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Mars or Bust Preliminary Design Review 12/8/03
2 ASEN 4158/5158 Design of Martian habitat Based on the Design Reference Mission (DRM) from NASA [Hoffman and Kaplan, 1997; Drake, 1998] –Overall plan for a human Mars mission –Gives outline but no detail –Top level requirements Modified to narrow scope of project
3 DRM Schedule
5 Key Assumptions for Design Only first Surface Habitat (Hab-1) –Designed for Mars gravity Focusing on surface operations –Launch, transit, Mars entry not designed Interfaces with external equipment –Rovers, power supply, ISRU unit Crew will use Habitat on arrival
6 Overall Project Goal Establish a Martian Habitat capable of supporting humans Level 1 Requirements –Support crew of 6 –Support 600 day stay without re-supply –Maintain health and safety of crew –Minimize dependency on Earth [DRM]
7 Key Level 1 Requirements 80 metric ton launch vehicle –Recommended Total Habitat Mass < 34,000 kg (includes payload) Deploys 2 years before first crew Standby mode for 10 months between crews Mission critical: 2-level redundancy Life critical: 3-level redundancy Integrate In-Situ Resource Utilization System
8 Organizational Chart Project Manager Systems Engineering and Integration Structures CCC ECLSS EVAS Robotics and Automation Power Thermal Mission Operations ISRU Crew Accom.
9 Systems Engineering and Integration Team Primary: –Juniper Jairala –Tim Lloyd –Tyman Stephens Support: –Jeff Fehring –Keith Morris –Meridee Silbaugh
10 Systems Engineering and Integration Responsibilities Establish habitat system requirements Delegate top-level subsystem requirements Review and reconcile all subsystem design specifications Ensure that all habitat subsystem requirements are met Ensure proper subsystem interfaces
11 Key Design Drivers Design rationale Human factors & automation Preliminary subsystem integration 10.2 psi habitat Light delay Minimize mass
12 DRM Mass Recommendations SubsystemMass Estimate [kg] Structure20,744 Power3250 ECLSS4661 Thermal550 Crew Accommodations5000 C3C3 320 EVAS1629 Total34,000
14 Mission Operations Team Primary: Christie Sauers Support: Tim Lloyd Tyman Stephens
15 Mission Ops Responsibilities Identify and coordinate crew operations Create and modify the operations schedule Support the mission objectives through crew activities Establish clear hardware operational requirements and facilitate changes Identify and deliver relevant system status data to onboard crew Develop procedures for failure scenarios Respond to unexpected off-nominal conditions
16 Mission Ops Level 2 Requirements Operate & maintain surface systems Support crew operations for entire mission –Programmatic activities –Planning, long-term and real-time* Ease of learning/similar subsystems* Create and maintain computer/video library Encourage smart habitat/automation* –Utilize auto fault detection and correction* Minimize dependence on Earth* * From DRM
17 Primary design drivers –Consider human factors from the beginning A growing concern in manned mission design –Communication delay with Earth Ensure that all tasks are completed without dependence on Earth control Mission Ops/ CA Design Rationale
18 Results of MO Integration Hab at 10.2 psi –EVA protocol time considerations Structural Layout –On side = fewer stairs, open layout, emergency egress C 3 data flow driven by Mission Ops Hardware choices –Radiators will be chosen to minimize maintenance Cleaning sand, etc
19 Representative Mission Ops Operations List
20 Representative Subsystem Operations List
21 Mission Ops Representative Daily Timeline
22 MO Verification of Requirements
23 Future Considerations Alternate Implementations –Increase Automation Develop Documentation –Proficiency Training Tools –Operational Procedures –System Manuals/Tutorials –Troubleshooting Library –Malfunction Procedures –Flight Data File Templates Training –Crew –Earth support team Continue Iterations
24 Lessons Learned Operations List is key –Drives scheduling, mission and hardware designs
25 Mars Environment and In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Team Primary Heather Chluda Support Keagan Rowley Keric Hill
26 Mars Environment Summary Responsible for collecting data on the Mars Environment Provides a consistent data set on the Mars Environment for the Habitat design group to use. Thermal, Radiation, Pressure, Atmosphere, Wind, etc.
