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NRL09/21/2004_Davis.1 Monterey Bay Experiment Plan COAST
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.2 Monterey Experiment to Collect Simulated HES-CW data There are no existing data sets that include all the key attributes of HES-CW data: –Spectral coverage (.38 – 1.0 mm) –High signal-to-noise ratio (>300:1 prefer >900:1, for ocean radiances for 300 m binned data) –High spatial resolution (<150 m, bin to 300 m) –Hourly or better revisit Propose field experiments in FY2006-2008 to develop the required data sets for HES-CW algorithm and model development. Airborne system: –Hyperspectral imager that can be binned to the HES-CW bands –Flown at high altitude for minimum of 10 km swath –Endurance to collect repeat flight lines every half hour for up to 6 hours –SAMSON Proposed experimental site: –August-September 2006 Monterey Bay (coastal upwelling, HABs)
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.3 Monterey Experiment to collect simulated HES-CW data Experimental Design –Choose sites with IOOS or other long term monitoring and modeling activities –Intensive effort for 2 weeks to assure that all essential parameters are measured: -Supplement standard measurements at the site with shipboard or mooring measurements of water-leaving radiance, optical properties and products expected from HES-CW algorithms, -Additional atmospheric measurements as needed to validate atmospheric correction parameters, -As needed, enhance modeling efforts to include bio-optical models that will utilize HES-CW data. –Aircraft overflights for at least three clear days and one partially cloudy day (to evaluate cloud clearing) during the two week period. -High altitude to include 90% or more of the atmosphere -30 min repeat flight lines for up to 6 hours to provide a time series for models and to evaluate changes with time of day (illumination, phytoplankton physiology, etc.) All data to be processed and then distributed over the Web for all users to test and evaluate algorithms and models.
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.4 Experiment Resources Aircraft for 6 flight days 6 hrs per day. R/V John Martin 7 ship days? Small boats for the entire two weeks? Lab space (14 C, HPLC, pad absorptions, instrument prep, etc. Space for basing the gliders? Space for instrument repair and calibration. Space for basing the aircraft? Space for daily group meeting in evening to review data and plan next day experiment? Lodging, motels or rent a house or some of both
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.5 One Day in the Experiment Assume clear morning and sunrise at 0700 Aircraft takes off at 0700 –First data at 0730 –Repeat 20 km square (approximately ½ of the Bay) every 30 min -0730, 0800, 0830, 0900 -Skip one repeat and do staked collection -1000,1030,1100,1130,1200 -Additional measurements for atmospheric correction, etc. –Land at 1300 R/V Martin –Occupy one Station for profiles for each overflight? –Alternatively underway data collection or combination of stations every other overflight and underway in between. Glider collecting underway data. Mooring data Seagrass beds should be part of the overflight area. Data processed and in data system in 48? Hrs. Models later.
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.6 Atmospheric Measurements NRL Monterey lidar, etc. UCSC Sun Photometers on ship Aircraft staked measurements Other sensors on aircraft?
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.7 Airborne Measurements Paul Bissett (FERI, 2 people on plane) –SAMSON –Cover 20 x 20 km area (roughly ½ the Bay) in 28 min. –6 hr flight, repeat every 30 min, except for special staked imaging, or other for atmospheric correction. –Data binned to 10 m spatial and 10 nm spectral resolution (or HES-CW channels. –Data geolocated –Data calibrated –Data atmospherically corrected using Tafkaa (Marcos Montes, NRL ) Airport for plane? lab space for processing system including two operators (FERI) and 1 NRL (for atmospheric correction) for data processing and analysis?
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.8 Gliders Oscar Schofield (launch from a small boat) Particle Glider
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.9 In-Water Optics Bob Arnone (NRL group, 2 people on ship) POWR IOP profiling package –Filtered and unfiltered a-c9s –a-cS –Hydroscatt-6 –CTD –Water bottles –fluorometer –CDOM fluorometer Above water remote sensing reflectance Water samples are available for HPLC, etc. but NRL will not be doing those measurements. Ken Voss (1) NURADS Mike Ondrusek (1) AOPs
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.10 Chlorophyll, fluorescence and productivity Ricardo Letelier (2) Heidi Sosik (1) On the R/V John Martin: –FRRF (flow thru mode) and PAM (discrete mode) –FLH –Imaging flow system Water samples collected, filtered and frozen for: –HPLC pigments –Chlorophyll fluorometry –Filter absorption pads –POC? –Nutrients (Kudela) – 14 C productivity, P vs. I curves?
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.11 Benthic productivity Heidi Dierssen –Independent in Small Boat –Seagrass productivity –Kelp?
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.12 Coastal Carbon Budget Pete Strutton –One person on R/V Martin –Flow though PCO 2 system –one on shore
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.13 R/V John Martin NRL (2 people) –IOP profiling package –Above Water Rrs –Water samples for Chl, Pad absorptions productivity, etc. Voss (1 person) NURADS Ondrusek (1 person) AOPs Sosik (1 person) –Imaging flow system Letelier (1 person) – 14 C productivity –FRRF underway, FLH, chlorophyll fluorometry, Strutton (1 person) –Underway PCO 2 (maintain underway system) Kudela (1 person) –Underway system –Nutrients from bottles (shore lab) Chief Scientist? Total 8-9
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.14 R/V John Martin Wire Time POWR package and water retrieval (15 min) –Can operate as a free fall package or on a wire NURADS floats away from the ship (2 min to deploy and recover) HTSRB floats away from the ship (2 min to deploy and recover) APO profiler (10 min?) Others?
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.15 R/V John Martin Water For each bottle sample depth need water for: HPLC (50 mls) Fluorometric Chlorophyll (50 mls) Filter pad absorptions (200 mls) POC (500 mls) Suspended Sediments (500 mls) Nutrients (50 mls) Microscopy (50 mls) 14 C productivity (200 mls)
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.16 Additional Small Boats Dierssen –Seagrasses and kelp Schofield –Gliders Others??
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.17 Lab Requirements Space to store and process samples for: Pigments –Fluorometric –HPLC 14 C productivity Nutrients Pad absorptions POC Suspended Sediments Flow Cytometer Others?? Ship instrument preparation and service Glider preparations and service. Space for data analysis and processing ship, and aircraft data. Where will we have lab space?
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.18 Bio-Optical Models John Kindle (NRL) Others??
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.19 Demo Data System Paul BIssett (FERI) to host, OSU (Letelier) to have mirror site SAMSON data –Geolocated –Calibrated –Atmospherically corrected –binned to 10 m GSD and 10 nm spectral (or HES-CW channels) In-water data –All types –Geolocated to the images Atmospheric data Links to associated data from existing moorings, models, etc.
NRL09/21/2004_Davis.20 HABs Identify HABs during experiment and link to the experimental data. –Look for unique signature, algorithm to identify HABs from the data collected –Feed into the development of HAB models
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