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Social Movements and Social Change/Final thoughts.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Movements and Social Change/Final thoughts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Movements and Social Change/Final thoughts

2 What Matters for Social Movements/Social Change? Grievances Organization Leadership Incentives Resources Networks Information Influence Solidarity Opportunities Biographical Availability Political opportunity Role of technology? Can expand scope of protest

3 Spring 1989, Tiananmen Square Student led Pro-democracy demonstrations

4 World Involvement and Escalation

5 Government declares Martial Law

6 Massacre of Protesters

7 What Matters for Social Movements/Social Change? Grievances Organization Leadership Incentives Resources Networks Information Influence Solidarity Opportunities Biographical Availability Political opportunity Fax machine Email Text Websites Blogs Social Networking Sites You tube Other?

8 How might ECTs change mobilization for change Increase/decrease probability of activism? Increase/decrease size of movements? Make more/less radical? Primarily affect sense of shared grievance/injustice? Primarily affect information flow? Solve organization problems? Enhance solidarity among activists?

9 History and Biography Sociology seeks to help us understand the relationship between our own experiences and the structure of the world around us It focuses on regularity in patterns of relations And the impact of groups and group membership on our own sense of who we are and who we can be.


11 What can I do with a sociology degree? Careers requiring significant interpersonal component: law, management, business, advertising and marketing, medicine and health, education, or social work. Careers requiring significant analytic component: Policy analysis, management consulting, law, social services, market research, Careers addressing/redressing social issues: Health, education, social services, law enforcement, public policy Careers requiring understanding of local/global interdependence Education, foreign services, journalism, national and international business applications Work in private or public settings

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