27 Characteristics of the Mars Surface Environment Low gravity ~1/3 of Earth’s Low atmospheric pressure ~1% of Earth’s Cold and dry Windy Lots of Fine Dust More Radiation Less sunlight Day length about the same as Earth
28 Temperature Daily variation at Viking Lander sites: ~60°C Seasonal variation for low temperature: -107 to -18°C []
29 Radiation Skin dose on Mars surface would be about 30 rem/yr during high solar activity –about 5 rem/year from Solar Proton Events –about 25 rem/year from Galactic Cosmic rays In Colorado, we get about 0.36 rem/yr The limit for skin dose established for astronauts in Low Earth Orbit is 300 rem/yr.
30 Martian Atmospheric Constituents [Larson and Pranke, 2000]
31 Future Considerations More detailed temperature and radiation data for specific landing site Determination of topography of landing site and exploration area More detailed information from upcoming Mars missions
32 In-Situ Resource Utilization Subsystem Summary Demonstrate the use of all possible Martian resources for future missions Responsible for interface between habitat and ISRU plant ISRU will provide additional oxygen, nitrogen, and water for habitat use Non-critical system (i.e. No backups) –Demonstration of the ISRU plant consumable production will be a key driver for future missions
33 ISRU Level 2 Requirements Provide additional oxygen, nitrogen, and water for the Habitat (from byproducts of propellant production) All Interfaces for the ISRU shall tolerate leaks within limits Propellant production shall be automated Acceptable temperatures shall be maintained in all interfaces (pipes, valves, and connections) Storage interfaces must be compatible with Habitat Pumping systems shall have adequate power to transport oxygen, nitrogen and water to the Habitat Piping must have adequate protection for Mars Environment Interfaces to Habitat storage tanks and ISRU tanks can be performed using robots or humans
35 ISRU Subsystem Schematic
36 ISRU Requirement Verification
37 ISRU Plant Trade Study ISRU Plant Type W/kg of product ProductsAdvantagesDisadvantages Zirconia Electrolysis 1710O2O2 Simple operationMany fragile tubes required Sabatier Electrolysis 307CH 4 O 2 (H 2 O) High I sp Requires H 2 Cryogenic Storage Non-ideal mixture ratio RWGS Methane 307CH 4 O 2 (H 2 O) Ideal mixture ratioRequires H 2 Cryogenic Storage RWGS Ethylene 120C 2 H 4 O 2 (H 2 O) Non-cryogenic High I sp Requires ½ x H 2 RWGS Methanol 120CH 3 OH O 2 (H 2 O) Non-cryogenic Low flame Temp. Requires 2 x H 2 Lower I sp DRM uses Sabatier Electrolysis and RWGS Methane processes Future design iterations should consider using other propellant production methods
38 Future Considerations Use Martian soil as building material for Radiation shielding –Safe haven soil shelter designs Consider more efficient ISRU plant methods for propellant and consumable production Mass benefits of using ISRU plant for consumables on future missions
39 Structures Subsystem Team Primary: –Jeff Fehring –Eric Schleicher Support: –Jen Uchida –Sam Baker
40 Structures Responsibilities Overall layout Volume allocation Pressurized volume Physically support all subsystems Radiation shielding Micro-meteoroid shielding Withstand all loading environments
41 Structures Level 2 Requirements Fit within the dynamic envelope of the launch vehicle –Launch Shroud Diameter = 7.5 m –Length = 16.3 m Structurally sound in all load environments –Acceleration –Vibration –Pressure Easily repairable Stably support all other systems Interface with other systems Structures Mass < 20744 kg
43 Structures Overview Pressure Shell Radiator Airlock Horizontal Orientation –Emergency exit –Stability –Expansion Challenges –Landing/Setup –Center of Mass –Using volume efficiently Internal truss structure Chassis, Wheels, Supports (not shown)
