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Mathematical Model governing equation & initial conditions boundary conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematical Model governing equation & initial conditions boundary conditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematical Model governing equation & initial conditions boundary conditions

2 Initial conditions Zheng & Bennett

3 Boundary Conditions specified concentration no mass flux Specified mass flux Zheng & Bennett

4 Simplest form of the ADE Uniform 1D flow; longitudinal dispersion; No sink/source term; no chemical reactions There is a famous analytical solution to this form of the ADE with a continuous line source boundary condition. The solution is called the Ogata & Banks solution.

5 CoCo Aquifer is infinitely extensive

6 Zheng & Bennett

7 Ogata and Banks solution in a spreadsheet Spreadsheet can be accessed from the course homepage. Short Form: valid only for small values of D when x = v t; C/C o = ½

8 ADE with 1D flow: longitudinal dispersion & retardation With instantaneous pulse input source at the boundary….

9 University of Illinois codes on the web Find the link on the Geology 727 course homepage

10 ADE with 1D flow & 3D dispersion, retardation & 1 st order reaction term Uniform 1D flow; 3D dispersion; no sink/source term; retardation; 1 st order irreversible reaction ( is the same for the dissolved phase and the sorbed phase) Patch source solutions: 1.In an infinitely extensive aquifer: Illinois codes 2.In a confined (vertically bounded) aquifer: ATRANS



13 Zheng & Bennett

14 ATRANS Boundary Conditions

15 ATRANS Example in Zheng & Bennett Zheng & Bennett 3D dispersion: Source is 0.5 m thick (occupies 5% of the aquifer thickness) and 2 m wide (in the y direction). = 10 m 2D dispersion: Source is 10 m thick (occupies 100% of the aquifer thickness) and 2 m wide (in the y direction). 1D dispersion: Source is 10 m thick and infinitely wide in the y direction.

16 X = 10 Z = 5 centerline Z Z = 0 Z = 10 Source configuration for 3D dispersion problem in Z&B

17 20 m 5 m wide Homework Problem Aquifer is 100 m thick. Source occupies 20% of the aquifer. Observation point is at x = 30 m. 3D dispersion: Source is 0.5 m thick (occupies 5% of the aquifer thickness) and 2 m wide (in the y direction). 2D dispersion: Source is 10 m thick (occupies 100% of the aquifer thickness) and 2 m wide (in the y direction). 1D dispersion: Source is 10 m thick and infinitely wide in the y direction. Observation point is on the centerline at x= 10 m Breakthrough curves 3D 1D 2D

18 1D 3D

19 ADE with 1D flow & 3D dispersion, retardation & 1 st order reaction term Uniform 1D flow; 3D dispersion; no sink/source term; retardation; 1 st order irreversible reaction ( is the same for the dissolved phase and the sorbed phase) Patch source solutions: 1.In an infinitely extensive aquifer: Illinois codes 2.In a confined (vertically bounded) aquifer: ATRANS

20 X = 30 Z = 50 centerline Z Homework Problem Z = 0 Z = 100

21 20 m 5m wide Aquifer is 100 m thick. Source occupies 20% of the aquifer. y z Problem Set #1

22 20 m 5 m wide Homework Problem Aquifer is 100 m thick. Source occupies 20% of the aquifer. Zheng & Bennett Fig. 5.6 Aquifer is 10 m thick. Source is 0.5 m thick. Source occupies 5% of the aquifer. Observation point is at x = 30 m. Observation point is at x= 10 m 2 m wide 0.5 m

23 X = 30 Z = 50 centerline Z Homework Problem

24 X = 10 Z = 5 centerline Z Z = 0 Z = 10 Source configuration for 3D dispersion problem in Z&B

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