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/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20041 Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia Alexandra Cristea
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20042 Outline 1.AH 2.AH authoring 3.LAOS: Layered WWW AHS Authoring Model and their corresponding Algebraic Operators 4.LAG: Layers of Adaptive Granulation 5.MOT: My Online Teacher 6.Demos
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20043
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20044 Adapt to what? User user model (UM) Media presentation model (PM)
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20045 What to adapt?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20046 Traditional Hypermedia Document1 Text … Pictures … Link1 Link2 Document2 Text … Pictures … Link1 Document3 Text … Pictures …
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20047 Adaptation on Trad. Hypermedia Document1 Text … Pictures … Link1 Link2 Document2 Text … Pictures … Link1 Document3 Text … Pictures … Show text document 1
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20048 Adaptation on Trad. Hypermedia Document1 Text … Pictures … Link1 Link2 Document2 Text … Pictures … Link1 Document3 Text … Pictures … Don’t show text document 1
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 20049 Adaptation on Trad. Hypermedia Document1 Text … Pictures … Link1 Link2 Document2 Text … Pictures … Link1 Document3 Text … Pictures … Show link(s) document 1
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200410 Adaptation on Trad. Hypermedia Document1 Text … Pictures … Link1 Link2 Document2 Text … Pictures … Link1 Document3 Text … Pictures … Don’t show link(s) document 1
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200411 New, dynamic view of AH t ext link Bits & pieces Bit contains text, MM or link Generation: -only text -only link -text & link t ext link
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200412 AH authoring new research direction
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200413 LAOS 1.What is LAOS? 2.Concept based adaptation 3.LAOS components 4.Why LAOS? 5.LAOS authoring steps 6.Future directions
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200414 What is LAOS?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200415 What is LAOS ? a generalized model for generic adaptive hypermedia authoring based on the AHAM model based on concept maps WWW03-cristea-mooij.doc WWW03-cristea-mooij.doc
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200416 Why LAOS?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200417 General motivation for layer distributed information Flexibility Expressivity (semantics: also meta-data) Reusability Non-redundancy Cooperation Inter-operability Standardization
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200418 LAOS components
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200419 LAOS components domain model (DM), goal and constraints model (GM), user model (UM), adaptation model (AM) and presentation model (PM)
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200420
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200421 LAOS motivation in detail Why domain model (DM) ? Why goal and constraints model (GM)? Why user model (UM)? Why adaptation model (AM)? and Why presentation model (PM)?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200422 LAOS motivation in detail Why domain model (DM) ? Because of historical AHS, ITS, AHAM Why goal and constraints model (GM)? Why user model (UM)? Why adaptation model (AM)? and Why presentation model (PM)?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200423 LAOS motivation in detail Why domain model (DM) ? Why goal and constraints model (GM)? Why user model (UM)? Because of historical ITS, AHS, AHAM Why adaptation model (AM)? and Why presentation model (PM)?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200424 LAOS motivation in detail Why domain model (DM) ? Why goal and constraints model (GM)? Why user model (UM)? Why adaptation model (AM)? and Because of AHAM – see also LAG !! Why presentation model (PM)?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200425 LAOS motivation in detail Why domain model (DM) ? Why goal and constraints model (GM)? Why user model (UM)? Why adaptation model (AM)? and Why presentation model (PM)? Because of Kuypers, AHAM
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200426 LAOS motivation in detail Why domain model (DM) ? Why goal and constraints model (GM)? Because of book metaphor Why user model (UM)? Why adaptation model (AM)? and Why presentation model (PM)?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200427 GM book metaphor – why? Domain model: –equivalent to skip the presentation and just tell the user to read the book. search space too big Not only one purposeful orientation
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200428 GM motivation intermediate authoring step, goal & constraints related: goals: focused presentation –specific end-state constraints: limit search space –DM filter
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200429 DM
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200430 GM
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200431 Authoring steps in LAOS STEP 1: write domain concepts + concept hierarchy + attributes (contents) + other domain relations STEP 2: add content related adaptive features regarding GM (design alternatives – AND, OR, weights, etc.) STEP 3: add UM related features (simplest way, tables, with attribute- value pairs for user-related entities (AHAM); UM can be represented as a concept map) STEP 4: decide among adaptation strategies, write in adaptation language medium-level adaptation rules or give the complete set of low level rules (such as condition-action (CA) or IF-THEN rules). STEP 5: define format (presentation means-related; define chapters)
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200432 LAOS components – definitions
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200433 Domain concept model Definition 1. An AHS domain concept map CM is determined by the tuple, –where C : set of concepts, – L : set of links (CM CM, set of all concept maps of the AHS). Definition 2. A domain concept c C is defined by –where A c : set of attrs and C c : set of sub-concepts. Definition 3. A min is the minimal set of (standard) attributes required for each concept to have ( A c A min ). –for sufficient meta-data –if A min = required standard attributes.