44 Overall Layout Airlock Safe Haven Storage Med. Suite Lab Stairs Airlock Kitchen/ Crew Accom. Storage Hygiene Top Floor Bottom Floor Personal Space –Bed –Storage –Desk Safe Haven –C 3 Airlock Space –Lab –Exercise –Recreation Volume = 615 m 3 Empty = 215 m 3
45 Volume Comparison Habitat Volume = 615 m3 –Usable = 215 m3 Integrity Volume = Aurora Volume = ISS Volume = Explore Mars Now Mars Desert Research Station Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station = Submarine Biosphere Shuttle MOB
46 Structure Sizing Rationale Aluminum –High strength-weight ratio –Ease of Manufacturing Hollow Cylinder –Mass efficient –Column –Truss members Assume –Atlas V launch loads (5 g’s) –Mars Gravity = 3.758 m/s 2 P t r L P*r σ y t = [] [Larson and Pranke, 2000]
47 Requirements Verification
48 Future Considerations Design for launch loads from Magnum vehicle Balance Habitat for launch Optimize truss structure Fully design supports for all components Define setup procedure/mechanism
49 Power Distribution and Allocation Subsystem Team Primary: –Tom White –Jen Uchida Support: –Nancy Kungsakawin –Eric Dekruif
50 Power Responsibilities Interface with the nuclear power source and other external equipment Safely manage and distribute power throughout Martian habitat
51 Level 2 Requirements Supply and transfer power to the habitat from the nuclear reactor (DRM) Supply power with 3-level redundancy (Derived) Distribute power on a multi-bus system (Derived) Provide an emergency power cutoff (Derived) Mass must not exceed 3249 kg (including in- transit power) (DRM)
53 Overview of System - Power Profile
54 System Schematic Reactor Charge Control Storage Conditioning Regulation Distribution ECLSSThermal EVAS Robotics Structures Mission Ops CCC Life/Mission Critical Sys. Reactor Bus 3 Bus 2 Bus 1
55 Requirements Verification
56 Future Considerations More detailed power profile Specified hardware Decrease system mass Electromagnetic interference
57 Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLSS) Team Primary –Teresa Ellis –Nancy Kungsakawin –Meridee Silbaugh Support –Bronson Duenas –Juniper Jairala –Christie Sauers
58 ECLSS Responsibilities Provide a physiologically acceptable environment for humans to survive and maintain health Provide and manage the following: Environmental conditions Food Water Waste
59 ECLSS Level 2 Requirements Provide adequate atmosphere (derived) Gas storage (derived) Provide Trace Contaminant Control (derived) Provide Temperature and Humidity Control (derived) Fire Detection and Suppression (derived) Provide potable water (derived) Provide hygiene water (derived) Provide food (derived) Collect and store wastes (derived) Targeted mass of 4661 kg for the technologies (not including consumable) (DRM)
61 Human Inputs and Outputs O 2 0.636 – 1 kg/p/d Potable H 2 O 2.27 – 3.63 kg/p/d Food (dry ashes based) 0.5 – 0.863 kg/p/d (2200 kCal/p/d) Hygiene H 2 O 1.36 – 9 kg/p/d N2N2 Heat 0.1 kW/p/d CO 2 0.726 – 1.226 kg/p/d Respired & Perspired H 2 O 2.28 kg/p/d Sweat Solids 0.02 kg/p/d Urine (solid & liquid) 1.27 – 2.27 kg/p/d Feces (solids & liquids) 0.12 kg/p/d Atmosphere System Water System Waste System Food System * All information is from Spaceflight Life Support and Biospherics, Eckart (1994)
62 Atmospheric System Design crew cabin cabin leakage N 2 & O 2 O2O2 N 2 storage tanks EDC N2N2 FDS To: hygiene water tank T&H control H2OH2O To: vent CO 2 To: trash compactor SPWE TCCA To: ISRU H 2 H 2 & O 2 From: H 2 O tank SPWE = Solid Polymer Water Electrolysis EDC = Electrochemical depolarized concentrator
63 Water System Design VCD = Vapor Compression Distillation AES = Air Evaporation System MCV = Microbial Check Valves RO = Reverse Osmosis
