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2007 Bouvet ASA1 A Topic Maps Wiki Lars Marius Garshol TMRA 2007 2007-10-12.

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1© 2007 Bouvet ASA1 A Topic Maps Wiki Lars Marius Garshol TMRA 2007 2007-10-12

2© 2007 Bouvet ASA2 Theoretical basis Wikinames and topics are basically the same idea –each represent a subject, and collect everything that is known about that subject in one place, shown as one web page Wikis lack structure –they have very little beyond wikinames with attached content Topic Maps lack content –they have lots of structure, but most topic maps lack textual content Combining them can solve this!

3© 2007 Bouvet ASA3 The idea Instead of generating Topic Maps from the fact box in Wikipedia, generate a Wikipedia-like fact box from the topic map Use the description occurrence containing wiki markup to populate the content of the page –wiki markup is just a datatype –a discussion page can be created with another occurrence type This way, Ontopoly can be the editor... Extra functionality needed –linking to topics in the wiki markup –including tolog query results in the wiki markup –templates for each topic type allow better organization of pages suppress some statements that are shown using queries

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