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200434 Domain concept model – cont. composite domain conceptDefinition 4. A domain concept c C is a composite domain concept if Cc . atomic domain conceptDefinition 5. A concept c C is an atomic domain concept if Cc= . domain linkDefinition 6. A domain link l L is a tuple with {ci} {Ci}, {cj} {Cj} ({ci} , {cj} ) start and end sets of concepts, respectively, nl a name or label of the link and wl a weight of the link.
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200435 Domain concept model – cont. Definition 7. A domain attribute a A c is a tuple, –where var : name of attribute (variable / type) – val : value (contents) of attribute. Constraints on the model: Definition 8. concept c must be involved at least in one link l. This special relation is called hierarchical link (link to father concept). Exception: root concept.
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200436 Algebraic operators & respective operations over the model constructors –create, edit destructors –delete visualization or extractors –list, view, check compositors –repeat Effects –restructuring (constructors, destructors and any compositors using at least one operator belonging to the previous categories) or –structure neutral (visualization and any compositors applied to visualization alone)
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200437 [1][1] We assume here that val is defined analogously for CM, c, l. operation & operator Range of operation in DMDescription Create & ‘C’ Input (atomic): optionally object name (text label) of objects such as for CM x,; father concept for c,; ids (numerical) of (c1, c2) and expression for l, a i [h] (with h>A min ) Input (set): as above for sets of objects {c j } +,{l j } +,{a i [h]} + (with 1 h A min ) · Output space: CM, C, L, A c · Output: CM x, {c j } *,{l j } *,{a i [h].var}* creates one object such as a concept map, concept, link, a non- standard attribute creates sets of objects such as set of new hierarchical child nodes and/ or links connected to the same parent or a full standard attributes set
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200438 Edit & ‘E’ Input: object ids or expression Output: { {CM x, c, l, a i [h]}.val}* edits the object value Delete & ‘D’ Input: as the two above together, condition or expression Output space: CM, C, L, A c deletes an object (set) from the corresponding structure or empties the contents
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200439 List & ‘L’ Input: Any sets from above, optional condition or expression Output: interface object lists the objects of the set(s) View & ‘V’ Input: (set of) object id-s and mode (e.g., Graph/ Text) Output: interface object gives alternative views of the results to the author Check & ‘Ck’ Input: (set of) object id-s from CM, C, L, A c, checking goal, (and implicitly their value domains) Output: interface object checks the checking goal for the selected object and informs about value domain trespasses Repeat & ‘R’ Input: Any of above, number of times or other stopping condition Output space: same as operation performed Repeats any of the operations above
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200440 Goal and constraints model constraint conceptDefinition 9. A constraint concept c C in GM is defined by the tuple where A c (card( A min )=2): set of attributes; C c : set of sub-concepts. constraint linkDefinition 10. A constraint link l L in GM is a tuple with {c1} C, {c2} CM.C sets of start & end concepts, n l a name representing the type (i.e., hierarchical; AND/OR connections) of the link; w l a weight of the link.
