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B Production and Decay at DØ Brad Abbott University of Oklahoma BEACH 2004 June 28-July 3.

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Presentation on theme: "B Production and Decay at DØ Brad Abbott University of Oklahoma BEACH 2004 June 28-July 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 B Production and Decay at DØ Brad Abbott University of Oklahoma BEACH 2004 June 28-July 3

2 B physics at DØ Will be presenting latest results on: –D** –B** –B s      –  (1S) production –X(3872) Keys to DØ B physics program –Muon system and trigger –Silicon vertex detector and fiber tracker L= 115 – 250 pb -1

3 SMT Muon System and Tracker New forward muon system with |  |<2 and good shielding 4-layer Silicon and 8 doublet-layer Fiber Trackers in 2 T magnetic field

4 Observation of B   D** X D** are orbitally excited D meson states In heavy quark limit –Two narrow states (D-wave) –Two broad states(S-wave) Search for narrow states via –D 0 1 (2420)  D* +  - –D* 0 2 (2460)  D* +  -

5 D 0 sample D 1 0 and D 2 * 0 observed in several experiments, most recently by BaBar/Belle in B -  D** 0  - DØ is studying D 1 0 and D 2 *0 in B semileptonic decays Start with B  D 0 X (D 0  K  )

6 D* sample Add a pion (charge correlated with the muon) with P T >0.18 GeV

7 D** Measure invariant mass of D* -  + system See merged D 1 0 (2420) and D 2 * 0 (2460) Wrong sign combinations

8 Interference effects Two interfering Breit-Wigner D** states with mass/width as measured by Belle (no resolution effects included) Work in progress to extract separate amplitude for each state and relative phase of interference.

9 Branching ratio Take experimentally measured number of D 1 0 and D 2 * 0 : N(D 1 )+N(D 2 *)=523  40 Measure branching ratio of B  D**(narrow) X, normalizing to known branching ratio (B  D* +  X) Br(B  {D 1 0,D 2 * 0 }  X Br({D 1 0,D 2 * 0 }  D* +  - ) = 0.280  0.021(stat) ± 0.088 (sys) % Compare to LEP measurement of total D** Br (B  D* +  X) = (0.48  0.10)% ~ half the rate through narrow states

10 Future measurements = 0.4-0.7 predicted by HQET World average =0.4 ± 0.15 DØ can measure: R Br(B   D 1 X ) Br(B   D* 2 X) Interference effects Helicity

11 B** Heavy quark symmetry predicts 4 B* J states J P = 0 +, 1 +, 1 +, 2 + Parity and angular momentum require B* J to decay to B*  or B  B** provide a good test of heavy quark symmetry Many properties of the B** unknown Large B cross section at Tevatron allows for precise measurements with large statistics

12 B** Search for B** d  B +  - B +  J/  K + Allows one to charge correlate the pion and the B to reduce combinatoric background 115 pb -1 PDG Average 5.698  0.008 GeV

13 Additional Channels Are adding in more decays to increase statistics B** +  B d   –B d  J/  K* –B d  J/  K S With increased statistics should be able to resolve the narrow B** states.

14 B d,s      Forbidden at Tree Level in SM BR(B d  l + l - )BR(B s  l + l - ) e(3.4 ± 2.3) 10 -15 (8.0 ± 3.5) 10 -14  (1.5 ± 0.9) 10 -10 (3.4 ± 0.5) 10 -9  (3.1 ± 1.9) 10 -8 (7.4 ± 1.9) 10 -7 Theoretical predictions Experimental limits at 90% CL BR(B d  l + l - )BR(B s  l + l - ) e < 5.9 10 -6 < 5.4 10 -5  < 1.5 10 -7 < 5.8 10 -7  < 2.5 %< 5.0%

15 B s     in SUSY(Two Higgs-Doublet Model) BR depends only on charged Higgs mass and tan  BR increases as tan 4  (tan 6  ) in 2HDM (MSSM) R parity violating models can give tree level contributions

16 Dimuon Data sample

17 Cut optimization Signal box is blinded Use a random grid search optimizing the ratio   = reconstruction efficiency of signal MC B= expected background extrapolated from sidebands a = number of sigmas corresponding to confidence level (set to 2 for this analysis, corresponding to ~ 95% CL (Following proposal from G. Punzi physics/0308063 Test of hypothesis and limits)

18 Discriminating variables Isolation of the muon pair Opening angle between momentum vector of  pair and vector pointing from primary vertex to  vertex Decay length Box not opened yet180 pb -1

19 Expected upper limit Since box not opened, calculate expected upper limit Expected signal normalized to B +  J/  K + Expect 7.3 ± 1.8 background events in signal region Current expected limit using Feldman-Cousins: Br(B s     ) < 1.0 10 -6 @ 95% CL (stat + sys) Reoptimization still in progress. Further improvements expected

20  (1S) Production Measuring the  (1S) production cross section provides a test of our understanding of the production mechanism of heavy quarks Extend measurement of  (1S) cross section to rapidities of 1.8 Color octet model predicts an increase in transverse polarization with increasing P T (Measurements so far are inconclusive)

21 Analysis Measure the  (1S) cross-section as a function of P T in three rapidity regions 0< |y| <0.6 0.6<|y|<1.2 1.2<|y|<1.8 Signal fit to 3 Gaussians  (1S),  (2S),  (3S) Background: 3 rd order polynomial m(  (2/3S) = m(  (1S) +  m pdg (  (2/3S)-  (1S))  (  (2/3S) =  (  (1S) + m  (2/3S)/m(  (1S))*  (  (1S)) 5 parameters: m,   (1S) Number of  (1S),  (2S),  (3S )

22 Normalized cross section 159 pb -1

23 Normalized Cross section

24 Normalized cross section Normalized cross section shows little dependence on rapidity Good agreement with published results Absolute cross section nearly ready Next: Polarization measurement

25 X(3872)  J/   +  - First observed by Belle B +  K + X(3872) decays Signal confirmed by CDF, DØ and BaBar Nature of X(3872) unknown Theories include: –Another charmonium state –D D* molecular state Since the X(3872) lies very close in mass to the Ψ(2S) charmonium state, and has a common decay mode (X  J/     , we compare production and decay properties of these two states through this decay mode

26 X(3872)   M=774.9 ± 3.1 (stat)  3.0 (sys) MeV  522 ± 100 X candidates  Significance = 5.2 230 pb -1

27 Separate data into different regions Compare  (2S) yield to X yield in different regions Study production and decay characteristics

28 a) P T > 15 GeV b) |y| <1 c) |cos(   )| < 0.4 d) decay length < 0.01 cm e) isolation=1 f) |cos (   )| < 0.4 (   : boost one of the pions and the X(3872) into dipion rest frame.   is the angle between them) To within uncertainties, production of X(3872) found to be consistent with the production of the Y(2S) I.e producted both directy and via B decays, Future: look for radiative decays and charge analog of X Compare Submitted to PRL: hep-ex/0405004

29 Summary Observation of B  D** X Observation of B** Sensitivity to Bs      Normalized Upsilon(1S) Cross section Observation of X(3872) Many new analyses on the way

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