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Luther’s Reformation History 104 / January 14, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Luther’s Reformation History 104 / January 14, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Luther’s Reformation History 104 / January 14, 2013

2 The Augustinian Monastery in Wittenberg, Germany

3 Luther (sketched by Lucas Cranach the elder, 1519)

4 Luther hangs his “95 theses” on the church door (Nov. 1, 1517)… … as depicted by Joseph Fiennes in the film Luther

5 Leo X Pope from 1513 to 1521 “Bull against the errors of Martin Luther and his followers”

6 Luther burns the papal bull condemning his views (Dec. 1520)

7 The Holy Roman Empire, ca. 1400

8 the young Charles V (chosen Holy Roman Emperor, 1519)

9 Realms controlled by Charles V (in maize/orange)

10 Luther defies Charles V at the Council of Worms

11 The Wartburg (in Central Germany)

12 Luther as “Junker Jörg”

13 Luther’s translation of the Bible (1534 ed.)

14 Luther depicted as a “divine prophet”

15 Katharina von Bora (painted 1526)

16 Reformation propaganda: the Catholic Church mocked

17 The pope as the Whore of Babylon




21 The Peasants’ War (1525): farmers as preachers – and warriors

22 Peasants sack a monastery

23 John Calvin (1509-1564) Institutes of the Christian Religion (orig. pub. 1536)

24 John of Leiden (ca. 1509-1536)

25 The anabaptist leaders hung in cages above the city of Münster

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