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1 A new certificateless aggregate signature scheme Computer communications 32(2009) 1079- 1085 Author: Lei Zhang, Futai Zhang Presenter: 紀汶承
2 Outline Introduction Preliminaries A CLAS scheme Two type of adversaries An efficient certificateless aggregate sig nature scheme Security proof
3 Introduction 目的 : 把多個簽章整合成一個簽章,以減少整體 簽章長度。 相對於很多個不同的單一個簽章,減少驗 證時運算所花費的 cost 。
4 Preliminaries Bilinear Pairing Table (notations and means) CDH problem
5 Bilinear Pairing G1 : cyclic additive group generated by P whose order is a prime q. G2 : cyclic multiplicative group of the same order q. A bilinear pairing is a computable map e : G1 × G1 → G2 with the following properties
6 Bilinear Pairing 1. Bilinear: for any a,b and 2. Non-degenerate: There exists such that
7 Table (notations and means) CLAS: Certificateless Aggregate Signature KGC: Key Generation Center A 1 /A 2 : A type I/II adversary ID i,P i : The identity, Public key of a user,respectively X i,D i : The secre value, partial private key of a user with identity IDi l: A security parameter e: A bilinear map Z q : A additive group whose elements are 0,…,q-1. M i : A message M: Message space σi : A single signature on a message σ: An aggregate signature Δ: A state information H i : A hash function ⊥ : It means the value is empty.
8 Computational Diffie-hellman Group Define the system parameters as Params={G1,G2,e,q,P,H} Hash function : H : CDH problem : given P, aP, bP ∈ G1 for all a,b ∈ compute abP
9 A CLAS scheme Setup: perform by KGC, use a parameter l to generate a master key snd a list of system parameters params. Partial-Private-Key-Extract: perform by KGC, use user’s ID i, params and master key to produce user’s partial-private-key. UserKeyGen: run by user,produce private/public key x i /p i.
10 A CLAS scheme(cont.) Sign: run by user, input params, state information Δ, message M i, ID i, P i, sign key(x i,D i ), output σ i as signature. Aggregate: run aggregate signature generator. Output σ as aggregate signature on messages M 1,…,M n. Aggregate Verify: if aggregate signature is valid, output true else false.
11 Two type of adversaries Type1: A1 does not have master key, but can replace public key as his choice. Type2: A2 has the master key but cannot perform public key replacement.
12 Two type of adversaries(cont.) Game1: Setup: C run setup algo. Input security parameter l, 產生 master key 以及 system params. Then send params to A1. Attack: A1 可以在 polynomially bounded number 內執行下列 queries.
13 1. Partial-Private-Key queries(ID i ): A1 可以要求任 何 user 的 partial-private-key,C 會 output 給 A1. 2. Public-Key queries(ID i ): C 會 output user 的 public key 給 A1. 3. Secret-Value queries(ID i ): C 會 output user 的 screte key x i 給 A1. 4. Public-Key-replacement queries(ID i,p i ’):A1 可以 決定一個 new public key P i ’ 去替換 user i 的公鑰 P i.C 會紀錄下來. 5. Sign queries(Δ i,M i,ID i,P i ): A1 可以要求 user i 的簽 章,C 會去計算 i 的合法簽章 on state information Δ i.
14 Forgery: A1 output a set of n users U*={U 1 *,…U n *},a state information Δ* and a aggregate signature σ*. A1 wins the game1,iff σ* 是一個 valid aggregate signature. 至少一個 ID i, 並未要求 ppk(ID i ) queries. And S(Δ i,M i,ID i,P i ) 並未 query.
15 Game2: Setup: C run setup algo. Input security parameter l, 產生 master key 以及 system params. Then send master and params to A2. Attack: A2 可以在 polynomially bounded number 內執行下列 queries.
