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Elementary Course in Using GIS in Geography Curriculum Session 3 ( 3 hours ) Geographic Data provided in Hong Kong.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary Course in Using GIS in Geography Curriculum Session 3 ( 3 hours ) Geographic Data provided in Hong Kong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary Course in Using GIS in Geography Curriculum Session 3 ( 3 hours ) Geographic Data provided in Hong Kong

2 1. Import Hong Kong digital maps E00 files to ArcInfo shapefiles 2. Types and sources of digital data provided in Hong Kong 3. Free Internet resources for GIS data 4. Supplementary techniques of GIS 5. Review and consolidation on the kinds of skill learned in Sessions 1 and 2 6. Practical exercise and useful websites

3 Import Hong Kong digital maps E00 files to ArcInfo shapefiles a. Defining data attributes b. Converting raw data into system database c. Archiving data for future use d. Correlating data among layers ( see handout p. 2 - 3 ) ( see handout p. 2 - 3 )

4 1. Demonstration by instructor to use Hong Kong map for displaying GIS layers and making analysis 2. Practical by teacher participants to convert Hong Kong E00 files to shapefiles 1. Demonstration by instructor to use Hong Kong map for displaying GIS layers and making analysis 2. Practical by teacher participants to convert Hong Kong E00 files to shapefiles

5 Hong Kong navigation street map MapKing by MapAsia ( see handout p. 4 – 5 )

6 Hong Kong higher education GIS providers

7 Hong Kong GIS selected sources Hong Kong Baptist University – Geography Department Using HK Lands Department GIS maps as reference Hong Kong Geographic Information Systems Association Hong Kong Government GIS users 1. Lands Department 1. Lands Department 2. Environmental Protection Department 2. Environmental Protection Department 3. Planning Department 3. Planning Department 4. Civil Engineering Department 4. Civil Engineering Department

8 China GIS selected sources 1. China Historical GIS nloads/v4/ 2. China Association for Geographic Information System 3. China State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping 4. China Academy of Science Remote Sensing Research Institute

9 Explore Amazon rain forest with GIS >>> Disappearing Green Canopy – Who should pay for the massive deforestation in rain forest regions?

10 Amazon GIS by Smithsonian National Zoological Park, USA 1. /ConservationGIS/AmazonGIS/ Amazonia studies 2. 3. GIS model to study Brazilian tropical forest sustainable logging and conservation 4.

11 Global Warming – fact or fiction?

12 1. 2. 3. 4. arm.html 5. 6. 7. e-change/ 8. maps-storm-surge-sea-level-rise-and-river-flooding 9. 10. 11.

13 Documentary videos and movies about Global Warming : a. An Inconvenient Truth b. Six Degrees Could Change the World (NGC) c. The Great Global Warming Swindle

14 Supplementary techniques of GIS 1. Measuring Length / Distance 2. Creating pie charts ( to show proportional relationship and spatial distribution ) on layers 3. Highlight areas with similar nature ( see handout p. 8 )

15 Digital Maps sold in Hong Kong Survey and Mapping Office ( Lands Department )

16 Survey and Mapping Office (SM0) Lands Department 1:20,000 digital map 1:10,000 digital map 1:10,000 digital map 1:5,000 digital map 1:5,000 digital map 1:1,000 digital map 1:1,000 digital map1:10,000 1:5,000 digital orthophoto (DOP) 1:5,000 digital orthophoto (DOP) Digital Aerial Photo

17 Lands Department >> Survey and Mapping >> Survey and Mapping Office >> Public Forms >> Digital Map Data Order Forms and Undertakings (For Public) SMF-0103

18 Maps and Services >> Map Products >> Digital Maps >> Map Reference >> Map Reference of B10,000 ??? >> # #

19 To purchase Hong Kong digital maps from Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department go to

20 Consolidation of skills learned in creating GIS overlays Additional Exercise: Effect of screen-like buildings on the quality of air in Kowloon districts – Air Pollution in Hong Kong ( pay special attention to the polluted areas caused by either the traffic or “wall effect”, study the data included in the “attribute tables” )

21 屏風效應 是指樓宇建築猶如天幕,阻礙自然 風進出,這使城市內的空氣轉差、 「不見天日」、悶熱難擋,影響周 邊居民的生活環境、空氣質素、景 觀及自然光,令相對內陸的地區的 空氣流動減弱,氣溫升高,加劇地 區性的空氣污染問題,令區內居民 患呼吸道毛病的比例增加。內陸氣溫空氣污染呼吸道

22 Hon. Alan LEONG (28-2-2007) A survey conducted by a green group found that (in 2008) among the 138 private residential developments completed in the recent decade, 104 were classified as screen-like buildings. Moreover, all the nine forthcoming projects above railway stations include high- density screen-like buildings of 50 storeys or more. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council: (a) whether it has conducted studies over the past three years on the adverse impact caused by the layout of buildings on the air ventilation and environmental hygiene of the neighbouring areas; and (b) whether it will adopt specific measures for districts with a high density of screen-like buildings to prevent the wall effect from worsening

23 Note: The following exercise (Additional Exercise: Air Pollution in Hong Kong) is purely a make-up example for teachers to consolidate the skills learnt in Sessions 1 – 3 using data for displaying GIS layers; and all the data involved are not official ones and thus may be biased. The following exercise (Additional Exercise: Air Pollution in Hong Kong) is purely a make-up example for teachers to consolidate the skills learnt in Sessions 1 – 3 using data for displaying GIS layers; and all the data involved are not official ones and thus may be biased. If teachers use similar exemplars, they should lead the students to discuss all possible reasons for the spatial pattern of distribution of air pollutants in the studied area. If teachers use similar exemplars, they should lead the students to discuss all possible reasons for the spatial pattern of distribution of air pollutants in the studied area.

24 Practical Exercise 1. Using pie graphs of vary size to show all three categories of sold items for each convenient store. Think about the location factors affecting their revenue. ( D:\GIS\Lesson3_GIS_Data\HKmap_demo\Seven Eleven.shp ) Think about the location factors affecting their revenue. ( D:\GIS\Lesson3_GIS_Data\HKmap_demo\Seven Eleven.shp ) 2. Locational analysis of environmental effects caused by the “walled buildings” in various Kowloon districts. Additional Exercises worksheet ( D:\GIS\Lesson3_GIS_Data\HKmap_demo\polluti on.shp ) 3. Data conversion of HK digital map (1:5000) Begin conversion in ArcCatalog and get shapefiles ready for use in ArcMap; note the details shown in different map scales ( D:\7sea) Begin conversion in ArcCatalog and get shapefiles ready for use in ArcMap; note the details shown in different map scales ( D:\7sea)

25 Lesson plan to be prepared by teacher participants for Lesson 4 ( refer to topics listed on p. 6 of Lesson 1 handout or any other topic listed in the geography curriculum ) Sample Lesson Plan >>> please complete Course Evaluation Thank you

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