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Anishinabe Curing Tim Roufs University of Minnesota Duluth.

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2 Anishinabe Curing Tim Roufs University of Minnesota Duluth

3 Anishinabe



6 n James Jackson Sr. u Ojbwa Medicine Man n Paul Buffalo Paul Buffalo u Excerpts

7 Anishinabe n James Jackson Sr. u Ojbwa Medicine Man

8 Anishinabe n James Jackson Sr. u Ojbwa Medicine Man n Paul Buffalo Paul Buffalo u Excerpts

9 Paul Buffalo Meditating

10 Anishinabe n Culturally Constituted Behavioral Environment (CCBE) u A. Irving Hallowell A. Irving Hallowell F Culture and Experience F Contributions to Anthropology

11 Pre-Treatment Investigation n screening and referral

12 Pre-Treatment Investigation n screening and referral to different kinds of doctors u herbalists u midwives u spiritualists F jessokid or “rabbit bone” u MDs u Grand Medicine (Midewiwin)

13 Ojibway Grand Medicine Ceremony at Squaw Point, Leech Lake, 1932. Minnesota Historical Society, Negative No. 35585


15 Pre-Treatment Investigation n people have specific powers (they’re “specialists”) n can lose power (especially if you don’t practice)

16 Pre-Treatment Investigation n patients need to believe

17 Pre-Treatment Investigation n give gifts to maintain power Ojibway Grand Medicine Ceremony at Squaw Point, Leech Lake, 1932. Minnesota Historical Society, Negative No. 35600

18 Pre-Treatment Investigation n power to help

19 Causes of Illness n “illness” = culturally specific n “disease” = universal

20 Causes of Illness n living a bad life n relatives living in some bad way n jibik n soul loss (both souls) n unbalanced chemical orientation to nature n or a combination of the above

21 Causes of Illness n may be a moral question... n as well as a medical question

22 Treatment n medicine n medicine / lecture

23 Treatment -- medicine n use a mixture (plus meditation) n 1st “shot” = “mild stuff” n you have to pick medicine in the right season, when it is ripe n you can’t go to the same place (location) for herbs, etc. twice in a row n you have to know how to meditate the medicine

24 Paul Buffalo Meditating Medicine

25 Treatment -- medicine n Healing only works through the doctor n the doctor doesn’t cure, the Manito does

26 Treatment -- medicine / lecture n Interpreter of the medicine interprets the medicine n all of that takes time n community support necessary u amount varies with the disease n realign life + lecture on good life n emphasizes that one “has to believe in it”

27 Treatment -- medicine / lecture n If you don’t believe, and/or are just “fooling around” your kids and relatives can be affected

28 Post 1st Treatment n cure n no-cure

29 Post 1st Treatment -- cure n medicine / manipulation does some good n placebo affect u including effect of belief in doctor’s power

30 Post 1st Treatment -- cure n passage of time u Nat Pallone n naming in curing n “works if it ain’t too late”

31 Post 1st Treatment -- no cure n medicine too weak u solution: stronger medicine n medicine from a location not good u solution: use medicine from a different location n medicine picked in wrong seasons u solution: use different medicine

32 Post 1st Treatment -- no cure n Life (bad living) has not changed u solution: change life n Life (bad living) of relative has not changed u solution: have relative or relatives change life

33 Post 1st Treatment -- no cure n Medicine “interpreted” incorrectly u solution: reinterpret or re-mix n Life (bad living) of relative has not changed u solution: have relative or relatives change life

34 Post 1st Treatment -- no cure n other’s power overriding or interfering u solution: talk with them about that n need more time u solution: more time

35 Post 1st Treatment -- no cure n presence of somebody at the curing ceremony might have “interfered” with the cure u for e.g., a white person u or “nonbeliever” u or someone who “doesn’t know about it” F Inger ceremony Inger ceremony u solution: redo ceremony

36 Post 1st Treatment -- no cure n gifts given weren’t right u solution: new gifts u solution: gifts from different people

37 Post 1st Treatment -- no cure n lost power u solution: refer patient out n maybe have started too late u solution: new procedure... u or fault may not be correctable

38 Post 1st Treatment -- no cure n if it doesn’t clear up then: u you know why directly, or u go to the jessokid (or MD)... F to find out why F and / or for further referral or work

39 The Curing Process

40 n The Manito heals, only through the doctor n Therefore, the ultimate fate of the patient is attributed to The Manito

41 The Curing Process u The concept of power is central F See Paul Buffalo paper: “Concept of Power among Mississippi and Lake Superior Ojibwa”Concept of Power among Mississippi and Lake Superior Ojibwa

42 Anishinabe Curing Tim Roufs University of Minnesota Duluth

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