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Modeling of protein turns and derivation of NMR parameters related to turn structure Megan Chawner BRITE REU Program Advisor: Dr. Dimitrios Morikis Department of Bioengineering University of California, Riverside
Outline Background My Project Results Conclusions Acknowledgements
Protein Structure: All proteins are made up of twenty amino acid building blocks into a sequence = primary structure
Protein structure: sequence folds into -sheet, -helix, random coil loops and various types of turns stabilized by atomic interactions (e.g., H-bonds) = secondary structure Anti-parallel -sheet -helix Primary structure: GPLLNKFLTT Primary structure: EKQKPDGVFQE Strand 1 Strand 2 Inter-strand H-bonds C=O(i)…H-N(i+4) H-bonds 1 helix turn = 3.6 a.a.
Protein Structure: three-dimensional protein folds are stabilized by long range interactions = tertiary structure Turns introduce reversibility in the direction of other elements of secondary structure, such as -helices or -sheets 3 amino acids = -turn 4 amino acids = -turn -turn -turn
i-1 i i+1 ii ii ii -sheet Ramachandran plot ( ) plot defines secondary structure Backbone torsion angles: Turns -helix
Protein Structure Determination: uses Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to get NMR observables, which are converted to NMR-derived structural parameters Nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) inter-proton distances 3 J(H N -H )-coupling constants -torsion angles Karplus Equation (Karplus, 1959, J Chem Phys) NOE equation (Wuthrich, 1986) r i,j inter-proton distance c rotational correlation time A=6.98, B=-1.38, C=1.72 (Wang and Bax, 1996, JACS) NOE < 5 Å through-space interactions inter-proton distances 3 J(H N -H ) = 3-chemical bond coupling through-bond interactions -torsions
Amino Acid iAmino Acid i+1 NCC C OR H NCC C O H R ii ii 3 J(H N -H ) i+1 i+1 HH ii H N (i)-H (i) H N (i)-H N (i+1) H N (i)-H (i+1) 3 J(H N -H ) = 3-bond -torsion NOE < 5 Å distance in space H (i)-H (i+1) H (i)-H N (i+1) Relations of experimental observables and structural parameters d N (i,i+1) d NN (i,i+1) d N (i,i) d (i,i+1)
3 J(H N -H ) (Hz) ( o ) Cis =0 o =60 o =90 o =150 o Newman Projections N C=O C=O H H C N C=O C=O H H C N C=O C=O H H C N C=O C=O H H C =-90 o =-30 o Trans =180 o =-120 o Solution of Karplus equation using MatLab -helix -sheet NC H H Cis NC H H Trans NC HH Cis NC H H Trans C NC C Cis C NC C Trans C NC C Cis C NC C C NC C C NC C Trans C NC C C NC C Chawner & Morikis, in preparation
My Project Goals: To use NMR-derived parameters (inter-proton distances and -torsion angles) to create databases of expected NMR observables (NOEs and 3 J(H N -H )- coupling constants) for ideal - and - turns with statistical deviations. Bottom line: we are back-calculating NMR observables. Remember, during structure determination, NMR-derived parameters are obtained from NMR spectroscopic observables, NOEs and 3 J(H N -H )-coupling constants. Use: Rapid protein turn structure identification by examination of raw NMR observables, without a complete structure calculation.
Color code: Blue: N Light blue: H Gray: C Red: O Color code: Blue: N Light blue: H Gray: C Red: O VIII I I’ II’ II 1 3 2 4 H-bond C -C I I’ II’ II 1 3 2 4 H-bond C -C -turns Computational modeling of ideal -and -turns according to torsion angles using DeepView Classic -turn criteria Distance: C (1)-C (4) < 7 Å C=O(1)…H-N(4) H-bonded Distance: O(1)-N(4) < 3.3 Å Distance: O(1)-HN(4) < 2.4 Å Angle: O(1)-H(4)-N(4) almost linear ± 35 o Torsion angles ( o ) Type 22 22 33 33 I-60-30-900 II-60120800 I'6030900 II'60-120-800 VIII-60-30-120120 Chawner & Morikis, in preparation
Torsion angles ( o ) Type 22 22 Direct70-60 70-70 85-60 85-70 Inverse-7060 -7070 -8560 -8570 directinverse -turns Computational modeling of ideal -and -turns according to torsion angles Classic -turn criteria Chawner & Morikis, in preparation
Nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) inter-proton distances Characteristic -turn distances H (2)-H N (4): (i, i+2) H (2)-H N (3): (i, i+1) H (3)-H N (4): (i, i+1) H N (2)-H N (3): (i, i+1) H N (3)-H N (4): (i, i+1) Characteristic -turn distances H (1)-H N (3): (i, i+2) H (1)-H N (2): (i, i+1) H (2)-H N (3): (i, i+1) H N (1)-H N (2): (i, i+1) H N (2)-H N (3): (i, i+1) -turn -turn
