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Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 SDSS slideshow.

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2 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 SDSS slideshow


4 Midsummer holiday, Leksand, Sweden

5 Max Tegmark University of Pennsylvania Max Tegmark University of Pennsylvania Where I was born and raised

6 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Who are you?

7 The cosmic plan: Overview of cosmology theory & observation - 0th order: cosmic expansion history - 1st order: cosmic clustering history - Observational tools: supernovae, CMB, galaxy clustering,. clusters, lensing, Ly  forest, etc - Cosmological parameters Revolutions on the horizon: - Nature of dark energy How will the Universe end? Will it? - Nature of dark matter What is the Universe made of? - Nature of our early universe How did the Universe begin? Did it? - String theory? Multiverse? - 21 cm tomography Sarah Church Sean Carroll, Phil Marshall Neal Weiner Sean Carroll L1: L2:

8 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 THE COSMIC SM Ö RG Å SBORD Galaxy surveys Microwave background Gravitational lensing Big Bang nucleosynthesis Supernovae Ia Galaxy clusters Lyman  forest Neutral hydrogen tomography

9 What have we learned?

10 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 OUR PLACE IN SPACE

11 DSE

12 SDSS movie

13 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 OUR PLACE IN TIME

14 The sky as a time machine

15 Dark energy evidence (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team) Hot Dense Smooth Cool Rarefied Clumpy Brief History of our Universe 400 Dark matter creation? Antimatter annihilation Creation of atomic nuclei

16 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Formation movies

17 Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot Dense Smooth Cool Rarefied Clumpy To 0th order: Cosmological functions   (z), G(z,k), P s (k), P t (k) H(z) (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team) 400 386

18 Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot Dense Smooth Cool Rarefied Clumpy H(z) P(k,z) To 1st order: (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team) 400 386

19 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Higher order: gastrophysics 0th order: a(t) 1st order: g(z,k) (Figure courtesy of COBE team) 400 13.7

20 Measuring Expansion: Standardizable candles Standardizable rods Standardizable clocks a(t) H(z) 0th order: (More on this in the lectures of Sean Carroll & Phil Marshall)

21 100dpi Figure from WMAP team

22 100dpi Distant light is -dimmed -redshifted

23 100dpi Distant light is -dimmed -redshifted Redshift Dimming

24 100dpi Distant light is -dimmed -redshifted Redshift Dimming Standard candles, rulers or clocks

25 Boom zoom Standardizable candles (From Saul Perlmutter’s web site)

26 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009

27 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom Cosmic strings Open universe Inflation with  Inflation without  Using CMB blobs as a standardizable ruler: Guth & Kaiser 2005 (Science) + WMAP3

28 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom Using galaxy correlations as a standardizable ruler: Easiest to understand in real space (Bashinsky & Bertschinger, PRL, 87, 1301, 2001; PRD 123008, 2002) (Eisenstein, Hu & MT 1998; Eisenstein et al 2005; Cole et al 2005)

29 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom We’ve measured distance to z=0.35 to 5% accuracy (Eisenstein et al 2005, for the SDSS collaboration astro-ph/050112) Updates in Reid et al 0907.1659, Percival et al 0907.1660, Kazin et al 2009 in prep

30 Big Bang nucleosynthesis as a standardizable clock: George Gamow 1904-1968

31 Kirkman et al 2003, astro-ph/0302006 Big Bang nucleosynthesis as a standardizable clock: George Gamow 1904-1968

32 Tytler et al 2000, astro-ph/0001318 Big Bang nucleosynthesis as a standardizable clock:

33 SN Ia+CMB+LSS constraints Yun Wang & MT 2004, PRL 92, 241302 H = dlna/dt, H 2   Assumes k=0 a = 1/(1+z)

34 Inflationary gravitational waves as a standardizable clock: Q t ~ H/m planck

35 SN Ia+CMB+LSS constraints Yun Wang & MT 2004, PRL 92, 241302 H = dlna/dt, H 2   Assumes k=0 Vanilla rules OK! What we’ve learned about H(z) from SN Ia, CMB, BAO, BBN, etc:

36 Riess et al, astro-ph/0611572 What we’ve learned about H(z) from SN Ia

37 curvature: consistent with vanilla (k = 0) topology: consistent with vanilla

38 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1st order: measuring clustering

39 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 History CMB Foreground-cleaned WMAP map from Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton, astro-ph/0302496

40 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom z = 1000

41 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom z = 2.4 Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001

42 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom z = 0.8 Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001

43 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001 z = 0

44 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Lensing Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

45 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 000619 Galaxy power spectrum measurements 1999 (Based on compilation by Michael Vogeley)

46 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies LSS

47 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies LSS Clusters Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates

48 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies LSS Clusters CMB Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates (More from Sarah Church)

49 History (Figure from Wayne Hu) (Figure from WMAP team)

50 History

51 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 History CMB Foreground-cleaned WMAP map from Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton, astro-ph/0302496

52 Why are there any CMB fluctuations at all?

53 Why the wiggles? What’s their scale?

54 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom Cosmic strings Open universe Inflation with  Inflation without  Using CMB blobs as a standardizable ruler: Guth & Kaiser 2005 (Science) + WMAP3 3

55 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies LSS Clusters CMB Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates

56 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

57 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Boom zoom Lyman Alpha Forest Simulation: Cen et al 2001 You Quasar Ly  F

58 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

59 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Lensing Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

60 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 Chema movie

61 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 GRAVITATIONAL LENSING: A1689 imaged by Hubble ACS, Broadhurst et al 2004

62 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 distorti on Lensing

63 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Lensing Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

64 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 000619 Galaxy power spectrum measurements 1999 (Based on compilation by Michael Vogeley)

65 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 1par movies Ly  LSS Clusters Lensing Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates CMB

66 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 But the best is yet to come… Precision, 21cm tomography, …

67 LSS Our observable universe

68 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 000619 DO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS CONFUSE YOU? 1. What is the Universe expanding into? 2. How can stuff be more than 14 billion light years away when the Universe is only 14 billion light years old? 3. Where in space did the Big Bang explosion happen? 4. Did the Big Bang happen at a single point? 5. How could a the Big Bang create an infinite space in a finite time? 6. How could space not be infinite? 7. If the Universe is only 10 billion years old, how can we see objects that are now 30 billion light years away? 8. Don’t galaxies receeding faster than c violate relativity theory? 9. Are galaxies really moving away from us, or is space just expanding? 10. Is the Milky Way expanding? 11. Do we have evidence for a Big Bang singularity? 12. What came before the Big Bang? 13.Should I feel insignificant?

69 Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, MIT SLAC Summer Institute August 3-4, 2009 END OF LECTURE I

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