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1 RR Lyrae Stars for SIM I. A- and B-Lists II. Obtaining Apparent Mags: (a) Field and (b) Cluster.

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Presentation on theme: "1 RR Lyrae Stars for SIM I. A- and B-Lists II. Obtaining Apparent Mags: (a) Field and (b) Cluster."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 RR Lyrae Stars for SIM I. A- and B-Lists II. Obtaining Apparent Mags: (a) Field and (b) Cluster

2 2 A- & B-Lists A-List (60 RRL) A-List (60 RRL) B-List (42 RRL) B-List (42 RRL) C-List (37 RRL) x C-List (37 RRL) x Seek low E(B-V) Seek low E(B-V) [Fe/H] extremes: [Fe/H] extremes: [Fe/H] > -0.6 [Fe/H] > -0.6 [Fe/H] < -2.0 [Fe/H] < -2.0 Disk/halo: Disk/halo: [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 OoI/II: OoI/II: [Fe/H] > -1.6 [Fe/H] > -1.6 Still evolving… Still evolving…

3 3 BVIK light curves of Field RRL (1) North (Dec > -20°): 2000-2004: 2000-2004: Obtaining VI with BGSU 0.5m+CCD Obtaining VI with BGSU 0.5m+CCD Completed most stars w/ 13 h < RA < 24 h (~50 stars) Completed most stars w/ 13 h < RA < 24 h (~50 stars) Dome motor failed Aug Dome motor failed Aug Oct: WIYN 0.9m calibrated 24 more fields Oct: WIYN 0.9m calibrated 24 more fields Total now 49 Total now 49 Secure: 3+ visits on 2+ different nights Secure: 3+ visits on 2+ different nights 2005: 2005: Continue BGSU observations Continue BGSU observations 1-2 more WIYN 0.9m calibration runs 1-2 more WIYN 0.9m calibration runs

4 4 BGSU 0.5m+CCD

5 5 BVIK light curves of Field RRL (2) South (Dec < -10°): 2004: 2004: Obtaining IK with SMARTS 1.3m + AndiCam (queue) Obtaining IK with SMARTS 1.3m + AndiCam (queue) Completed 37 stars w/ 10 h < RA < 24 h Completed 37 stars w/ 10 h < RA < 24 h Expect ~9 more Expect ~9 more Summer: Summer: Worked out I calibration scheme & tested Worked out I calibration scheme & tested Processed & photometered 2004A K data Processed & photometered 2004A K data 2005: 2005: Calibrate I data; plot light curves Calibrate I data; plot light curves Process & photometer K data; plot LCs Process & photometer K data; plot LCs Write paper Write paper mean mags & color detection of companions mean mags & color detection of companions

6 6 SMARTS 1.3m+AndiCam

7 7Question: How will we: How will we: Title our papers? Title our papers? E.g., “Anchoring the Population II Distance Scale with SIM. IV. Light Curves of Field RR Lyrae Variables.” E.g., “Anchoring the Population II Distance Scale with SIM. IV. Light Curves of Field RR Lyrae Variables.” Assign Author List? Assign Author List? MACHO model? MACHO model? Contributors only? Contributors only? Contributors in order of contribution, non- contributors last? Contributors in order of contribution, non- contributors last?

8 8 BVIK light curves of Field RRL (3) Literature: 2004: 2004: Students typed in UBV(I) data for 24 stars: Students typed in UBV(I) data for 24 stars: Sturch (1966) Sturch (1966) Fitch, Wisniewski, & Johnson (1966) Fitch, Wisniewski, & Johnson (1966) Look for systematic offsets Look for systematic offsets Combine to obtain better phase coverage Combine to obtain better phase coverage 2005: 2005: Continue … (all 120+ stars) Continue … (all 120+ stars) Check for systematic offsets with our data Check for systematic offsets with our data

9 9 BVIK LCs of Cluster RRL 2004: 2004: Students photometer RRL in 2 clusters: Students photometer RRL in 2 clusters: NGC 104: I, 1 RRL NGC 104: I, 1 RRL NGC 362: BVI, 7+ RRL NGC 362: BVI, 7+ RRL Calibrating to Stetson secondary standards. Calibrating to Stetson secondary standards. 2005: 2005: Acquire more BVI on both (CTIO 0.9m) Acquire more BVI on both (CTIO 0.9m) Publish 2 papers: Publish 2 papers: mean mags & color detection of companions mean mags & color detection of companions Begin work on existing images of  Cen Begin work on existing images of  Cen Apply for 1.3m+AndiCam: BVIK of M30 Apply for 1.3m+AndiCam: BVIK of M30

10 10 Summary 2004: 2004: 1) VI photom of Northern field RRL 2) IK photom of 40-50 Southern field RRL 3) Literature UBVI data acquisition for field RRL 4) BVI photom of RRL in NGC 104 & NGC 362 2005: 2005: 1) Continue 1-4 above 2) Publish 3 papers (2, 2x4) 3) Begin photom of RRL in  Cen 4) Apply for SMARTS 1.3m time: M30 RRL

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