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Riverside forest at the river corridor Lech. Important for the development of societies  Elevation above the river and the water level  Speed of fluid.

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Presentation on theme: "Riverside forest at the river corridor Lech. Important for the development of societies  Elevation above the river and the water level  Speed of fluid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Riverside forest at the river corridor Lech

2 Important for the development of societies  Elevation above the river and the water level  Speed of fluid  Suspend matter

3 Succession of habitats that depend on the type of substratum

4 Stones and gravelSand Silt, clay, influence of groundwater Salici Myricarietum Erico Pinetum sylvestris Pinetum sylvestris with Alnus incanus Salici Alnetum Salicetum development Erico-Molino- Pinetum Salicetum typicum Salicetum with moss and lichens development

5 Succession of habitats that depend on the type of substratum

6 Habitats that depend on type on aggregation of materials DepositAccreteSubside Riverbed gravelSand, fluiding waterSludge, standing water Agrostis alba society Heleocharis-Limosella society Nuphar society Salix bushes Phalaridetum Salicetum albaeDeep Salicetum albaeSalix bushes High Salicetum albaeDeep Salicetum High Alnetum incanaeDeep Alnetum Fraxinus excelsiorisDeep Fraxino – Quercetum Fraxinus – Ulmus – Quercus forest

7 Habitats that depend on type on aggregation of materials  Connection between the development of soil and vegetation  Regressive naturally development near the river  Anthropogenic degradations  Softwood riverside-forest have a fast pass through succession  Hardwood forests – succession slower

8 Habitats that depend on type of soil and elevation Typical of soilSocieties Duration of succession phase Brown lime – forest soil Galio Quercetum Galio Carpinetum 4000-5000a Mull-lime Riverside soil Fraxino Ulmetum4000a Grey brown lime soil Alnetum incanae Loniceretosum with Malinia 100a Grey lime soilAlnetum incanae loniceretosum50a Light grey lime soilAlnetum incanae typicum25a Rough lime soilSalicetum albo-fragilis25a Rough soils Alluvial lithosol Senecio fluviatilis5a

9 Habitats that depend on type on aggregation of materials  Water engraved 1,5 m deeper as a consequence of barriers and dams  Periodical sedimentation of the river decreased; degradation started  Restoration of the river started (2001 Natura 2000 status)

10 Examples of pioneer societies 1.) Epilobietum fleischeri With dominant herbs:  Linaria alpina  Saxifraga aizoides  Anthlyllis vulneraria  Cerastium pedunculatum

11 Examples of pioneer societies 1.) Epilobietum fleischeri  Frequently moved gravel  Sand banks  Glacial drifts with an annual influence of the river dynamic  Result of alteration of deposits and accretes

12 Examples of pioneer societies 2.) Myricario - Chondrilletum With dominant plants:  Chondrilla chondrilloides  Dryas octopetala  Myricaria germanica  Salix purpurea  Salix elaeagnos

13 Examples of pioneer societies 2.) Myricario - Chondrilletum  Annually flooded gravel banks  Nutrient – poor soil  Provides the stabilization of soil

14 Examples of pioneer societies 3.) Salici Myricarietum Dominated by:  Myricaria germanica  Salix purpurea  Salix elaeagnos  Pinus sylvestris

15 Examples of pioneer societies 3.) Salici Myricarietum  Gravel banks  Basic and nutrient poor soil  Endures overflooding and overthrowing  Starts to settle only on silt  0,5 – 1,5 m above the middle water line

16 Examples of pioneer societies 4.) Salicetum elaeagno purpureae Dominated plants here:  Alnus incana  Salix elaeagnos  Salix purpurea  Rubus caesium  Chaerophyllum hirsutum

17 Examples of pioneer societies 4.) Salicetum elaeagno purpureae  On higher sites of river foodplaines  2,5 m above the middle water line  Not periodical flooded  Sandy soil with a fine humus layer


19 Examples of following societies 5.) Softwood riverside forest  Growing on the middle course – on fine-grained alluvial plaines  Occasional flooded rich on nutrients a.) at the middle water line: Salicetum triandro – viminalis b.) above the middle water line: Salicetum albo-fragilis

20 Examples of following societies 6.) Alnetum incanae  On chalky soil with good ventilation  Above the middle water line

21 Examples of following societies 7.) Fraxino – Ulmetum  On deep, nutrient-poor loamy soils  Only flooded by extreme high water

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