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200441 Description Create & ‘C’ Atomic operation & operators Range of operation in GM Input: original concept id in CM and attribute id; optionally object name (text label) of objects such as for GM x, father concept for c; ids (numerical) of (c1, c2); expression for l Input: as above for sets of objects {c j } +,{l j } +,{a i [h].var} + (1 h 2 ) · Output space: CM, C, L, A c · Output: GM x, {c j } *,{l j } *, {a i [h].var}* creates object e.g. GM map, concept, link, a non-standard attribute creates sets of objects e.g., set of new hierarchical child nodes +/- links to the same parent or a full standard attributes set Edit & ‘E’ Input: object ids or expression Output: { {GM x, c, l, a i [h]}.val}* edits the object value Delete & ‘D’ Input: as the two above together, condition or expression Output space: CM, C, L, A c deletes an object (set) from the corresponding structure or empties the contents
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200442 List & ‘L’ Input: Any sets from above, optional condition or expression Output: interface object lists the objects of the set(s) View & ‘V’ Input: (set of) object id-s and mode (e.g., Graph/ Text) Output: interface object gives alternative views of the results to the author Check & ‘Ck’ Input: (set of) object id-s from CM, C, L, A c, checking goal, (and implicitly their value domains) Output: interface object checks the checking goal for the selected object and informs about value domain trespasses Repeat & ‘R’ Input: Any of above, number of times or other stopping condition Output space: same as operation performed Repeats any of the operations above
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200443 Example 1: flexibility index between concept C1 and rest of concepts in C for automatic linking in the DM or GM
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200444 Example 2: flexibility degree for selecting attributes from DM concept C1 for GM, considering the order
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200445 Future developments LAOS
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200446 Future developments LAOS Operators for each layer (partially done) Automatic transformations between layers for authoring simplification (partially done) Automatic concept linking (partially done) Verification work of the different layers
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200447 LAOS summary we introduced a five level AHS authoring model with a clear cut separation of the processing levels: 1.the domain model (DM), 2.the goal and constraint model (GM), 3.the user model (UM), 4.the adaptation model (AM) - more LAG following 5.the presentation model (PM).
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200448 Overview: LAG 1.What is LAG 2.LAG components 3.Why LAG? 4.New adaptation rules 5.Adaptation strategies
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200449 What is LAG?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200450 What is LAG ? a generalized adaptation model for generic adaptive hypermedia authoring w-header-ah2002.pdfFirst paper: w-header-ah2002.pdf Adaptability.pdfSecond (referring) paper: Adaptability.pdf calvi-accepted.docThird paper: calvi-accepted.doc
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200451 LAG components
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200452 LAG components Direct adaptation Techniques Adaptation Language Adaptation Strategies
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200453 Adaptation granularity lowest level: direct adaptation techniques: –adaptive navigation support & adaptive presentation (Brusilovsky 1996), implem.: AHA!; expressed in AHAM syntax –techniques usually based on threshold computations of variable-value pairs. medium level: goal / domain-oriented adaptation techniques: –based on a higher level language that embraces primitive low level adaptation techniques (wrapper) –new techniques: adaptation language (Calvi & Cristea 2002), high level: adaptation strategies – wrapping layers above – goal-oriented Adaptation Assembly language Adaptation Programming language Adaptation Function calls
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200454 Why LAG?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200455 Motivation LAG different complexityAuthoring with different complexity degrees (beginner authors vs. advanced) ReuseReuse at each level semanticsBetter semantics standardizationstandardization
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200456 New adaptation rules proposed (Adaptation Language)
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200457 Adaptation ‘Programming’ language level rule: IF ENOUGH( ) THEN temporal rule: WHILE DO repetition rule: FOR DO interruption command: BREAK generalization command: GENERALIZE (COND, COND 1, …, COND n ) specialization command: SPECIALIZE (COND, COND 1, …, COND n )
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200458 A level rule IF ENOUGH( ) THEN ENOUGH = fct. of no. & quality of prerequisites; true if, e.g., a given no. of prerequisites from a set is fulfilled –Ex: PREREQUISITES = time_spent; ACTION = “go to next level” –Rule becomes: IF ENOUGH (time_spent on crt. level) THEN “go to next level” –Where ENOUGH is defined, e.g., as follows: ENOUGH (time) = 30 time units; time (advanced topic) = 10 (time units per topic); ENOUGH (medium topic) = 5 (time units per topic); ENOUGH (beginner topic) = 2 (time units per topic);
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200459 A temporal rule action repeated as long as 1-more cond.s hold: WHILE DO According to CM paradigm, concepts canned but assembled depending on UM & their attr.s ( more than mere addition/deletion of links) –E.g, a warning is repeated that user search direction is wrong. Another cond. can trigger a service denial response if a threshold is passed.
