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NIH’s schedule for MANDATORY electronic submission of applications:  December 15, 2005 --Support for Conferences & Scientific Meetings (R13 & U13)  June.

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Presentation on theme: "NIH’s schedule for MANDATORY electronic submission of applications:  December 15, 2005 --Support for Conferences & Scientific Meetings (R13 & U13)  June."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIH’s schedule for MANDATORY electronic submission of applications:  December 15, 2005 --Support for Conferences & Scientific Meetings (R13 & U13)  June 1, 2006 --Small Grant Programs (R03) & Exploratory/Development Research Grant Awards (R21)  October 1, 2006 --Research Project Grant Program (R01)

2 Significant changes The good news: new forms, generally easier to use than current PHS 398 forms. All text is uploaded in PDFs. The bad news: submissions to must be in PureEdge software, which is not Mac-compatible. The promising news: Dartmouth’s SRS and system-to- system data stream. The ugly news: OSP must receive COMPLETE applications AT LEAST 7 days prior to the application deadline.

3 Where to Start  Register at eRA Commons: ( ) to complete or update a profile.  Go to ( to download and install the PureEdge Viewer (note there is no registration process).

4 Where to Start (cont.)  To work on a proposal: identify the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) on;identify the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) on; download both the application package and the announcement/instructions, and;download both the application package and the announcement/instructions, and; save the files on your hard the files on your hard drive.  NIH is aware of “unsolicited” proposals and will provide “generic” FOAs at a later date.

5 What’s new: PureEdge In general:  Selecting the "close form" button saves the information entered in the form.  Blanks requiring information are shaded in yellow (but there are exceptions, ie., the PI's NIH Commons User ID in the field called "Credential, e.g. agency login" in the "Profile – Project Director/Principal Investigator“—details follow).  Errors MUST be corrected before an application is assigned to reviewers.  Warnings will not prohibit the assignment of an application for review, but OSP recommends that applications respond to these messages.

6 Budgets:  Personnel time is no longer expressed as "% effort" but in "person months".  There are new forms for detailed budgets. A detailed budget must be submitted for each year of the project: no summary budget page (like fp5) for the entire project period.  There are new forms for modular budgets. A modular budget must be submitted for each year of the project; the system will generate the cumulative budget for the entire project period.  Both are easier to complete than the current forms!

7 SF 424 R&R:  1. Type of application: check "corrected" only if the application is resubmitted according to the NIH validation process.  5. The applicant is "Trustees of Dartmouth College". As with the PHS 398, there is a partially completed, MODEL face page available at the OSP website.  8. Choosing "Type of application“, DO NOT select "continuation" for an NIH competing continuation application, rather select "renewal". Select "resubmission" for submitting a revised application. Select "revised" for "supplement" applications or other changes to terms and conditions of the original award (ie., increases or decreases in budget or project period).  10. Ignore the blank for CFDA number.  12. Enter "n/a".  There are two pages for the face page now; budget information is entered on the second page.

8  All narratives are uploaded as PDFs (produced with Adobe Acrobat). The eRA system will add the headers (PI name) & footers (page numbers) on all pages.  The abstract/project summary is uploaded as a PDF in the "Research Related Other Project Information" form.  The statement of the proposed project's relevance to public health, in lay language ("Project Narrative"), is a SEPARATE PDF.

9 Research Related Other Project Information form Additional information submitted on this form:  Identification of proprietary information  Project's environmental impact.  Literature cited (previously section G of the Research Plan)  Facilities and Other Resources (ie., Laboratory, Animal, Computer, Office, Clinical and Other)  Equipment (SEPARATE PDF).  IGNORE "other attachments".

10 "Research Related Senior/Key Person Profile" form  Enter the PI's Commons User ID in the field called "Credential, e.g. agency login." This blank is NOT highlighted in yellow.  IGNORE "current and pending support”.

11 Research Plan Each part of the research plan (Introduction for Resubmissions, Specific Aims, Background and Significance, Preliminary Studies/Progress Report, Research Design and Methods) is uploaded as a SEPARATE PDF, however the text will be combined for the applicable page limit for sections 2-5. There may be modifications to these instructions in specific PAs and RFAs.

12 eSubmission  OSP will conduct the same review as always before approving and submitting the application in PureEdge through  will perform a brief validation of the face page, requesting corrections when necessary, before forwarding the approved application to NIH.

13 eSubmissions, con.  NIH will perform a more extensive validation, requesting corrections when necessary. The PI must make the necessary corrections and resubmit the application before the due date or the application will be considered late.  Once NIH has approved the application, the PI must check the appearance of the application at the NIH eRA (electronic Research Administration) Commons web site ( and accept it via an e-mail message to NIH.  Bottom line: the PI should not submit an application to NIH and disappear immediately. The PI must be available to correspond with NIH for a few days after the e-submission.

14 OSP advises…  All PIs must register with the NIH eRA Commons, if not already registered; the first step is to contact OSP by e-mail (  Complete the PI profile at the NIH eRA Commons and keep it up to date. NIH will compare the information on electronic applications to the PI’s stored profile and the information must match! If necessary, delegate the task of updating your profile to a responsible staff member (accomplished through NIH eRA Commons).  At the web site (, identify your solicitation and download the related PureEdge application package.  Plan ahead! COMPLETE applications should be submitted to by OSP five (5) working day prior to any deadline, hence OSP must receive COMPLETE applications AT LEAST 7 WORKING 7 DAYS prior to any deadline.

15 Additional support  NIH website: training, samples, FAQs:  Marcia Hahn’s video: highly recommended.  Visit site frequently for updates.  NIH webcast, January 11, 2006.  OSP hands-on training sessions in Bldg. 37 instructional center.

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