64 Food System Design To: trash compactor Waste potable water microwave water Kitchen (Crew Accommodation) food & drink food waste & packaging food storage H2OH2O refrigerator Food Note: Refrigerator in Crew Accommodation is not for food storage
65 Waste System Design To: waste water tank feces Commode Urinal compactor From: TCCA food trash microfiltration VCD trash fecal storage solid waste storage compactor urine H2OH2O
66 Representative of Operation Fecal matter Storage outside the habitat ( for future usage) Crew member dumps non-fecal trash Air Lock Commode with built-in Fecal Compactor Feces in UV-degradable bags Feces in Storage bags EVA dump UV Compactor Compacted Trash Trash in Storage bags Crew member is taking out the trash Non-Fecal matter Storage Structure outside the habitat
67 ECLSS Integrated Design
68 Requirements Verification
69 Future Considerations More detailed calculations of consumables Consider other technologies that currently have low TRL which will lead to more trade study (ex. Waste Management) More research on information about the technologies (M,P,V, FMEA (affect the mass), safety etc.) Optimize the integrated design to minimize power, mass, volume Consider other psychological effects which will factor into the design of the ECLSS subsystem (type of food, location of each subsystem and waste processing procedure etc.)
70 Thermal Control Subsystem Team Primary –Keagan Rowley –Sam Baker Support –Heather Chluda –Heather Howard
71 Thermal System Requirements Maintain a heat balance with all subsystems over all Martian temperature extremes (derived) Keep equipment within operating limits (derived) Must be autonomous (DRM) Accommodate transit to Mars (derived) Auto-deploy and activate if it is inactive during transit (derived) Report status for communication to Earth at all times (for safety concerns) (derived) Mass shall not exceed 5000 kg (Derived) Thermal Protections System shall be provided by the launch shroud system (Derived)
72 Thermal I/O Diagram
73 Design Drivers and Scenarios Heat Load Balance Heat Rejection Capacity Peak Power Mars Environment Transit to Mars Hot - Hot –Occurs on hottest day – Peak power usage –No structure heat losses –Crew highest metabolic output Cold - Cold –Occurs on coldest day –Minimal power usage –Maximum structure heat losses –No crew
74 Thermal Schematic
75 Thermal Heat Balance Equations Est. Heat Load = Power Load + Human Load + Structures Load Heat Load = 1.15*Est. Heat load (degradation) Total Heat Load = 1.1*Heat Load (safety factor) Total Heat Load = 39 KW
76 Area of Radiators Q = 39000 W = 5.67e-8 W/(m 2 K 4 ) = 0.9, = 0.85 T r = 290 K, T e = 263 K A = 391.9 m 2 Human Spaceflight pp 519 - 524
77 Mass and Vol. of Radiators Mass: 8.5 kg/m 2 for two sided deployable Volume: 0.06 m 3 /m 2 for two sided deployable Require deployable radiators due to transit stowage and need for autonomous set up on Mars surface Mass = 8.5 * Area = 8.5 * 391.9 Mass = 3330.9 kg Volume = 0.06*Area = 0.06*364.2 Volume = 23.51 m 3 Human Spaceflight pp 519 - 524 Example of a Deployable Radiator Panel
78 Thermal System Sizing
79 Requirements Verifications
80 Future Considerations Heat rejection method Radiator Dust Accumulation –Study accumulation on radiations and effects on performance Radiator Mass –Reduce mass Structures Thermal Analysis
81 Crew Accommodations Team Primary: Christie Sauers Support: Tim Lloyd Tyman Stephens
82 Crew Accommodations Requirements Crew hygiene Hab cleanliness Psychological support Crew physical health –exercise & monitoring –medical services Efficient, comfortable crew operations SP-4213/ch4.htm ds/cb922/point8.html astronauts/exercise.html *HSMAD John Frassanito & Associates
