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MGMT 410/510 Topics in Organization Development April 8 Quick Review of Previous Class Theory Behind OD OD as a Process of Change OD Stages & Phases The.

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Presentation on theme: "MGMT 410/510 Topics in Organization Development April 8 Quick Review of Previous Class Theory Behind OD OD as a Process of Change OD Stages & Phases The."— Presentation transcript:

1 MGMT 410/510 Topics in Organization Development April 8 Quick Review of Previous Class Theory Behind OD OD as a Process of Change OD Stages & Phases The Client and Other Players

2 Characteristics of OD?  Leading Change  Collaborative  Performance  Humanistic – Relationships  Systems – Interdependencies  Scientific Don Harvey & Donald R. Brown

3 What is OD? "Organization development is a system-wide application of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, and processes for improving an organization's effectiveness." (Cummings and Worley) “OD is a planned process of change in an organization’s culture through the utilization of behavioral science technologies, research and theory.” (Burke)

4 Emergence of OD  The need for new organizational forms  The focus on cultural change  The increase in social awareness Warren Bennis

5 Characteristics of Effective Organizations  Less hierarchical – more networked  Involve members in decisions they are expected to implement  In general, more people oriented  Flexible in how work is done  Encourage innovation  Posses greater information flow Burke

6 Dimensions of and Organization Mission & Visions Organization Direction-setting People Processes & Tools Strategy & Goals Leadership Performance Measures & Rewards Culture Systems Processes Learning Information Organization Structure

7 Organization as a System Inputs Information Equipment Facilities Materials Money People Technology Outputs Products Goods Services Transformation Process Human Resources Workplace Actions Physical Resources People Organization Environmental Feedback Don Harvey & Donald R. Brown

8 Where does OD Come From? Sensitivity Training Sociotechnical Systems Survey Feedback Burke

9 Theorists Who’ve Influenced OD Individual Perspective Maslow & Herzberg – emphasis on individual needs Vroom & Lawler – emphasis on expectancies & values Hackman & Oldham – emphasis on job satisfaction Skinner – emphasis on individual performance Burke

10 Theorists Who’ve Influenced OD Group Perspective Lewin – emphasis on norms & values Argyris – interpersonal competence & values Bion – group unconscious, psychoanalytic basis Burke

11 Theorists Who’ve Influenced OD Burke System Perspective Likert – emphasis management style & approach Lawrence & Lorsch – Organizational structure Levinson – Organization as a family

12 Case Review Exercise Discussion Questions What is the key issue(s) of the case? Consider the theories discussed, which help you to understand what is going on? Why? Applying the theories discussed, what might you do to resolve the issue(s)? Why?

13 OD as a Process of Change Action Research Three-step Model of System Change Unfreezing Changing Refreezing Need Identify w/ New Self: Assimilation Guilt/Anxiety Information Others: Alignment Safety Burke

14 Phases of Planned change 1. Development of need for change 2. Establish a change relationship 3. Work toward change 4. Generalization & stabilization of change 5.Achieving a terminal relationship Burke OD as a Process of Change

15 OD Stages & Phases Don Harvey & Donald R. Brown STAGE 1 Anticipate Need for Change STAGE 2 Develop Consultant Client Relationship STAGE 3 Diagnostic Phase STAGE 4 Action Phase STAGE 5 Monitoring & Stabilizing STAGE 6 Continuous Improvement 1. Entry 2. Contracting 3. Diagnosis 4. Feedback 5. Planning change 6. Intervention 7. Evaluation Burke

16 Case Review Exercise Discussion Questions Image you are an OD Consultant assigned to the case; What steps you would take to resolve this case?

17 Defining the Client Contact clients—individual who defines the project/or contracts with a consultant Intermediate clients—senior management Primary clients—those that own the problem Ultimate clients—larger context that’s impacted by the project, often the entire organization

18 Defining the Client “I have come to think of my client as the relationship and/or interface between individuals and units within and related to the system.” Burke President VP Finance VP Operations VP Admin. VP Engineering Marketing Sales Production

19 Other Participant Roles Project Sponsor – sufficient authority to authorize change Project Leader/Manager – authority & responsibility to lead project Consultant – provide process and technical expertise Change Agent – vision for change, implementer, communicator Process Owner(s) – responsible for products or services produced by key processes being reviewed

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