16 1. Public-Key queries(ID i ): C 會 output user 的 public key 給 A2. 2. Secret-Value queries(ID i ): C 會 output user 的 screte key x i 給 A2. 3. Sign queries(Δ i,M i,ID i,P i ): A1 可以要求 user i 的簽章,C 會去計算 i 的合法簽章 on state information Δ i.
17 Forgery: A2 output a set of n users U*={U 1 *,…U n *},a state information Δ* and a aggregate signature σ*. A2 wins the game2,iff σ* 是一個 valid aggregate signature. 至少一個 ID i, 並未要求 sv(ID i ) queries. And S(Δ i,M i,ID i,P i ) 並未 query.
18 An efficient certificateless aggregate sig- nature scheme Setup: input a security parameter l,KGC 選擇一個 cyclic additive group G 1,G 2.a bilinear map e:G 1 xG 1 →G 2. choose random λ ∈ Z q * as the master key and set P T =λP,choose hash function H 1 :{0,1}* →G 1, H 2 :{0,1}* →G 1, H 3 :{0,1}* →G 1,system parameter is{G 1,G 2,e,P,P T,H 1,H 2,H 3 },message space is M={0,1}*
19 Partial-private-key-extract: Compute Q i =H 1 (ID i ) Output the partial private key D i =λQ i. UserKeyGen: Select random And set the secrete value/public key as x i /P i =x i P.
20 Sign: to sign a message M using the signing key (x i,D i ) and chooses a state information Δ. then perform the following steps: Choose a random,compute R i =r i P W=H 2 (Δ),S i =H 3 (Δ||M i ||ID i ||P i ||R i ) V i =D i +x i W+r i S i. σ i =(R i,V i ) as the signature on M i.
21 Aggregate: σ i =(R i,V i ) for i=1~n, aggregate to σ=(R 1,…,R n,V). V=ΣV i. Aggregate verify: Compute W=H 2 (Δ), Q i =H 1 (ID i ), S i =H 3 (Δ||M i ||ID i ||P i ||R i ) Verify
22 Security proof Assuming CDH problem is hard. Theorem1: In random oracle, 存在一個 type 1 adversary A1 who has an advantage ε in forging a signature. Then CDH problem can be solved with probability
23 Proof: let C be a CDH attacker who receives a random instance (P,aP,bP) of CDH problem in G 1,A1 is a type1 adversary who interact with C. Setup: C set P T =aP and params=(G 1,G 2,e,P,P T,H 1,H 2,H 3 ) then send to A1. Attack: A1 can perform the following type of queries in an adaptive manner.
24 H1 queries: C maintains a list of tuples (ID j,α j,Q j,c j ). This list is initially empty. Whenever receiving an H 1 query on ID i, the same answer from the list will be given if the request has been asked before. Otherwise, C first picks at random then flips a coin c i :{0,1} that yields 0 with probability δ and 1 with probability1-δ, If c i =0,C sets Q i = α i bP, adds (ID i, ⊥,Q i,c i ) to and returns Q i as answer; otherwise, sets Q i = α i P, adds (ID i,α i,Q i,c i ) to and returns Q i as answer.
25 H2 queries: C keeps a list of tuples (Δ j,W j,β j ). This list is initially empty. Whenever A1 issues a query H 2 (Δ i ), the same answer from the list will be given if the request has been asked before. Otherwise, C selects a random, computes W i =β i P, adds (Δ i,W i,β i ) to.and returns W i as answer.
26 H3 queries: C keeps a list of tuples (Δ j,M j,ID j,P j,R j,S j,γ j ). This list is initially empty. Whenever A1 issues a query(Δ i ||M i ||ID i ||P i ||R i ) to H 3, the same answer from the list will be given if the request has been asked before. Otherwise, C selects a random, computes S i =γ i P, adds (Δ j,M j,ID j,P j,R j,S j,γ j ) to and return Si as answer.
