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Kick-off Meeting, July 28, 2008 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Next Generation Network Science: An Overview Michael Kearns and Ali Jadbabaie University of Pennsylvania.

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Presentation on theme: "Kick-off Meeting, July 28, 2008 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Next Generation Network Science: An Overview Michael Kearns and Ali Jadbabaie University of Pennsylvania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick-off Meeting, July 28, 2008 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Next Generation Network Science: An Overview Michael Kearns and Ali Jadbabaie University of Pennsylvania

2 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Team Members Michael Kearns (PI) Ali Jadbabaie Shawndra Hill John Doyle Babak Hassibi Dave Alderson Brian Stickler Jean Carlson Fan Chung Graham Naval Postgraduate School University of Pennsylvania UC Santa Barbara Caltech UC San Diego

3 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Good news: Spectacular progress Bad news: Persistent errors and confusion Potentially insurmountable obstacles?

4 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Challenges in the NS report: 1.Dynamics, spatial location, and information propagation in networks. 2.Modeling and analysis of very large networks. 3.Design and synthesis of networks. 4.Increasing the level of rigor and mathematical structure. 5.Abstracting common concepts across fields. 6.Better experiments and measurements of network structure. 7.Robustness and security of networks.

5 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Goals Abstraction (common concepts across fields) Rigor (& math structure) Issues Dynamics (location, propagation) Robustness (& security) Levels of understanding 0. Verbal 1.Data & statistics (Experiments & measurements) 2.Modeling & simulation 3.Analysis 4.Design & synthesis Challenges

6 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Goals Abstraction Rigor Issues Dynamics Robustness Levels 0.Verbal 1.Data & stats 2.Modeling & sim 3.Analysis 4.Design & synth Good news: Spectacular progress Theory and the Internet Topics: Traffic Topology Control and dynamics (C&D) Layering/distributed Architecture

7 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Huge and recent progress TrafficTopologyC&DLayering Architect ure Verbal Data/stat Mod/sim Analysis Synthesis

8 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Addressing challenges Modeling Analysis Design and Synthesis Experiments project thrusts vs. Challenges : Novel Algorithms Dynamics of Networks Dynamics, Games, and New Models of Networks Network Architecture Network Information theory Behavioral Network Science

9 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Network of Investigators Chung- Graham Steckler Watts Doyle Carlson Hassibi Jadbabaie

10 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Thrust 1: Novel Algorithms Local, Distributed graph Algorithms (Chung-Graham, Jadbabaie) –Graph algorithms for partitioning Understanding role of Randomness, and Random graph models (Chung-Graham, Doyle, Carlson) –Beyond degree distributions Matching and re-identification, data mining (Hill) –Efficient scoring and identity matching

11 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Thrust 2: Dynamics on Networks and Network Models Analysis and design of interconnected dynamical systems over networks, distributed optimization (Jadbabaie, Doyle, Hassibi) –Global behaviors translated to local decisions –Interplay of interconnection and dynamics Network formation games (Alderson, Kearns) New Models of Networks (Jadbabaie) –From Graphs to Simplicial Complexes

12 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Thrust 3:Architecture Comparative Physiology of Network Architecture (Alderson, Doyle, Carlson) –From Internet to biology –Robustness, fragility and evolvability of complex networks Optimization, Layering, and games (Jadbabaie, Doyle, Alderson, Kearns) –Layering as a tool for optimization decomposition

13 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Thrust 4:Network Information theory Entropic Vectors: New tool for network information theory (Hassibi) –Entropic vectors and convex optimization Fundamental limits in network information theory (Doyle, Hassibi) –Connecting fundamental limits due to information, computation, and dynamics

14 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Thrust 5: Behavioral Network Science Behavioral and Mathematical models for collective problem-solving (Kearns) Collective problem solving vs. distributed optimization (Kearns, Jadbabaie)

15 ONR MURI: NexGeNetSci Thrust 6:Testbeds and Demonstrations Hastily Formed Networks (Steckler, Alderson) –Analysis of Field exercise data Measurement and statistics of field operations

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