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200460 A repetition rule: a certain (simple / composed) action repeated for a no. of times predefined by author: FOR DO describes the time this action has to last before reader can move on.
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200461 An interruption command: user action is interrupted & s/he is forced to undertake a different one: BREAK represents an exacerbation of traditional behavior of AHS: user is “punished” if she doesn’t stick to learning pathways provided by system.
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200462 A generalization command: new concept reader has reached is compared w. more general ones it refers to. As a result, the reader is pointed to related concept(s): GENERALIZE (COND, COND 1, …, COND n )
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200463 A specialization command: if concept is general, system deductively points reader to more specific instantiations: SPECIALIZE (COND, COND 1, …, COND n ) –E.g, if student reads about “Model Reader” in a course on postmodern literature, she can be pointed to an extract from Calvino’s novel ‘Se una notte’, where this notion is exemplified.
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200464 Other commands comparison (concept analogy search) & difference both instances of generalization; duration – a rule related to repetition –lyrical use of repetitions in hyperfiction has given rise to a particular design pattern
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200465 Adaptation Strategies
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200466 Adaptive strategies for cognitive styles
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200467 Convergers are abstract and active; like to feel in control; start with course for intermediates at medium adaptivity level, repeat for a number of times: evaluate state of learner and start increasing difficulty & decreasing adaptivity level if result=good; evaluate state of learner and start decreasing level if result=bad
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200468 converger (abstract, active) 1. Adaptation Strategy: converger() : generate adaptive presentation with (obviously) increasing difficulty 2.Adaptation Language: 2. Adaptation Language: (ENOUGH shows here that the result is above an average result) AdaptLevel= 5; N=AskUser(); # this is to let user feel and be in control; levels: (1=min to 10=max) FOR DO { SPECIALIZE (ENOUGH(Result)); IF (AdaptLevel>1) AdaptLevel--; GENERALIZE (NOT(ENOUGH(Result))); IF (AdaptLevel<5) AdaptLevel++; } # Note that adaptation level is not allowed to increase too much 3.Direct Adaptation Techniques: 3. Direct Adaptation Techniques: (the average can be implemented but takes more space) DiffLevel = 3; AdaptLevel= 5; # note that here there is no predefined number of repetitions IF THEN # Note that above we don’t need the action of the user for triggering; { IF (Result1 +Result2)/2>5 AND DiffLevel<10 THEN # Note that ‘enough’ and specialize { DiffLevel++; IF (AdaptLevel>1) AdaptLevel--;} # must be redefined each time IF (Result1 +Result2)/2 1 THEN {DiffLevel--; IF (AdaptLevel<5) AdaptLevel++;} }
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200469 MOT: Demo?
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200470 RDF schema of MOT DM, GM
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200471 RDF instance of MOT (DM,GM)
/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology Departmental Seminar, Nottingham, UKMarch, 200472 On-line sites: On-line download site: On-line trial sites:
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