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Wikinomics Principles COIN83 Foothill College. Overview Open source (Linux, Human Genome) Gen-Y/Millennials demographics (sharing) The world is flat /

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Presentation on theme: "Wikinomics Principles COIN83 Foothill College. Overview Open source (Linux, Human Genome) Gen-Y/Millennials demographics (sharing) The world is flat /"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wikinomics Principles COIN83 Foothill College

2 Overview Open source (Linux, Human Genome) Gen-Y/Millennials demographics (sharing) The world is flat / connected globe of talent, long tail (peering) Transparency (CNN, Aljazeera, WikiLeaks) Acting globally (UN, Fukushima)

3 Open Source Linux => OS –community building, shared value –Dynamic scoping and support Human Genome Project –Public private, open publication Collaboration as a design principle –Sharing, peering, co-creation Community building => Wikipedia

4 Demographics Gen-Y / Millennials (sharing) Growing up wired, networked => Socially networked => Globally connected Social technology => mobile to go Music as a shared medium => Remix ‘Ethnically mixed’ by definition

5 The World is Flat Thomas Friedman –NY Times best selling author Ten flatteners –Technology, social, political, economic Triple convergence –Flatteners are linked not independent –Business models integrate flatteners –Globalized marketplace depends on it

6 Ten Flatteners #1: Collapse of the Berlin WallBerlin Wall #2: NetscapeNetscape #3: Workflow softwareWorkflow software #4: Outsourcing:Outsourcing #5: Offshoring:Offshoring #6: Uploading:Uploading #7: Supply-chaining:Supply-chaining #8: Insourcing:Insourcing #9: In-forming: search #10: "The Steroids": wireless, VoIP, file sharing

7 Transparency Social media YouTube CNN Al Jazeera WikiLeaks Freedom of Information Act Transparency, as used in the humanities and in a social context more generally, implies openness, communication, and accountability. It is a metaphorical extension of the meaning a "transparent" object is one that can be seen through. Transparent procedures include open meetings, financial disclosure statements, freedom of information legislation, budgetary review, audits, etc.humanitiessocialaccountabilitytransparentopen meetingsfinancial disclosure statementsfreedom of information legislationbudgetary reviewaudits

8 Acting Globally Democratic principles Changing model of warfare? Fukushima – don’t wait for disaster to step in and help Energy and environment, GHGs and climate change Thinking globally and acting locally => community activism

9 Wikinomics Principles Openness Sharing, peering Collaboration Acting globally

10 Wikinomics Trends Mass collaboration Technology, demographics, global economics Ideagoras Consumers => prosumers Living in the ‘Wiki workplace’

11 Ideagoras Marketplace of ideas and talent Hubs for businesses, customers, and prosumers Greek agoras InnoCentive, iTunesU ‘Crowdsourcing’

12 Prosumers Part consumer Part producer Participation in the industrial economy Next industrial revolution of makers Value chain supports social technology

13 Wiki Workplace Social Software Intranets ( pre 2000) Knowledge Management (KM) Corporate blogs Google Docs Socialtext™ Tagging Micro blogging


15 One World – Ready or Not Shifting demographics Networked technology Global identity, awareness, and values Global markets and labor Collision of capitalism, social markets, and needs Are we ready, or not?

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