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General Concepts Related to Psychiatry and allied sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "General Concepts Related to Psychiatry and allied sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Concepts Related to Psychiatry and allied sciences

2 Psychiatry v/s Psychology

3 Psychiatry Mental Health…medical related Illnesses and their management Psychology Mental processes Thoughts, emotions, and behaviors Comparative animal studies

4 Scope of Psychology

5 Clinical Educational Industrial Forensic etc

6 Psychological Concepts MIND Theories of Mind Psycho-dynamic Theory Parts of Mind CONSCIOUS PRECONSCIOUS UNCONSCIOUS

7 Structural components of mind Id…Basic instincts Super ego….External authority Ego…regulated by the person

8 Personality

9 Definition Thoughts, emotions and behaviors Stable Predictable Unique

10 Theories of Personality Development Psycho-social theory Eriksson Epigenetic principle Stages Trust v/s mistrust Autonomy v/s shame Initiative v/s doubts Industry v/s Inferiority Identity v/s Role confusion Intimacy v/s Isolation Generativity v/s Stagnation Integrity v/s Despair

11 Cognitive Theory Jean Piaget Stages Sensori-motor stage Pre-operational stage Concrete operational stage Formal operational stage


13 Psycho-analytic development Sigmund Freud Stages Oral stage Anal stage Phallic stage Latent period Secondary genital stage



16 Ego Defense Mechanisms Denial Acting out Repression Regression Reaction Formation Fantasy Isolation of affect Somatization Rationalization Intellectualization Identification Splitting Projection

17 Learning Theory Assumes a learner is essentially passive, responding to environmental stimuli. The learner starts off as a clean slate (i.e. tabula rasa) and behavior is shaped through positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement Several types of learning exist. The most basic form is associative learning, i.e., making a new association between events in the environment.

18 Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov) Pavlov’s Dogs unconditioned stimulus unconditioned response conditioned stimulus conditioned response

19 Operant Conditioning (B. F. Skinner) Operant conditioning can be described as a process that attempts to modify behavior through the use of positive and negative reinforcement. Through operant conditioning, an individual makes an association between a particular behavior and a consequence Positive and negative reinforcers Positive and negative punishment

20 Morality Development

21 How to classify psychiatric illnesses for study purpose

22 According to the symptomatology According to the etiology According to the age According to the modality involved D.S.M –IV ICD-10

23 But mostly we study the disorders on the basis of modality involved. These modalities include; Mood Memory Thought Formation Thought Processing Perception etc.

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