27 Partial-Private-Key queries: C keeps a list of tuples (ID j,x j,D j,P j ). This list is initially empty. When A1 issues a query Partial-Private-Key PPK(ID i ), the same answer from the list will be given if the request has been asked before. Otherwise, C first makes an H 1 query on ID i and finds the tuple (ID i,α i,Q i,c i ) on,then does as follows: (1) If c i = 0, abort. (2) Else if there’s a tuple (ID i,x i,D i,P i ) on, set D i = α i P T and return D i as answer. (3) Otherwise, compute D i = α i P T, set x i = P i = ⊥, then return D i as answer and add (ID i,x i,D i,P i ) to.
28 Public-Key queries: On receiving a Public-Key query PK(ID i ), if the request has been asked before the current public key from the list will be given. Otherwise, C does as follows: (1) If there’s a tuple (ID i,x i,D i,P i ) on (in this case, the public key P i of ID i is ⊥ ), choose, compute, return D i as answer and update (ID i,x i,D i,P i ) to. (2) Otherwise, choose, compute P i = x i P, return P i as answer, set D i = ⊥ and add (ID i,x i,D i,P i ) to.
29 Secret-Value queries: On receiving a Secret-Value query SV(ID i ),C first makes PK(ID i ) then finds the tuple (ID i,x i,D i,P i ) on and returns x i as answer (Note that the value of x i maybe ⊥ ). Public-Key-Replacement queries: A1 can choose a new public key for the user whose identity is ID i. On receiving a Public-Key- Replacement query PKR(ID i,P i ’),C first finds the tuple (ID i,x i,D i,P i ) on (if such a tuple does not exists on or P i = ⊥,C first makes PK(ID i )), then C updates P i to P i ’.
30 Sign queries: On receive a Sign query S(Δ i,M i,ID i,P i ), where P i denotes the public key chosen by A1,C first makes H 1 (ID i ),H 2 (Δ i )queries then recovers (ID i,α i,Q i,c i ) from, (Δ i,W i,β i ) from and then generates the signature as follows: (1) If c i = 0, choose, set, set S i = γ i P T, add(Δ i,M i,ID i,P i,R i,S i,γi) to (if there is a tuple (Δ i,M i,ID i,P i,R i,S i,γi) on, then redo this step), compute V i = β i P i + r i γ i P T,output σ i = (R i,V i ). (2) Else c i = 1, randomly choose, set V i = α i P T + β i P i + γ i R i,output σ i = (R i,V i ).
31 Forgery: A1 return a forged aggregate signature σ*=(R 1 *,…,R n *,V*).It required that there exists I:{1,…,n} such that A1 has not asked the partial private key for ID I. And A1 has not made a S(Δ I,M I,ID I,P I ) query. Without loss of generality, let I=1. the forged aggregate signature must satisfy
32 C now proceeds only if c 1 *=0,c i *=1 for all 2 ≦ i ≦ n,otherwise,C aborts. Then In our setting : for all i,2 ≦ i ≦ n, then
33 分析 : 須滿足下列三個事件 E 1: C does not abort as a result of any of A1’s Partial-Private-Key queries. E 2: A1 generates a valid and nontrivial aggregate signature forgery. E 3: Event E2 occurs, c 1 *=0 and c i *=1 for all I, 2 ≦ i ≦ n.
34 Pr[E1ΛE2ΛE3]= Pr[E1]Pr[E2|E1]Pr[E 3|E1ΛE2]. The probability that C does not abort as a result of A1’s key extraction queries is at least.then Pr[E1] ≧ Suppose algorithm C does not abort as a result of A1’s signature queries and key extraction queries, then algorithm A1’s view is identical to its view in the real attack,Pr[E2-E1] ≧ ε. The probability that C does not abort after A1 outputting a valid and nontrivial forgery is at least Then Pr[E 3|E1ΛE2] ≧
35 So,we have When, is maximized at q k is large,then we have
36 在 sign 方面 花費 2n(s)scalar multiplication<3n(s)(using PKL) 在 verify 方面 花費 n+3 次 (pairing operation) 可否減少 cost?
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