Torsion angles ( o )D < 7 ÅH-bond distance (Å)H-bond angle (°) Type 22 22 33 33 C (1)-C (4)O(1)-N(4)O(1)-H N (4)O(1)-H(4)-N(4) I-60-30-9004.72.61.6153.2 II-601208004.72.61.7152.2 I'60309004.73.02.1151.1 II'60-120-8004.72.92.0153.4 VIII-60-30-1201206.24.34.569.5 Torsion angles ( o )D < 7 ÅH-bond distance (Å)H-bond angle (°) Type 22 22 C (1)-C (3)O(1)-N(3)O(1)-H N (3)O(1)-H(3)-N(3) Direct70-605.42.71.8142.2 70-705.52.71.9135.5 85-605.53.12.2137.4 85-705.63.12.3134.6 Inverse-70605.42.41.5143.6 -70705.52.51.7131.3 -85605.52.81.9141.9 -85705.62.82.0136.0 Marginal H-bonds present because of larger deviations from linearity Test of compliance of molecular models with ideal turn criteria Not present H-bond present Chawner & Morikis, in preparation
Inter-proton distance (Å) Type H N (2)- H N (3) H N (3)- H N (4) H (2)- H N (3) H (3)- H N (4) H (2)- H N (4) H (2)- H (3) H (3)- H (4) H N (2)- H (3) H N (3)- H (4) I2. II4. I' 5.0 II' VIII2. Torsion angles (°) Inter-proton distance (Å) Type 22 22 H N (1)- H N (2) H N (2)- H N (3) H (1)- H N (2) H (2)- H N (3) H (1)- H N (3) H (1)- H (2) H (2)- H (3) H N (1)- H (2) H N (2)- H (3) Direct70-602.03.73.6 70-702.03.83.6 85-602.03.6 85-702.03.83.6 Inverse-70602. -70702. -85602.03.6 -85702. Ideal -turns Ideal -turns Molecular models: measured distances corresponding to characteristic NOEs
We classified the inter-proton distances as corresponding to strong, medium, weak and very weak NOE intensities: 1.8-2.6 Å = strong 2.7-3.5 Å = medium 3.6-4.4 Å = weak 4.5-5.0 Å = very weak Relative NOE intensities Type H N (2)- H N (3) H N (3)- H N (4) H (2)- H N (3) H (3)- H N (4) H (2)- H N (4) H (2)- H (3) H (3)- H (4) H N (2)- H (3) H N (3)- H (4) ISSMMWVW N/OVW IIVWSSMMW N/O I'SSMMWVW II'VWSMMW N/OVW VIIISWMSN/OVWWN/OVW -turns Relative classification of NOE intensities Chawner & Morikis, in preparation 1.8 Å: sum of van der Waals radii with some overlap
Torsion angles (°) Relative NOE intensities Type 22 22 H N (1)- H N (2) H N (2) - H N (3) H (1) - H N (2) H (2) - H N (3) H (1) - H N (3) H (1) - H (2) H (2) - H (3) H N (1) - H (2) H N (2) - H (3) Direct70-60SWWWWN/OVWWN/O 70-70SWWWWN/OVWWN/O 85-60SWWWWN/OVWWN/O 85-70SWWWWN/OVWWN/O Inverse-7060SWWSWVW N/O -7070SWWSWVW N/O -8560SWWSWVW W -8570SWWSWVW W -turns We classified the inter-proton distances: 1.8-2.6 Å = strong 2.7-3.5 Å = medium 3.6-4.4 Å = weak 4.5-5.0 Å = very weak Relative classification of NOE intensities
2 (°) J 2 (Hz) 3 (°) J 3 (Hz) Type I-604.2-908.2 Type I’607.3905.8 Type II-604.2806.6 Type II’607.3-806.9 Type VIII-604.2-12010.1 Type 2 (°) J 2 (Hz) Direct707.1 Direct856.2 Inverse-705.5 Inverse-857.5 Solution of Karplus equation: calculations of characteristic 3 J(H N -H )-coupling constants -turns -turns Chawner & Morikis, in preparation
2 (°) J 2 (Hz) 3 (°) J 3 (Hz) Type I-60Weaker-90Stronger Type I’60Stronger90Weaker Type II-60Weaker80Stronger Type II’60Stronger-80Weaker Type VIII-60Weaker-120Stronger Type 2 (°) J 2 (Hz) Direct70S Direct85W Inverse-70W Inverse-85S We classified the turn’s 3 J(H N -H )-coupling constants as stronger or weaker relative to itself, so that the different types can be differentiated comparatively -turns -turns Caution: small variations in -torsion angles result to very large variations in j-coupling constants. In general, the use of j-coupling constants is not as helpful as NOE intensity patterns and connectivities. -helix -sheet Chawner & Morikis, in preparation
Conclusions NOE intensity patterns and connectivities can be used to distinguish turn type without a complete structure determination. We have created small NOE intensity databases that discriminate Type I, I’, II, II’, and VIII -turns, and direct and inverse -turns. Caution: Classification of strong, medium, weak, and very weak NOEs is relative. Small variations of the characteristic -torsion angles introduce very large variations in the 3 J(H N -H )-coupling constant values, sometimes spanning the whole range of possible solutions for the Karplus equation and the whole allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. Why? the small variations in -torsion angles are owed to the dynamic character of turns in proteins and peptides and to conformational averaging. Overall, NOEs are more useful than J-coupling constants.
Acknowledgements Dr. Dimitrios Morikis Li Zhang Coordinators of BRITE Program Fellow BRITE students
3 J(H N -H ) Cis =0 o =60 o =90 o =150 o Newman Projection N C=O C=O H H C N C=O C=O H H C N C=O C=O H H C N C=O C=O H H C =-90 o =-30 o Trans =180 o =-120 o Solution of Karplus equation
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