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The Proper Use of SafiSan Project Materials Water Services Trust Fund Ethics, Integrity & Efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "The Proper Use of SafiSan Project Materials Water Services Trust Fund Ethics, Integrity & Efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Proper Use of SafiSan Project Materials Water Services Trust Fund Ethics, Integrity & Efficiency

2 Ethics : Moral principles governing behaviour Integrity: It is the quality of having strong morals: the application of moral principles, standards of behavior, or set of values regarding proper conduct in the workplace as individuals and in a group setting

3 Lose your wealth and you have lost nothing Lose your health and you have lost something Lose your integrity and you have lost everything Woodrow Wilson (28 th President of the United States, from 1913 to 1921) Famous quotes about integrity I am innocent, I did not steal anything Jack Warner (former FIFA Vice Chairman, accused of massive fraud)

4 Question: How can integrity at the workplace be achieved? Within SafiSan projects? Some examples: 1.The computer made bought under the SafiSan Projects must be used by the WSP staff working on the SafiSan Project 2.The tablet computers, GPS cameras and other goods and materials should be given to the members of the Project Task Team who need them for their work 3.The WSP should prepare an Asset Register for all the goods and materials that were bought with SafiSan Project Funds IMPORTANT: All SafiSan Project goods and materials should be used properly, for the intended purpose and by the people who do the work!!

5 Thank You! Questions and Answers

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