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Training workshop Training workshop for NMHSs on designing SEB studies 29. June – 3. July 2015. Zagreb, Croatia Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology.

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Presentation on theme: "Training workshop Training workshop for NMHSs on designing SEB studies 29. June – 3. July 2015. Zagreb, Croatia Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training workshop Training workshop for NMHSs on designing SEB studies 29. June – 3. July 2015. Zagreb, Croatia Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro

2 M.Sc. Luka Mitrovic Director of the Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology and PR of Montenegro with WMO  Master of Geographic sciences  Director of IHMS from 2004.  Member of State Councils for Water, Sustainable development and National parks of Montenegro Contact details: Phone. + 382 20 655 183 E-mail.


4  Montenegro is a sovereign state, located in South-Eastern Europe  Total land area is 13.812 km 2  The Adriatic coastal line is 293 km long  Montenegro is mostly mountainous country  Podgorica is the capital and the largest city, while Cetinje is a Royal Capital City  Country is organized in 23 municipalities

5  Montenegro is bordering by Croatia to the west, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the north-west, Serbia to the north-east and Albania to the south-east  The total population is 620,556 (2011)  Most of the population lives in the central part of Montenegro

6  Montenegro belongs to the small economic systems with average level of incomes  GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity (PPP) in 2013 was US $14,281 or 40,3 per cent of the EU-28 average  Tourism - 14,1% of GDP in 2013  Industry - 12,4 % of total GDP  Agriculture, forestry and fishing – 8,8 %  Construction - 5,5 %  Montenegro shows the decreasing trend in industrial production in the period 2010-2012  The production of power, gas and steam has increased in respect to 2011.  Other significant contributors of Montenegro industry sectors are: (wood-processing, textile, chemical, household appliances, construction and building trade)

7 Main climate- and weather related hazards  Thanks to its geographical position, water, relief, climate in Montenegro is very diverse: - mediterranean in the south - moderate mediterranean in the flat parts of the country (Skadar basin and the plains) - temperate continental in the basins and valleys - mountain climate in the mountainous areas  The main natural hazards are primarily earthquakes, wild fires and hydro-meteorological phenomena, such as floods, droughts, heat waves and heavy snowfall  Of particular concern are the frequent landslides and rock falls linked to the country’s mountainous terrain and heavy precipitations

8, Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology ofMontenegro

9  Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology (IHMS) is formed by merging Hydrometeorological Institute and Institute of Seismology, in the framework of reorganization of state administration in 2012  Competences and activities of both institutions, now under the same name have remained unchanged.  Work of IHMS is organized in accordance with: Law on hydrometeorological services and Law on hydrographic activities

10 The first organized meteorological measurements and observation in Montenegro were done at the end of XIX century, till the first hydrological measurement, are from 1926., but most of these data are lost.  History 1947 – Foundation of Hydrometeorological Institute in former Yugoslavia 1951 – first agrometeorological measurements 1975 – foundation of the Sector for water and air quality 1997 – starting the works on automatization of meteorological measurements 2001 – starting of operative work of numerical model 2005 – starting of automatization in hydrological measurements 2007 – Montenegro becomes WMO member 2007 – Cooperating state of ECMWF 2011 – Member of EUMETNET

11 Organization scheme 117 employees

12 IHMS budget  Annual budget for 2015 is approximately 1.5 mEUR Budget breakdown Gross salaries963.600 Other personal incomes 10.000 Expenses for services127.000 Expenses for maintenance42.500 Expenses for materials80.600 Capital expenditures128.500 Other expenditures118.600 TOTAL 1.470.800 €

13 Provider/Users  IHMS provide a wide range of services: weather forecast, climatological analysis, announcement of weather extremes, information on water and air quality, water quantitative data (H&Q), hydrographic, oceanographic and seismological information…..  Users of IHMS data and information: all sectors – government, individuals, tourism, agriculture, energy sector, water management, civil protection, health, mass media etc. Data are also shared with international organizations as EEA, ISRBC....

14 Strong/weak sectors  Even IHMS has modest technological and personal capacities, it provides accurate and 3-5 days in advance, announcements of extreme weather conditions / weakness in this part of IHMS activities is lack of radars  One of the newest sector – Sector for hydrography and oceanography is rapidly developing for providing data especially for tourism sector (nautical tourism) / weakness in this area is lack of special multi-beam system  Hydrology sector do provide needed information for flood announcement / master plan of hydrological stations network isn't finished and WISKI database isn't in complete use

15  The greatest strength of the IHMS is committed personal with high responsibility in carrying our their daily duties, providing in that manner qualitative, accurate and timely information and data to the wide range of users  In general for all IHMS sectors are providing the best products and information to the users, but it is evident the lack of modern equipment and skilled personal  The main reasons for this is lack of investments in the IHMS and decreased national funding

16 Funding gaps/needs  Decrease of national funds has led to decrease of number of observation stations (i.e. lack of data); inability of maintenance and purchasing of spare parts for stations; inability of hiring new personal etc.  In respect to needs there are permanent needs for upgrading and modernization of the equipment and training of personal Main funding sources  IHMS is a governmental institution and annual budget is determined by the Government sessions  In the last 8-10 years are evident budget cuts  Some funds are received through international projects and donors (IPA; WMO, NATO, etc.)  These funds are mainly directed to the equipment procurement

17 Main expectations  To gain the necessary capability to produce: - SEB study for IHMS of Montenegro, which will demonstrate our value in reducing weather related hazards damages - to improve possibility of demonstrating these values to decision makers with emphasis on needed additional investments for the Institute further development.

18 Thank You for your attention!!!

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