and Technology The Virtual Chromatography Laboratory showing the operation of the chromatography system during the ‘elution’ phase, the chromatogram showing the beginning of the peak of the protein of interest, and a nanoscale view inside the column of the affinity bead showing the protein of interest detaching from the bead as the elution buffer (red) moves through the column.

27 Downstream Processing Equipment Similarities Lab Scale Chromatography System Large Scale Chromatography System

28 Access to Virtual Modules









37 Professional Development for Faculty, Teachers and Students  BIOMAN Annual Conference in July – July 2012 at Alamance CC in Graham, North Carolina  Community College Program at BIO International Annual Meeting – June 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts  Protein is Cash Teachers Workshops – now scheduling for Spring and Summer 2012

38 BIOMAN  BIOMAN is the NBC 2 ’s annual Biomanufacturing Conference. About 45 faculty, teachers, and technician from the US and Puerto Rico (and about 25 industry presenters) attended BIOMAN 2006 and 2007 in Portsmouth, NH; BIOMAN 2008 in Blue Bell, PA; BIOMAN 2009 in Rochester, NY; 2010 in Bloomington, IL; and 2011 in San Diego.  BIOMAN features keynote lectures, panels, hands-on workshops, a vendor show and a tour of a biomanufacturing facility. Photo Bubble Bioreactor BIOMAN 2012

39 BIOMAN 2012 in San Diego Biohydrogen from BacteriaMaking tPA in CHO Cells

40 Protein is Cash Five Days/Five Topics Metrology Transformation and Upstream Processing Downstream Processing (Chromatography) Quality Control Biochemistry Cellulosic Biofuels Laboratory Online support at

41 Protein is Cash  Raise awareness about biomanufacturing by presentation of Protein is Cash biomanufacturing workshops throughout the alliances  Increase and solidify relationships among community colleges and high school teachers  Provide biomanufacturing career path information via education and industry presentations and tour  Provide theory and hands-on curriculum for use by teachers and an online support site at

42 Protein is Cash 2010 LocationDateTeachers Attending Biotechnology Center URI Providence, RI March 6,13,20,27 & April 1019 Hudson Valley CC Albany, NY March 22-2523 Minuteman Career & Tech HS Lexington, MA April 20-2314 Hillsborough CC Tampa, FL June 14-1829 Mesa CC Mesa, Arizona June 22-2610 Great Bay CC Portsmouth, NH June 28-July 28 Total number = 103 teachers

43 Protein is Cash 2010 Minuteman Career and Technical HS QC Biochemistry – SDS PAGE

44 Protein is Cash 2011 LocationDateTeachers Attending Hillsborough CC Brandon, FL March 19 12 Hudson Valley CC Troy, NY March 21-24 16 Houston CC Houston, Texas June 13-17 - Middlesex CC Edison, NJ June 27- July 1 14 Blue Grass CTC Lexington, KY July 18-22 17 Middlesex CC Lowell, MA August 8-12 12 Total number = 71 teachers

45 Protein is Cash 2011 GFP Column Chromatorgraphy at Blue Grass CTC Alltech Tour: The Future Farm Nutritional Genomics

46 Website for Dissemination

47 Web Statistics

48 Helping You  Visit the website  Get in touch:  Get in touch with a hub director in your region (see folders for hubs)  Attend BIOMAN, CCP at BIO or Bio-Link  Sign up for a Protein is Cash Teachers Workshop

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