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The Royal Society Tara Morrison, M.D. Dec. 1, 1999 Path 214.

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1 The Royal Society Tara Morrison, M.D. Dec. 1, 1999 Path 214


3 Historical background  Science dictated by church  Unorthodox ideas frowned upon  Natural and supernatural mixed together – astrology/astronomy, chemistry/alchemy  No questioning of Divine Order permitted  Scientists increasingly frustrated, wanting to measure, weigh, control conditions under which they lived  Desired scientific explanations based on evidence, removing fear of the unknown and supernatural.

4 Francis Bacon (1561-1626)  Cambridge educated  Favorite of Elizabeth I  Did not perform experiments himself

5 Francis Bacon (1561-1626)  Proposed using advances in knowledge to better condition of man  “The Great Instauration” – 6 books: 1. Advancement of Learning 2. Novum Organum 3. Sylva Sylvarum 4. Scala Intellectus Books 5 and 6 never completed

6 Francis Bacon (1561-1626)  New Atlantis – Idealized description of organization for advancement of science – Consist of a number of Fellows 12 to travel and collect books and plans 3 to extract ideas and experiments from books 3 to collect info on mechanical crafts and experimental science 3 to deduce new generalizations from analysis of results 3 to analyze how this knowledge can benefit man

7 Antecedents  Naples, 1560  Accademia Secretorum Naturae  Influenced by astrology, alchemy and occult  Italy, 1603  Accademia dei Lincei  Galileo a member  Italy, 1657-67  Accademia del Cimiento

8 Antecedents  France, 1635 – Academie Francaise formed as idea of Cardinal Richelieu  France, 1640’s – Montmor Academy result of weekly informal gatherings of men of letters – Many later became members of Royal Society – Formalized 1666 by Colbert under Louis XIV

9 Antecedents  Groups of men gathered everywhere to discuss topics and share ideas, books, information  Extensive correspondance across Europe  Gresham College, 1645 – Men met in taverns, lodgings, meeting rooms for lectures and experiments

10 Politics in England  Strong role in scientific thought  Time of Civil War (1642-49), and overthrow of monarchy by Cromwell  Heads of universities summarily replaced if dogma not approved of by Cromwell  Monarchy restored 1660, repurging of positions of power in academe

11 Politics in England

12 Invisible College  Aka Philosopher’s Society  Met to “discourse and consider of Philosophical Enquiries and such as related thereunto; as Physick, Anatomy, Geometry, Astronomy, Navigation, Staticks, Magnetics, Chymicks, Mechanicks, and Natural Experiments”

13 Invisible College  Included: Christopher Wren, Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke  Topics as varied as the circulation of blood (William Harvey), Nature of Comets, Descent of Heavy Objects  1648-1659 at Oxford under John Wilkins

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