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Persuasive Essay THE FINAL writing assignment!. Acceptable Topics Bonus Point Topic: Moving prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Illinois. Bonus Point Topic:

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Essay THE FINAL writing assignment!. Acceptable Topics Bonus Point Topic: Moving prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Illinois. Bonus Point Topic:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Essay THE FINAL writing assignment!

2 Acceptable Topics Bonus Point Topic: Moving prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Illinois. Bonus Point Topic: New healthcare reform bill Should the driving age requirements be altered? Should the legal drinking age be lowered or raised? Should the school system alter the food choices in the cafeteria? Should the school system adopt a 4 day work week? Should female athletic programs receive equal funding as male athletic programs?

3 What Website did you Say? Write down the following website & go directly to this site upon sitting at the computer. _map/

4 You must be prepared to work! Allotting time in the computer lab is very difficult. If I see ANYONE doing ANYTHING OTHER THAN WORKING ON THIS ONE APPROVED WEBSITE, the ENTIRE CLASS will report back to this classroom. DO NOT LOOK UP GRADES OR ANYTHING ELSE FOR THAT MATTER! You will then be required to complete this assignment on your own time…AT HOME!

5 Submitting Your Essay The Final Draft MLA Format (Modern Language Association)

6 M A R G I N S Before you begin typing, format your margins. Margins should measure one inch on the top, bottom, left, and right. Top 1 inch Left Right 1 inch Bottom 1 inch

7 Font Type and Size SIZE – 12 font TYPE: –“New Times Roman” –“Courier New”

8 Create a Header Click on “View” (Menu Bar) Header and Footer Align Right Type Last Name Insert Page Number (Header and Footer Toolbar) Close Williams 1

9 Header Instructions Tool Bar Double Click View Double Click Header Double Click Align Right Enter Last Name Tool Bar Double Click Insert Double Click Page Numbers Scroll and Click Top of Page (Header) Scroll and Click Right Check box Show number on first page Click OK

10 H E A D I N G Top left corner (Use “left alignment” button) First/Last Name Teacher’s Name Subject Date (day, month, year) Williams 1 Marchell Williams Ms. Valentine English 1-2 10 May 2007

11 T I T L E of E S S A Y Center (Use “center alignment” button) Upper and Lower Case (Capital and small letters) Williams 1 Marchell Williams Ms. Valentine English 1-2 10 May 2007 To Kill a Mockingbird

12 P A R A G R A P H S Indent first line of each paragraph. Topic sentence and supporting detail Williams 1 Marchell Williams Ms. Valentine English 1-2 10 May 2007 To Kill a Mockingbird Your first paragraph should be your introduction and thesis statement. The next 3 paragraphs will be your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence and supporting detail. Indent the first line of each new paragraph. Use your “tab” key to indent; not your space bar. That makes it a lot easier.

13 Double Space Highlight entire document Click on “Format” (Menu Bar) Paragraphs Tab “Indents and Spacing” Line Spacing Double Click “ok” Williams 1 Marchell Williams Ms. Valentine English 1-2 10 May 2007 To Kill a Mockingbird Your first paragraph should be your introduction and thesis statement. The next 3 paragraphs will be your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence and supporting detail. Indent the first line of each new paragraph. Use your “tab” key to indent; not your space bar. That makes it a lot easier.

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