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Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 1 SEED: A Suite of Instructional Laboratories for Computer SEcurity EDucation Wenliang (Kevin)

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Presentation on theme: "Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 1 SEED: A Suite of Instructional Laboratories for Computer SEcurity EDucation Wenliang (Kevin)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 1 SEED: A Suite of Instructional Laboratories for Computer SEcurity EDucation Wenliang (Kevin) Du Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Syracuse University Email: URL:

2 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 2 Objectives Improve experiential learning in computer security education Develop effective security-related labs (or course projects) Targeting both security and non-security courses.

3 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 3 Overview Philosophies behind our approach Lab environment The design of SEED labs Overview of the labs (about 20) Discussions

4 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 4 About SEED Project Funded by the NSF CCLI Program Phase I ($75K) was funded in 2002 Phase II ($450K) was funded in 2007 Four universities are main partners. Several more universities are using. Web page for all the developed labs

5 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 5 Philosophy #1 Computer security education should focus on both the fundamental security principles and security-practice skills. Principles: A wide spectrum. Skills: designing, programming, testing, analyzing, innovating, and applying. Focused and comprehensive labs

6 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 6 Philosophy #2 Computer security education should be integrated into many other courses, including Operating Systems, Networking, Computer Architecture, Compilers, Software Engineering, etc.

7 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 7 A Generic Environment Use for most of the labs: Learning a new environment is not easy Not too expensive: Most schools do not have budget for this

8 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 8 Finding a System A system that can be used to demonstrate a variety of security principles. Interesting: can motivate students Meaningful: not a toy Manageable: doesn’t take months to understand What can be more comprehensive than operating systems?

9 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 9 A Unified Lab Environment Labs MinixLinux Virtual Machine (e.g. vmware ) Host OS (Windows, Linux, etc.)

10 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 10 Cost of Environment Software cost vmware is free for academic use Minix and Linux are open-source and free Hardware cost Use student’s personal computer: At least 1.5GB RAM, the more the better Use a general computer lab Administrator: install vmware Students: buy a portable hard drive (> 6 G)

11 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 11 Laboratories Three types of labs Design/Implementation Labs Exploration Labs Vulnerability/Attack Labs They cover different sets of skills The time needed for these labs varies (1 week to 6 weeks)

12 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 12 Design/Implementation Labs Design/Implementation Labs Minix Virtual Machine (e.g. vmware ) Objectives: to build and integrate security mechanisms in systems, and to apply security principles in system building.

13 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 13 Design Labs Students’ Tasks Existing Components Capability Access Control List Sandbox Encrypted File System Properties of this design: Focused on targeted principles Each lab takes 2-6 weeks Difficulties can be adjusted RBAC MAC IPSecFirewallIDS Minix OS System Randomization

14 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 14 Lab Development Learning objectives The principles covered by each lab Simplification of the system Multi-year project  Few weeks Self-contained Not over-simplified Reduce non-security critical tasks Simplification Develop supporting materials

15 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 15 Exploration Labs Exploration Labs MinixLinux Virtual Machine (e.g. vmware ) Objectives: to explore how security mechanisms work, and to apply security principles in evaluating those mechanisms.

16 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 16 Exploration Labs Minix/Linux OS Security Component Other Components Guided Tour: Small experiments Guided activities Interact with security components Observe Explain the observations “tour” Set-UID PAM: Pluggable Authentication Module Reference Monitor All the design labs can be transformed to exploration labs Intel 80x86 Protection Mode SYN Cookie

17 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 17 Vulnerability/Attack Labs Vulnerability/Attack Labs MinixLinux Virtual Machine (e.g. vmware ) Objectives: to learn from mistakes, to see how a flaw leads to security breaches, to carry out real attacks in the lab environment, and to apply security principles in defense.

18 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 18 Vulnerability/Attack Labs Linux/Minix OS User Space Kernel Space Real-World Vulnerabilities Fault Injection Students’ Tasks: 1.Find out those vulnerabilities 2.Exploit the vulnerabilities 3.Fix the vulnerabilities 4. Design countermeasures

19 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 19 Vulnerability Laboratories Buffer-overflow Lab Return-to-libc Attack Lab Race-condition Lab Format-string Lab Sandbox (chroot) Lab Attack Lab on TCP/IP Attack Lab on DNS (Pharming Attacks) Cross-Site Scripting Lab SQL injection attack Lab Set-UID vulnerability Lab Lab on various OS kernel vulnerabilities

20 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 20 Our 2nd Philosophy Computer security education should be integrated into many other courses, including Operating Systems, Networking, Computer Architecture, Compilers, Software Engineering, etc.

21 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 21 Examples for Operating Systems File Systems Encrypted File System (EFS) Lab Access Control Capability Lab RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) Lab: demo Memory Management Memory Randomization Lab Privilege Escalation Set-UID Lab Privilege Restriction Chroot Sandboxing Lab Set-RandomUID Sandboxing Lab

22 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 22 OS (continued) Enhancing OS to protect against attacks on vulnerable programs. Buffer-overflow Lab: demo Format-string Lab Race condition Lab Sandbox Lab

23 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 23 Networking TCP/IP Protocols: TCP/IP attack Labs (e.g. SYN flooding, TCP RST attacks, TCP session hijacking, Port scanning) SYN-Cookie Labs (defend against DOS attacks) DNS Protocol Pharming Attacks Labs IP Routing: IPSec/VPN Labs Firewall Labs

24 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 24 For Other Courses Computer Architecture 80386 Protection Mode Lab Compilers Return-to-libc lab (how stack works) Software Engineering Capability, RBAC labs (requirement analysis, design architecture, testing)

25 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 25 Web Programming Hardening systems to defeat attacks on web applications. SQL Injection XSS

26 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 26 Evaluation Survey-based evaluation Anonymous survey after each lab Group interview (by a specialist) each semester Student feedbacks Interview experiences Job experiences Peer reviews Publications Interviews

27 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 27 Experience Developed 20 Labs during the last 6 years Used in 3 courses at Syracuse University One senior-level and two graduate-level Also used by several other universities Including non-secure courses. The results are very encouraging Evaluation results can be found in our published papers and web sites.

28 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 28 Discussion Topics Ideas of labs for various courses Dissemination We need to get others to use the labs, how? Reach out to our own community. A barrier: interested  use

29 Secure Coding Faculty Workshop, April 14-15, Orlando, FL 29 Initiative: Open-source Library of Labs Hosting and Coordinating Organizers and Industry/NSF sponsors Contributing mechanisms Portal or repository Categorization mechanisms By courses, topics, principles, difficulties, book chapters Feedback mechanism Anonymous comments, endorsements by employers # of downloads Discussion Forums

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