84 Crew Accommodations Equipment Galley Maintenance and Food Supplies Waste Collection System Supplies Personal Hygiene –Shower, Faucet, Personal Hygiene kits Clothing, Washer, & Dryer Recreational Equipment and Personal Stowage Housekeeping Operational Supplies & Restraints Maintenance: Tools for all repairs in habitable areas Photography (All Digital) Sleep Accommodations Crew Health Care –Exercise Equipment –Medical/Surgical/Dental suite & Consumables *HSMAD
85 Crew Accommodations Active Equipment
86 CA Trade Study Clothes/Linens Options: –Bring All –Hand wash –Washing Machine Trade-offs: Decision: Washing Machine * HSMAD * 1yourwater/audit.html * * HSMAD * 1yourwater/audit.html
87 Requirements Verification *HSMAD
88 Future Considerations Equipment Design and Operation in Mars Gravity –Washing Machine –Clothes Dryer –Shower –Dishwasher Further incorporation of human factors into subsystem designs Incorporate CA FMEA into Hab Design –Improve Redundancy –Modify Hardware Designs
89 Command, Communications, and Control (C 3 ) Subsystem Team Primary: –Heather Howard –Keric Hill Support: –Tom White
90 C 3 Responsibilities C 3 supports and manages data flows required to: –Monitor and control the habitat –Monitor and maintain crew health and safety –Achieve mission objectives Design based on: –Qualitative data flows –Level 2 requirements derived from the DRM –Flight-ready technology
91 C 3 Level 2 Requirements Allow checkout of habitat prior to crew arrival. (Derived) Include a computer-based library. (DRM) Support a "smart" automated habitat. (Derived) Include audio/visual caution and warning alarms. (Derived) Facilitate Earth-based control and monitoring of the habitat’s subsystems. (Derived) Provide communication with crewmembers working outside the habitat and rovers. (Derived) Mass must not exceed 320 kg. (DRM)
93 C 3 Design Overview Command and control subsystem Based on ISS C 3 subsystem Habitat interface: 3 tiered architecture connected by Mil-Std-1553B data bus User interface: personal workstations, file server, caution and warning subsystem External communications subsystem Based on ISS, shuttle and Mars probes High gain communications via Mars orbiting satellite Local area UHF communications
94 Tier 2 Science Computers (2) Tier 2 Subsystem Computers (4) Tier 1 Command Computers (3) Tier 3 Subsystem Computers (8) Firmware Controllers Sensors Caution & Warning (4) User Terminals (6) File Server (1) Tier 1 Emergency Computer (1) Legend Ethernet RF Connection Mil-Std 1553B Bus TBD Comm System Experiments RF Hubs (3) C3 System Other Systems Command and Control Architecture
95 Communications Architecture 1 meter diameter high gain (36 dB) antenna Backup 1 meter diameter high gain antenna Medium gain (10 dB) antenna Amplifier 1st Backup 2nd Backup Control Unit 1st Backup 2nd Backup Data from CCC 2nd Backup 1st Backup EVA UHF
96 Communication Data Rates Telemetry downlinked Power (W) Data rate (kbps) Required Availability High gain to Mars Sat20100000.1% High gain direct to Earth1245023% Medium gain to Mars Sat705002.3% Telemetry generated Number of Sensors Time averaged data rate (kbps) ECLSS2380.079 Power2000.067 Thermal1050.35 Structures600.002 ISRU960.005 Mission Ops6911.07 Totals76811.6
97 Requirements Verification Requirement DescriptionDesign Checkout habitat prior to crew arrival Monitors and transmits habitat information at all times Include computer-based libraryIncluded on file server Support automated habitatTelemetry/command interface with all subsystems Audio/visual caution and warning alarms Includes caution and warning capabilities Earth-based control and monitoring High gain comm. interface with control subsystem Communication with rovers and EVA crew High gain and UHF communication capabilities Maximum mass 320 kgEstimated mass 500 kg
