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LIDAR network F.Fierli, C. Flamant, F. Cairo. Scientific Task for SOP ● provide the aerosol content before convection episodes to improve the estimate.

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Presentation on theme: "LIDAR network F.Fierli, C. Flamant, F. Cairo. Scientific Task for SOP ● provide the aerosol content before convection episodes to improve the estimate."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIDAR network F.Fierli, C. Flamant, F. Cairo

2 Scientific Task for SOP ● provide the aerosol content before convection episodes to improve the estimate of aerosol impact on convection ● provide measurement of cirrus clouds, remnants from convective activity or in-situ formed ● provide an optimal set of observations for improving the knowledge of the heat low dynamics, including its diurnal evolution and aerosol radiative forcing,

3 What can be inferred form the data? ● The lidars deployed in AMMA have in common the 532 nm backscatter ● Height and time evolution of the PBL ● Presence of aerosol layers ● Rough information on the aerosol type (biomass vs mineral) ● Presence/evolution of Cirrus

4 Bani Cinzana Tamanrasset + + Cinzana = Lidar Site + = Airport Tamanrasset M'Bour Djougou Niamey

5 MPL 532 nm backscatter 24 hours data (Niamey) Aerosol Cirrus PBL Blind below 1 km

6 DUST LIDAR network (CNR-ISAC, ENEA, LISA) Bani, Cinzana, M’Bour Implemented in Jan 2006, operative Jan Feb 2006 with two meas/day in automatic mode. Stopped in March. Maintenance in May, operative for SOP. 532 Bkr and dep lidar in Cinzana

7 What is TReSS? TReSS is an autonomous and high-performance system designed to observe radiative and structural properties of clouds and aerosol layers, as well as atmospheric boudary layer dynamics. The standard payload is made of the following instruments: 1) a multi-wavelength elastic backscatter Mini-Lidar operating at 532 and 1064 nm (with diverse polarization capability at 532 nm), 2) a sun-photometer, 3) an IR radiometer, 3) a full sky visible channel web-type camera. For the AMMA SOP period, the platform capability will be enhanced with: an Optical Depth Sensor (for daytime and nighttime measurements), a CLIMAT radiometer a sonic anemometer a GRIMM for size distribution measurements a nephelometer operating at 880 nm filters for chemical speciation (in collaboration with LISA) The above instrumentation will also be enhanced by the measurements conducted routinely by the Météo Algérienne: balloon soundings (x4 during the SOP), surface Meteorological measurements, radiative measurements, ozone integrated column

8 Status of implementation The multi-wavelength backscatter Mini-Lidar  seriously damaged during transportation between Algers and Tamanrasset New laser and new telescope are needed!! Replacement scheduled for SOP 1a Sun-photometer  operational since 16/02/06 (data transmitted to AERONET and available on the web) CLIMAT radiometer  operational since 17/02/06 (data transmitted to M. Legrand at LOA via internet) Sonic anemometer  operational since 18/02/06 (installed on 10 m mast) Size distribution measurements  operational since 18/02/06 Failure Operational

9 Status of implementation Full sky visible channel web-type camera IR radiometer Nephelometer Tested / will be running during lidar operations Optical Depth Sensor (for daytime and nighttime measurements) Filters for chemical speciation To be installed / tested (before SOP 1a)  IOPs: Day J: continuous Days J-1 & J+1: continuous ??  Outside IOPs: 4 h around 12 z (flexible)

10 Lidar Network: availability for SOP ● Niamey, MPL, ARM mobile station (24h, 532 nm Backscatter) ● Bani, CNR, Microlidar (automatic, 2profiles/day 532, 1064 nm Backscatter and depolarization) ● Cinzana, CNR, Microlidar (automatic, 2 profiles/day, 532 nm Backscatter) ● Djougou, IPSL, Mini-Lidar CIMEL (operated, 532 nm backscatter) ● Tamanrasset, IPSL, Lidar

11 Conclusions ● 5 lidar systems around the target region and 2 systems near the Niamey airport ● Different operating modes and retrieved variables ● Bani enhanced operation. Could it be ensured ● Cinzana will work as EOP instrument ● Djougou operator should be confirmed ● Need communication to switch to enhanced mode during IOP

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