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John McCain BackgroundIssue The War Hero McCain was shot down over Vietnam, spent more than five years in a prison camp Uses his heroic tale as an example.

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2 John McCain BackgroundIssue

3 The War Hero McCain was shot down over Vietnam, spent more than five years in a prison camp Uses his heroic tale as an example for his courage and mental strength His story appeals to veterans, but brings him also sympathies from ordinary citizens He wrote a moving account of his Vietnam- experiences which became a bestseller A booksigning tour ensures frequent media attention

4 John McCain on Crime n 1st Amend. not a shield for hate groups n Pro-death penalty; more prisons; increased penalties n Ban cheap guns; require safety locks; for gun show checks n Supports ban on certain assault weapons n Voted against Brady Bill & assault weapon ban

5 John McCain on Juvenile Crime n Guns are a problem, but so are violent web sites & videos n Media Responsibility Act requires video & music labeling n Youth Violence Prevention Act restricts guns for kids n Violence in media caused Littleton shootings

6 “assertive multilateralism“ increase defense spending supported NATO intervention in Kosovo, argued for ground troops at the time wants to engage with China, guard Taiwan, but still allow China to enter the WTO supports free trade, pro NAFTA and GATT for open immigration John McCain on Foreign Policy

7 John McCain on Drugs n Stricter penalties; stricter enforcement n Restrict methadone treatment programs n $1B for detection equipment for more border interdiction

8 favors balanced budget (constitutional amendment) cut subsidies increase spending for Education (K-12) Law enforcement Military & Veterans Benefits Border Control decrease spending for NASA Welfare eliminate spending for Arts funding budget surplus should be used for Social Security, Medicare, tax cuts, debt reduction John McCain on Fed. Budget

9 John McCain on Tax Reform n Cut taxes by eliminating loopholes & corporate welfare n Cut marriage tax, inheritance tax, & earnings test n Tax code should favor savings, marriage, & small business n Taxes should be flatter, lower, and simpler

10 John McCain on Social Security n Allow workers to invest privately

11 Wants to give government back to the people against the „corrupt system of campaign financing“ wants to give an example to fight the growing cynicism, especially among young people John McCain on Values

12 John McCain on Civil Rights n Opposed to video gambling, but leave it to states n Flying Confederate flag should be left to states n Indian gambling OK; lottery is not n Supports Amendment against flag-burning n We don’t need laws against Spanish language & culture n Affirmative action OK for specific programs, but no quotas

13 John McCain on Technology n Technology can hasten end of haves vs. have-nots n Permanent ban on Internet taxation n Get more government documents on-line n Internet access, with filters, at every school & library n No government control over computer encryption

14 The Maverick McCain claims that in his political career he always acted in accordance with his values. Which not necessarily means that he is always in accordance with his own party‘s position on a certain issue. Examples: Campaign Finance Law “wasteful spending“ Tobacco Industry Gun Control

15 Appeals to voter groups: Veterans and people in the military Middle Class (tax cuts) Lower Class

16 Downsides Has problems with his temper Alienates congressional Republicans and ultra-conservatives with “maverick“ actions

17 McCain‘s TV ad Let‘s have a look...

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