98 Future Considerations Better definition of quantitative data flows –Adjust C 3 subsystem sizing Consider technological advances –Decrease mass Wireless technologies Less massive components –May alter subsystem architecture Evaluate Earth-based communications architecture –Support human activities outside Earth’s vicinity Communication delays Throughput requirements –DSN currently over-subscribed (
99 Extravehicular Activity Systems (EVAS) and Interfaces Team Primary –Dax Matthews –Bronson Duenas Support –Teresa Ellis
100 Extravehicular Activity Systems and Interfaces Responsibilities Responsible for providing the ability for individual crew members to move around and conduct useful tasks outside the habitat EVAS tasks –Construction and maintenance of the habitat –Scientific investigation EVAS systems –EVA suit –Airlock –Pressurized Rover
102 EVAS – EVA Suit Requirements driven by habitat operations Minimal mass Minimal storage volume Maximize mobility and dexterity Maintain 4.3 lbs/in 2 internal pressure Regenerable non-venting heat sink Durable, reliable, and easy to maintain Interfaces with habitat –Water - from/to ECLSS Potable – ‘ankle pack’ - 0.53 to 1.16 kg per person per EVA Non-potable – PLSS - 5.5 kg per person per EVA –Oxygen – from/to ECLSS PLSS – 0.63 kg person per EVA –Waste water – from/to ECLSS Urine – 0.5 kg per day per astronaut –Power – from power PLSS – 26 Ahr @ 16.8 V dc –Data – to C3 Consumables level
103 EVAS – Umbilical System Rover Connections from the habitat to the airlock will be identical systems (including male/female connections) Rovers will have specific hatch and umbilical system Habitat Airlock O 2 and N 2 Power Cooling H 2 O Food Waste Garment Urine Potable H 2 O Air O 2 and N 2 Cooling/Potable H 2 O Power Food Solid Waste LiOH Dust Filters Waste Water Air Dust Filters Data LiOH Data
104 EVAS – Pressurized Rover Requirements driven by habitat operations –Nominal crew of 2 – can carry 4 in emergency situations –Rover airlock capable of surface access and direct connection to habitat –Per day, rover can support 16 crew hours of EVA –20 day maximum excursion duration –Facilities for recharging PLSS and minor repairs to EVA suit Courtesy of Larson, WJ. Human Space Flight
105 EVAS – Pressurized Rover Rover interfaces driven by habitat operations (all numbers are for an extended excursion of 20 days) –Oxygen From ECLSS – 136.7 kg –Nitrogen From ECLSS – 28.5 kg –Water From ECLSS – Potable – 220 kg From ECLSS - Non-potable – TBD To ECLSS – Waste water - TBD –Data From/To C3 – Consumables level, telemetry, audio, video, systems status –Physical From ECLSS Food – 202.4 kg LiOH - TBD Dust filters - TBD EVAS Equipment - NA Waste garment ~ 40
106 EVAS/LPR Exploration Mission Schedule and Protocol LPR Protocol Charge Fuel Cells Check Vehicle Load Vehicle Plan Excursion Drive Vehicle Navigate Don Suits (X 20) Pre-breathe (X 20) Egress (X 20) Unload Equip Set up Drill (X 10) Operate Drill Collect Samples In Situ Analysis Take Photos Communicate Disassemble Equip Load Vehicle Ingress (X 20) Clean Suit (X 20) Stow Suit, Equip Inspect Vehicle Secure for night (Sleep, eat, cleanup hygiene, etc.) Local Excursions Analysis Week Off X1 Distant Excursion Analysis Week Off Sys Shutdown Departure Preparation X1 X7 STOP EVA’s EVA Protocol
107 EVAS - Airlock Independent element capable of being relocated Three airlocks –Two operational –One emergency/back up Sized for three crew members –Two operational EVA suits –One emergency/back up EVA suit Airlock will be a solid shell
108 EVAS - Airlock Total Volume: 35 m^3 (4L x 3.5W x 2.5H) Interface with habitat through both an umbilical system and hatch Facilities for EVA suit maintenance and consumables servicing Sufficient storage space (EVAS and scientific equipment) Small scientific work station 4-stage turbo pump (ISS) Courtesy of Eric Schliecher
