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SE 652 Software Quality Management Summer 2007 Lee Vallone.

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1 SE 652 Software Quality Management Summer 2007 Lee Vallone

2 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management2 Ring Software, Ltd.

3 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management3 Intro to SE 652 “The major problems of our work are not so much technological as sociological in nature.” In most development organizations managers spend most of their time solving technical problems, instead of addressing the political & interpersonal issues that are the real culprits for the high failure rate of software projects. Similarly, we teach students the virtues of use-cases and spiral development models, frequently ignoring the true keystones of student success in the project world: teamwork, collaboration and the processes that tie everything together. Course objectives: 1.To help students develop a broad understanding of the requirements and considerations in planning, managing and implementing a software project, with special emphasis on teams, processes & metrics. 2.To help students understand (and experience) the role and importance of sociological issues and how to address them in a way that substantially increases the probability of project and personal success. It is based on the premise that software engineering is so much more than the technical disciplines.

4 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management4 SE 652 Course Perspective About: putting it all together Perspective of: a project leader responsible and accountable for delivering a product Managing constraints (quality, budget & staff, schedule, functionality) Direct and indirect coaching responsibility for a cross-discipline team Focus on: Leadership and membership in high performance, gelled teams Quality control including processes, audits, assessments, etc. Estimation Measurement Strategic & tactical considerations At conclusion: course participants will understand what it takes to plan, manage & execute a software project.

5 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management5 SE 652 Introductions Introduction Professor: Lee Vallone Email: Voice: 732-949-4651 (office) Mobile: 908-313-2053 (cell) Office Hours: on request Course Web Link: Lecture slides will be posted prior to start of class Course Etiquette Lecture attendance is mandatory Be on time! (including returns from breaks) Cell phones off or silent Critical that assignments are done on time & with quality! Quality contributions to classroom discussions requested & expected Private discussions during class are inappropriate

6 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management6 SE 652 Class Structure Classroom tries to mimic the workplace Significant workload Speak up Not a democracy, but … Strife & Conflict happens Expected behavior Learning Modes Hands on / team project Text & Lectures Presentations Class Participation

7 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management7 SE 652 Work Activities Organized by teams of 3-4 for entire session Team project Some time allotted in class Reviews, planning, testing Expected to meet at least once/week outside of class Individual deliverables to team Classroom presentations Team leader responsible for team performance Appraisals Preparation for other topics Reading materials (texts) & lectures

8 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management8 Lecture & Texts Lecture Details: ~Three Hours of Lecture, Discussion & Presentations w/ 15 minute break (90 minute rule) Typically, 1/3 selected topic, 1/3 team project & 1/3 team presentations or meeting Texts: Peopleware (DeMarco & Lister) Introduction to the Team Software Process (Humphrey) Practical Software Measurement (McGarry, Recommended Readings: PSP: A Self Improvement Process for Software Engineers (Humphrey) The Mythical Man Month (Brooks) Death March (Yourdon) Dancing with Bears (DeMarco, Lister) The Dilbert Principle (Adams)

9 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management9 Course Topics Personal Software Process Team Software Process Process Standards & Audits: ISO 9000, TL9000 Process Assessments: SEI’s CMMI Measuring Software Quality Death March Projects Configuration Management Team & Development Issues Risk Management Commitment Trust …

10 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management10 Grading Texts do not fully cover the course material! Team vs. Individual 25% - Classroom Participation & Exercises Every student expected to attend class & contribute Quality contributions are appreciated 45% - Team Projects Achieving schedule @ high quality is critical Completed Project Quality Records (e.g. project notebook, forms) Class Presentations Peer Feedback 30% - Final Exam Will not be based on regurgitation from texts or lectures

11 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management11 Team Project Process We will loosely follow Watts Humphrey’s PSP & TSP processes –Heavyweight (we can discuss lightweight processes) –Assumes Personal Software Process Familiarity –Requires extensive quality records for both individuals & teams –Key records: Personal time log Team project notebook Measurement activities will follow the PSM strategy –Create & manage to a measurement plan

12 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management12 TSP Objectives Expose students to problems of developing software intensive products Guide teams through a Team Development Process Demonstrate benefits of using a defined & measured process

13 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management13 TSP Lessons Data Gathering, initially viewed as a burden until second nature Without a disciplined process, development & testing of even small programs can take a long time With a disciplined process, teams will finish projects on time, products will work & fly through the test phase

14 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management14 Team Project Lines of Code Counter Teams of 4-5 Team Selection Two iterations Functionality (TSPi Appendix A) Team decides iteration contents SVT Function Roles (see next slide)

