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DNS-centric PKI Sean Turner Russ Housley Tim Polk.

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Presentation on theme: "DNS-centric PKI Sean Turner Russ Housley Tim Polk."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNS-centric PKI Sean Turner Russ Housley Tim Polk

2 Problem Space Peers participating in store and forward protocols (e.g., S/MIME) may not have necessary certificates, or any clue where to obtain them – But they do know about the appropriate host names! So they already rely on the DNS… Even where protocols supply certificates in- band (e.g., TLS), additional information may be needed to make a trust decision

3 Solution Space Leverage protections afforded by DNSSEC – Assumes acceptance of the ICANN trust anchor for DNSSEC Otherwise, no simpler than current PKI solution – Assumes a complete chain from the authoritative root zone to the domain of interest Client interpretation based on policy – As in PKIX, allow relying party to apply its own validation requirements

4 Potential Contents of DNSSEC Entry Self-Signed CA Certificate CA certificate issued by a third party End Entity Certificate

5 Client retrieved a CA certificate If a Certification Authority (CA) certificate is returned, rather than an end-entity (EE) certificate, use to construct a certification path. – It is a matter of local policy whether the CA certificate can be accepted as a trust anchor (TA) directly, or MUST chain to a currently configured TA. – This implies Self-Signed CA certificates can be used, but clients are NOT required to accept them as a trust anchor. (Depends on local policy.) Appropriate where protocols provide EE certificate or where end certificates can be looked up by name.

6 Policy Dependent Validation (CA Certificate) Accept as trust anchor Configured trust anchor dnssec CA-1 EE TA EE CA-1

7 Client retrieves an EE Certificate If an EE certificate is returned, the certificate is intended for direct use with some application. – It is a matter of local policy whether this EE certificate is accepted as trusted directly, or MUST chain to a currently configured TA.

8 Policy Dependent Validation (EE Certificate) Use Directly Configured trust anchor dnssec EE TA EE CA-1

9 Augmented 5280 Validation process Verify that the dNSName in the end certificate's subject alternative name extension [RFC5280] is consistent with the expected host name. – If the certificate contains a critical External Key Usage (EKU) or Key Usage (KU) extension [RFC5280], verify that the key usages are consistent with this application.

10 TLS Example The TLS client request the CERT RR as it looks up the IP address in the DNS – If the certificate that is provided in the TLS handshake matches the one retrieved from DNSSEC Depending on local policy, client can accept the certificate as a trusted certificate for that site or build a chain to a configured trust anchor. – If a CA certificate is returned in the TLS handshake, the TLS client verifies that the TLS server certificate was issued under that CA Whether the CA certificate is accepted as a trust anchor or an intermediate certificate is a local policy decision.

11 S/MIME Example Want to send encrypted email to Request DNS records for Receives a CA certificate which includes an SIA asserting id-ad-caRepositoryquery for certificates issued to john.doe@example,com protocol implied by the accessLocation URL Validate – Use as trust anchor or validate to configured TA Encrypt & send

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