109 EVAS – Airlock Airlock interfaces driven by habitat operations (all numbers are for a single egress/ingress cycle) –Oxygen (initial cycle) From ECLSS (initial cycle) – 9.6 kg From ECLSS (after initial cycle) – 0.96 kg –Nitrogen (initial cycle) From ECLSS (initial cycle) – 9.8 kg From ECLSS (after initial cycle) – 0.98 kg –Air (after initial cycle) To/From ECLSS – 17.5 kg (10% loss) –Data From/To C3 –Audio, systems status, pump functions, hatch status, total pressure,. Partial pressure of 02 –Power From power – 5 kW –Physical LiOH - NA Dust filters - NA EVAS Equipment Waste garment ~ 40
110 Airlock - Operational protocols Airlock egress/ingress timeline **Prebreath time of 40 minutes starts during prep for donning [Larson and Pranke, 2000]
111 Future Considerations Design suit for Martian environment Design rover for Martian environment Find appropriate technologies to fit requirements Courtesy of
112 Automation and Robotic Interfaces Subsystem Team Primary –Eric DeKruif Support –Eric Schliecher –Dax Matthews
113 Automation and Robotic Interfaces Level 2 Requirements Provide for local transportation Deploy scientific instruments Deploy and operate various mechanisms on habitat Automate time consuming and monotonous activities
115 Robotics and Automation Number/Functions of rovers –Three classes of rovers, each have power requirements driven by their range and the systems they must support Minimum of two small rovers for scientific exploration One medium rover for local transportation Two large pressurized rovers for long exploration and infrastructure inspection Automation of structural components, maintenance, and site preparation
116 Small Scientific Rover Scientific rover will be fully autonomous and self recharging Interfaces with habitat –Data Telemetry Video Data from other scientific instruments Requirements driven by habitat operations –Deploy scientific instruments –Determine safe routes for crew travel –Collect and return samples –Communications relay in contingency situations –Can be telerobotically controlled from shirt sleeve environment or preprogrammed
117 Local Unpressurized Rover Interfaces with habitat –Power 12.5 hour charge time – 2kW allocated power –Data Telemetry Audio Requirements driven by habitat operations –Local transport (~100 km) –Max operation time - 10 hours –Transport EVA tools
118 Large Pressurized Rover (LPR) Functional aspects of the LPR are covered here – EVA aspects will be covered by EVAS Interfaces with habitat –Data Telemetry Video Audio Physical Requirements driven by habitat –Site preparation –Deploy, move, and reorient infrastructure –Inspect infrastructure –Operate 2 mechanical arms from telerobotic workstation or preprogrammed with earth observers –Connection to power plant and ISRU (to each other and habitat) –Inspection of ISRU and power plant
119 Automated Items Automated doors in case of depressurization Deployment of communications hardware External monitoring equipment Deployment of radiator panels Leveling of habitat Compaction of waste Deploy airlock Assumptions – small automated processes such as gas regulation will be taken care of by their subsystem
120 Automation Solutions Habitat leveling system –12 linear actuators two on each leg for redundancy six will work to level habitat 720 mm of travel – needs to lift habitat 1 meter off ground Mass – 60 kg each Power - 35 watts each Deployment of Radiator panels –8 linear actuators two per panel for redundancy Mass – 9 kg each Power – 5 watts each Reference COTS technology []
