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Spatial Data Structure: Quadtree, Octree,and BSP tree Mengxia Zhu Fall 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial Data Structure: Quadtree, Octree,and BSP tree Mengxia Zhu Fall 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial Data Structure: Quadtree, Octree,and BSP tree Mengxia Zhu Fall 2007

2 Hierarchical structure Data usually contains coherent regions of cells with similar properties hierarchical spatial enumeration encode the coherence in the volume data. Is actually nothing more then a data structure built by recursive subdivision. if a parent is not important then it's children aren't either.

3 Quadtrees Efficient storage of 2D data Completely non-important regions are represented by one cell; recursive subdivision done on others

4 Octrees Counterpart of Quadtree in 3D Each node has eight children instead of four

5 Recursive Subdivision Recursive function for empty region construction: for m=1,2….M

6 Case study: quad-tree in ray casting Also, in isosurface extraction. Min and Max value range

7 Hidden Surface Removal (HSR) Why might a polygon be invisible?  outside the field of view  backfacing  occluded by object(s) closer to the viewpoint we want to avoid spending time on these invisible polygons

8 Back-Face Culling Most objects are opaque. Avoid drawing any portion of an object that lies behind an opaque object, as seen from the camera’s point of view.  Back-face removal algorithm: polygons  whose normals point away from the camera are always occluded There is only a single object, and can fail if the object is not convex. Reduces by about half the number of polygons to be considered for each pixel. Every front-facing polygon must have a corresponding rear-facing one

9 Occlusion For a scene consists of a sequence of intersecting objects. Correct occlusion relationship is required in order to render correct image.

10 Painter’s algorithm Draw polygons as an oil painter might: The farthest one first. Render the object from the back to front. Problem arise when no explicit visibility order can be found by forming a relationship cycle.

11 Binary Space Partition Trees BSP tree: traversed in a systematic way to draw the scene with HSR  Preprocess: organize all of polygons (hence partition) into a binary tree data structure  Runtime: correctly traversing this tree enumerates objects from back to front  Idea: divide space recursively into half-spaces by choosing splitting planes Splitting planes can be arbitrarily oriented

12 BSP Arbitrary plane split the space into two half-spaces:  Outside: the side pointed to by the outward- pointing normal to the plan  Inside: the other half-space Inside ones Outside ones

13 BSP Trees: Objects





18 Rendering BSP Trees RenderBSP(BSPtree *T) BSPtree *near, *far; if (T is a leaf node) RenderObject(T) if (eye on inside side of T->plane) near = T->left; far = T->right; else near = T->right; far = T->left; RenderBSP(far); RenderBSP(near);

19 Rendering BSP Trees


21 BSP Tree Construction Split along the space defined by any plane Classify all polygons into left or right half-space of the plane  If a polygon intersects plane, split polygon into two and classify them both Recurse down the left half-space Recurse down the right half-space

22 No bunnies were harmed in previous example But what if a splitting plane passes through an object?  Split the object; give half to each node Discussion: BSP Tree Cons Ouch

23 Summary: BSP Trees Pros:  Preprocess done once  Only writes to framebuffer (no reads to see if current polygon is in front of previously rendered polygon, i.e., painters algorithm) Cons:  Computationally intense preprocess stage  Slow time to construct tree  Splitting increases polygon count

24 The Z-Buffer Algorithm Both BSP trees and Warnock’s algorithm (subdivide primitive into viewports in a recursive way) were proposed when memory was expensive  Example: first 512x512 framebuffer > $50,000! Ed Catmull (mid-70s) proposed a radical new approach called z-buffering. The big idea: resolve visibility independently at each pixel

25 The Z-Buffer Algorithm We know how to rasterize polygons into an image discretized into pixels:

26 The Z-Buffer Algorithm What happens if multiple primitives occupy the same pixel on the screen? Which is allowed to paint the pixel?

27 The Z-Buffer Algorithm Idea: retain depth (Z in eye coordinates) through projection transform  Use canonical viewing volumes  Each vertex has z coordinate (relative to eye point) intact

28 The Z-Buffer Algorithm Augment framebuffer with Z-buffer or depth buffer which stores Z value at each pixel  At frame beginning, initialize all pixel depths to   When rasterizing, interpolate depth (Z) across polygon and store in pixel of Z-buffer  Suppress writing to a pixel if its Z value is more distant than the Z value already stored there

29 Interpolating Z Edge equations: Z is just another planar parameter: z = (-D - Ax – By) / C If walking across scanline by (  x) z new = z old – (A/C)(  x)  Look familiar?  Total cost: 1 more parameter to increment in inner loop 3x3 matrix multiply for setup Edge walking: just interpolate Z along edges and across spans

30 Z-Buffer Pros Simple!!! Easy to implement in hardware Polygons can be processed in arbitrary order Easily handles polygon interpenetration Enables deferred shading  Rasterize shading parameters (e.g., surface normal) and only shade final visible fragments

31 Z-Buffer Cons Lots of memory (e.g. 1280x1024x32 bits)  With 16 bits cannot discern millimeter differences in objects at 1 km distance Read-Modify-Write in inner loop requires fast memory Hard to do analytic antialiasing  We don’t know which polygon to map pixel back to Hard to simulate translucent polygons  We throw away color of polygons behind closest one

32 Reference Slides from David Brogan at University of Virginia

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