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Additional Questions (Direct Current Circuits)

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1 Additional Questions (Direct Current Circuits)
General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

2 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
A battery with an emf of 12V and internal resistance of 0.9Ω is connected across a load resistor R. If the current in the circuit is 1.4A, what is the value of R? What power is dissipated in the internal resistance of the battery in the circuit described in Problem 1? (a) What is the current in a 5.6Ω resistor connected to a battery with an 0.2Ω internal resistance if the terminal voltage of the battery is 10V? (b) What is the emf of the battery? If the emf of a battery is 15V and a current of 60A is measured when the battery is shorted, what is the internal resistance of the battery? The current in a loop circuit that has a resistance of R1 is 2A. The current is reduced to 1.6A when an additional resistor R2=3Ω is added in series with R1.  What is the value of R1? General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

3 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
A battery has an emf of 15V. The terminal voltage of the battery is 11.6V when it is delivering 20W of power to an external load resistor R. (a) What is the value of R? (b) What is the internal resistance of the battery? A resistor draws a current of 1A when connected across an ideal 3V battery. Another resistor draws a current of 2A when connected across an ideal 3V battery. What current do the two resistors draw when they are connected in series across an ideal 3V battery? (a) Find the equivalent resistance between points a and b in Figure. (b) A potential difference of 34.0 V is applied between points a and b. Calculate the current in each resistor. General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

4 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
Consider the circuit shown in Figure. Find (a) the current in the 20.0Ω resistor and (b) the potential difference between points a and b. A 6.00-V battery supplies current to the circuit shown in Figure. When the double-throw switch S is open, as shown in the figure, the current in the battery is 1.00 mA. When the switch is closed in position 1, the current in the battery is 1.20 mA. When the switch is closed in position 2, the current in the battery is 2.00 mA. Find the resistances R1, R2, and R3. General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

5 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
11. Evaluate the effective resistance of the network of identical resistors, each having resistance R, shown in figure 12. Determine the equivalent resistance between the terminals a and b for the network illustrated in Figure. General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

6 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
A certain battery has an open-circuit voltage of 42V. A load resistance of 12W reduces the terminal voltage to 35V. What is the value of the internal resistance of the battery? Two circuit elements with fixed resistances R1 and R2 are connected in series with a 6V battery and a switch.  The battery has an internal resistance of 5W, R1= 32W, and R2=56W. (a) What is the current through R1 when the switch is closed? (b) What is the voltage across R2 when the switch is closed? The current in a simple series circuit is 5.0A. When an additional resistance of 2.0W is inserted, the current drops to 4.0 A. What was the resistance of the original circuit? Three resistors (10W, 20W, and 30W) are connected in parallel.  The total current through this network is 5A. (a) What is the voltage drop across the network (b) What is the current in each resistor?                                                                                                           General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

7 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
17. In Figure (a) calculate the potential difference between a and c by considering a path that contains R and x2.                                                                                                                                                                      18. In Figure 8.33 find the current in each resistor and the potential difference between a and b. Put x1=6.0V, x2=5.0V, x3=4.0V, R1=100W and R2 =50W. General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

8 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
19. (a)   Find the three currents in Figure. (b) Find Vab.  Assume that R1=1.0Ω, R2=2.0Ω, ξ1=2.0 V, and ξ2=ξ3=4.0V. 20. (a) Find the potential difference between points a and b in the circuit in Figure. (b) Find the currents I1, I2, and I3 in the circuit. General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

9 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
21. Determine the current in each of the branches of the circuit shown in figure. 22. Calculate the power dissipated in each resistor in the circuit shown in figure. General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

10 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
23. A capacitor in an RC circuit is charged to 60.0% of its maximum value in s. What is the time constant of the circuit? 24. In the circuit of Figure, the switch S has been open for a long time. It is then suddenly closed. Determine the time constant (a) before the switch is closed and (b) after the switch is closed. (c) Let the switch be closed at t = 0. Determine the current in the switch as a function of time. General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

11 General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan
25. Consider a series RC circuit for which R=1MW, C=5mF, and ξ=30V.  Find (a) the time constant of the circuit and (b) the maximum charge on the capacitor after the switch is closed.  (c) If the switch in the RC circuit is closed at t=0. Find the current in the resistor R at a time 10s after the switch is closed. 26. At t=0, an unchanged capacitor of capacitance C is connected through a resistance R to a battery of constant emf (a) How long does it take for the capacitor to reach one half of its final charge? (b) How long does it take for the capacitor to become fully charged?                                                                                                                                    General Physics 2, Lec 13, By/ T.A. Eleyan

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