15 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management15 Change Counter Project Functional Need Statement (TSP Appendix A) –Team reviews each need & targets iteration –Prepare Response (e.g. Technical Prospectus, Project Plan) –Negotiate with customer –Develop Detailed Requirements based on agreement (SRS) Include traceability back to original functional need statement

16 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management16 Change Counter Project Functions e.g. Compare; Identify Added/Deleted/Changed; Language, Print Counting Specifications e.g. Define LOC, Define Add/Delete/Changed Header Labeling e.g. Date of change, programmer, reason, LOC information Formatting e.g. Line labels User Documentation e.g. Usage, detailed description, integrated vs. separate

17 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management17 Development Process Phases Launch / Strategy Development Strategy, Functional Need Response, Project Plan, Risk Assessment, Size & Time Estimates Plan Development Plan, Quality Plan, Configuration Management Plan, Measurement Plan Requirements Software Requirements Specification (SRS), System Test Plan Design High Level Design & Software Design Specification (SDS) Implementation Detailed Designs, Unit Test Plans, Code, Integration Test Plan Test Test & Rework Post-Mortem Team Performance, Peer Reviews, Project Appraisal

18 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management18 TSP Project Documentation Quality Records Development Strategy / Conceptual Design / Project Plan Software Requirements Specification (SRS) High Level Design (HLD)* Software Design Specification (SDS) Code Build & Integration Plan System Test Plans User Documentation Process / Guidance Documents Quality Plan / Measurement Plan Process Improvement Process Development Standards Change Control & Configuration Management Process

19 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management19 TSP Project Documentation (continued) Planning / Metrics / Tracking Records Issue & Risk Log (ITL) Size & Time Estimates Task & Schedule Plan (TASK / SCHEDULE) Various Summary & Performance Forms (e.g. SUMDI, SUMDR, SUMP, SUMQ) Miscellaneous Change Control Board Inspections Configuration Management System Tools & Development Environment Team meeting minutes

20 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management20 Sample Project Notebook Index Team member descriptions Team meeting minutes Risk & Issue Management Project Cycle Reports Schedule Tracking Project Documents (SRS, SDS, Detailed Design) Process Documents (CM plan, Design & Coding standards, Naming conventions) Inspection Quality Records Code Change Request Tracking Test Documents (ITP, STP, Test Results)

21 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management21 Team Roles Team Leader Development Manager Planning Manager Quality / Process Manager Support Manager

22 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management22 Common Responsibilities Project development Data collection (LOGT, LOGD) Responsible team member –Time Commitment –Quality Commitment –Teamwork Commitment

23 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management23 Team Leader Overall accountability for team performance Build & maintain an effective team Motivate team members Quickly & effectively identify & resolve issues Keep instructor informed Team meeting facilitator & timekeeper Lead development of cycle report Maintain project notebook

24 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management24 Development Manager Accountable for development of a quality product from requirements to implementation Lead development strategy (STRAT) Preliminary size & time estimates Lead SRS development Lead HLD & SDS development Lead implementation and unit test Lead build & integration planning & execution Lead User Documentation Note: Recommend System Test Plan be developed by Quality Manager (deviation from text recommendation)

25 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management25 Planning Manager Accountable for planning, tracking & reporting team status Produce initial plan (SUMS, TASK) Develop schedule Balance team plan Track progress against plan –SUMP & SUMQ Forms –Earned Value & time chart –Weekly status reports –Analysis of actual performance vs. plan Weekly data collection –Time spent, task completion data, defects found, size data, LOGD, LOGT, SUMS, TASK & SCHED forms –Generate composite – TASK, SCHED, SUMP, SUMQ forms –Weekly team Earned Value & Gantt charts Generate Weekly status report including analysis of plan vs. actual

26 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management26 Quality / Process Manager Accountable for developing and ensuring conformance to processes Accountable for assessing overall quality of deliverables & approving Accountable for team data entry Lead development of team processes –e.g. change management, issue tracking Establish & maintain team development standards –Coding, design, documentation (user & internal) –Naming, error handling, interfaces, messages, screens, reports –Line of Code counting, Reuse Review & Approve all submissions for baselining –Based on: process data available, underlying quality development process & data indicating product is of suitable quality Inspection moderator (INS) –Review logistics, verify preparation, keep meeting running smoothly, determine final review status, data collection Meeting Recorder

27 5/22/2007SE 652 - Software Quality Management27 Support Manager Accountable for tools, methods & configuration management Determine needs & obtain / setup needed tools & facilities Manage configuration management system –Saving, tracking, submission/retrieval, change handling Maintain system glossary Maintain issue & risk tracking system Reuse advocate

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