121 Requirements Verification Medium rover must be rechargedCharged via external male/female cable Medium rover charge discharge cycle must be less than one day Using 2 kW rover can be recharged in 12.5 hours and run down in 10 hours Large rover must directly mate with habitat Habitat hatch mates directly to large rover Rovers must deploy and inspect habitatLarge rover will reorient and inspect habitat using arms Rovers must be capable of moving habitat Large rover will have towing capabilities Rovers must provide for local transportation Medium unpressurized rechargeable rover can travel up to 100 km over 10 hrs Rovers must deploy scientific instruments Small rovers will be capable of deploying instruments Must deploy and operate various mechanisms on habitat Motors and actuators will allow for deployment/movement Time consuming and monotonous activities need to be automated Mechanical devices, such as motors and valves, will be implemented for these activities
122 Future Considerations More complete design specifications of rovers will allow for more complete interface designs. (i.e. large rover) Better definition of what data is being transferred and the quantity of data Specifications and definitions on automated tasks will allow hardware selection
123 Habitat Design Summary Mass61,801 kg - Exceeds DRM recommendation by 27,801 kg - Exceeds max allowable by 11,801 kg Overall Volume615 m 3 - Meets DRM max allowable Subsystem Volume298.5 m 3 - 316.5 m 3 of open space in habitat Maximum Power37.5 kW - Exceeds DRM recommendation by 12.5 kW - Overall Martian base power = 160 kW ESA Aurora:
124 Comparison Mars or BustESA Aurora
125 Conclusions Summarized,derived,documented DRM requirements/constraints First iteration design, subsystem functionalities, integration factors: - i.e. structural layout, mass flows, power distribution, data transmission Human factors emphasis: - Crew Accommodations/Mission Operations - crew health, well-being
126 Conclusions (continued) Human spacecraft design requirements, as applicable: Man-Systems Integration Standards [NASA STD-3000 Rev. B, 1995] Architectural habitat concepts - compatibility of floor plans Unique merger of: - systems engineering - architecture - human factors
127 Suggestions for Future Work Optimize subsystems- reduce mass, power - redundancy vs. contingency (FMEA’s) - trade studies Detailed architectural layout of subsystems Further iteration Requirements re-evaluation Levels 3,4 requirements - design solutions Detailed Interface Control Documents
Report Available December 17, 2003
129 ISRU Interface Technologies Component# Mass (kg) Add. Mass (kg) Total Mass (kg) Power (W) Total Power (W) Volume (m3) Total Volume (m3) Water Pump170.50 Oxygen Pump10.94 1.50 Nitrogen Pump10.94 1.50 Water Pipe170.0010.0080.000.00 0.65 Oxygen Pipe170.00 0.00 0.65 Nitrogen Pipe170.00 0.00 0.65 Hydrogen Pipe170.00 1.50 0.65 Valves and Connections942.00 5.00 0.00 Grand Totals 404.38 80.00 2.60
130 Structures Mass, Power, and Volume Estimates * In addition to pressure shell and storage ** Volume includes empty space in truss
131 Volume Allocation SubsystemVolume (m3) Structure150.00 ECLSS65.00 Thermal40.00 EVAS40.00 Robotics15.00 Power30.00 ISRU Interface4.00 CCC5.00 Crew Accommodations50.00 Empty216.75 Totals615.75216
132 Power Mass/Volume
133 ECLSS Total M,P,V Estimates Subsystem Mass technology (kg) Mass consumable (kg) Volume technology (m^3) Volume consumable (m^3) Power (kW) Atmosphere3335.974892.7416.5885.5893.533 Water890.9359607.423.25519.00872.01 Food327.91110882.4231.683.8 Waste277.7658282.0632.880.22 Total4832.5826415.8824.32659.1579.563
134 Thermal System Sizing
135 Thermal Components HOT
136 Thermal Components COLD
137 Crew Accommodations Mass, Power, and Volume Estimates Total Mass: 5,988 kg Total Power: 11.75 kW Total Min. Volume: 60 m 3
138 C 3 Mass, Power and Volume Estimates based on specs for IBM 760XD ThinkPad laptops, Linksys Wireless Access Point WAP54A and cable manufactured by 4S Products, Inc.
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