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Billie Franchini, Ph.D. Assistant Director Institute for Teaching, Learning and Academic Leadership University at Albany.

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Presentation on theme: "Billie Franchini, Ph.D. Assistant Director Institute for Teaching, Learning and Academic Leadership University at Albany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Billie Franchini, Ph.D. Assistant Director Institute for Teaching, Learning and Academic Leadership University at Albany

2 Good morning!

3  Consider six key leadership principles  Communicating  Collaborating  Decision-making  Debating  Compromising  Courage  Translate these principles into productive behaviors for managing team tasks effectively

4  Line up on the left side of the room and count off to 6  Your number is your Team Number  Find your team’s table and introduce yourself to your team members if you don’t know each other already

5  An envelope with a leadership principle written on the outside  Five index cards with your team number on them

6  In your teams, discuss the leadership principle on the envelope and identify how this principle can be applied in team/group settings.  Example: The principle is communicating. If you are working on a team project, what can you do to ensure or facilitate communication?  List these application examples in short sentences/phrases on one of the index cards.  You have 5 minutes to complete this task.

7 5:00

8 4:30

9 4:00

10 3:30

11 3:00

12 2:30

13 2:00

14 1:30

15 1:00

16 :30

17 :15

18 Time’s Up!

19  Put your response cards in your envelope and pass it to the table on your right.  DO NOT read the response cards in the envelope you receive.  Make sure you have received an envelope with a new principle (i.e., one you haven’t already discussed).

20  In your teams, discuss the leadership principle on the envelope and identify how this principle can be applied in team/group settings.  List these application examples in short sentences/phrases on one of the index cards.  You have 4 minutes to complete this task.

21 4:00

22 3:30

23 3:00

24 2:30

25 2:00

26 1:30

27 1:00

28 :30

29 :15

30 Time’s Up!

31  Put your response cards in your envelope and pass it to the table on your right.  DO NOT read the response cards in the envelope you receive.  Make sure you have received an envelope with a new principle (i.e., one you haven’t already discussed).

32  In your teams, discuss the leadership principle on the envelope and identify how this principle can be applied in team/group settings.  List these application examples in short sentences/phrases on one of the index cards.  You have 4 minutes to complete this task.

33 4:00

34 3:30

35 3:00

36 2:30

37 2:00

38 1:30

39 1:00

40 :30

41 :15

42 Time’s Up!

43  Put your response cards in your envelope and pass it to the table on your right.  DO NOT read the response cards in the envelope you receive.  Make sure you have received an envelope with a new principle (i.e., one you haven’t already discussed).

44  In your teams, discuss the leadership principle on the envelope and identify how this principle can be applied in team/group settings.  List these application examples in short sentences/phrases on one of the index cards.  You have 4 minutes to complete this task.

45 4:00

46 3:30

47 3:00

48 2:30

49 2:00

50 1:30

51 1:00

52 :30

53 :15

54 Time’s Up!

55  Put your response cards in your envelope and pass it to the table on your right.  DO NOT read the response cards in the envelope you receive.  Make sure you have received an envelope with a new principle (i.e., one you haven’t already discussed).

56  In your teams, discuss the leadership principle on the envelope and identify how this principle can be applied in team/group settings.  List these application examples in short sentences/phrases on one of the index cards.  You have 4 minutes to complete this task.

57 4:00

58 3:30

59 3:00

60 2:30

61 2:00

62 1:30

63 1:00

64 :30

65 :15

66 Time’s Up!

67  Put your response cards in your envelope and pass it to the table to your right.  NOW you can read the response cards in the envelope you receive.

68  As a team, evaluate the four response cards inside the envelope.  You have 100 points to distribute among the five response cards to indicate each card’s relative merit. Assign points to each card.  You have 15 minutes to complete this task.

69 15:00

70 14:30

71 14:00

72 13:30

73 13:00

74 12:30

75 12:00

76 11:30

77 11:00

78 10:30

79 10:00

80 9:30

81 9:00

82 8:30

83 8:00

84 7:30

85 7:00

86 6:30

87 6:00

88 5:30

89 5:00

90 4:30

91 4:00

92 3:30

93 3:00

94 2:30

95 2:00

96 1:30

97 1:00

98 :30

99 :15

100 Time’s Up!

101  Each team choose a representative to bring scored cards to the front and pick up your team’s scored cards (there should be four cards total)  Add the scores on your cards: this is your final score

102  Team 1:  Team 2:  Team 3:  Team 4:  Team 5:  Team 6:

103 Let’s discuss your experience

104 Good leadership means  knowing when and how to apply all of the six principles  knowing which principles apply in a given situation  knowing when to take on a leadership role  knowing how to resolve conflict and effectively manage differences of opinion  helping your team work to get the job done!

105 Thank you!

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