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ENGR 215 ~ Dynamics Sections 12.4 – 12.6. Curvilinear Motion: Position.

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1 ENGR 215 ~ Dynamics Sections 12.4 – 12.6

2 Curvilinear Motion: Position

3 Curvilinear Motion: Velocity


5 Velocity is tangential to path of travel

6 Curvilinear Motion: Acceleration

7 Parametric Functions

8 Projectile Motion 2-D Horizontal Motion Vertical Motion

9 Lecture Example 1: Projectile Clown A clown is shot from a cannon at 80 ft/s at a 45° angle into a net 20 ft in the air. –How long does it take before the clown hits the net? –What is his velocity at impact? –How far down range does he travel?


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