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OUTCOMES BASED LEARNING Department of Education Psychology, Counselling and Learning Needs 1.

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Presentation on theme: "OUTCOMES BASED LEARNING Department of Education Psychology, Counselling and Learning Needs 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 OUTCOMES BASED LEARNING Department of Education Psychology, Counselling and Learning Needs 1

2 Conceptual Framework Goal: Clear alignment of curriculum elements to desired learning outcomes to improve quality of learning and teaching Two purposes: –Success in students –Success in schools Three premises: –All students can learn and succeed –Successful learning promotes more successful learning –Schools promote success in learning Four principles: –Clarity of focus –Designing down –High expectations –Expanded opportunities 2

3 OBL Road map Define Intended Learning Outcomes Collect data on student attainment of outcomes Outcomes Assessment Alignment of Programme and Institute outcomes Design curriculum, learning & assessment to support attainment of outcomes Mapping & Alignment Use data to inform Improvement of Programmes Adapted from Angela Ho (2007) 3

4 EPCL Generic Learning Outcomes 4

5 5

6 Module Development Process Module templat e MILO Content and activitie s Assessm ent 6

7 7 Alignment of Outcomes

8 8

9 9

10 Pilot Modules (2009/2010) Human Development School Guidance and Counselling Understanding and Managing Diversity 10

11 An Example 11

12 12

13 13

14 14

15 15


17 Assessment Rubric 17

18 OBL Learning Activities Learning Activities Self- assessment Collaborative learning Experiential learning Performance assessment 18

19 Assessment Methods (1) ILO Essay s ReportsJournalsScenario s Group work Work- based Demons- trations Role play Video Problem solving Critical thinking Ethical decision making Comm- unication skills Social interaction skills Global perspective 19

20 Assessment Methods (2) ILO Autobio -graphy Portfoli os Learning Contract s Annotate d Applied tasks Collabor ation ExamsPresent- ations Discussio ns Problem solving Critical thinking Ethical decision making Comm- unication skills Social interaction skills Global perspective 20 Source: Pathways to good practice g.html g.html

21 Quality Assurance 21 Two-way process Review Proces s Module evaluation Meeting: Feedback from staff, students & school Research data Meeting: OBL committee T & L Action plan: T & L Committee Recommendation (Programme Committee) & Programme decision Annual brief report Mid-cycle full report Follow-up Document trial Data used in self-evaluation documents: 1. Student evaluation questionnaire; 2. External examiners’ reports; 3. Feedback from student panels/forums/internet forums; 4. Research data and evidence; 5. Departmental reflections; 6.Programme evaluation; 7. Alumni surveys; 8 Other data from alumni or employers.

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