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Supply Chain Integration En model for samarbejde i forsyningskæden.

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Presentation on theme: "Supply Chain Integration En model for samarbejde i forsyningskæden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supply Chain Integration En model for samarbejde i forsyningskæden

2 Agenda 1.Anders: Problem and hypothesis REA exchanges and types 2.Ali Enterprise Integration 3.Stine Demo

3 Supply Chain Complexity Problems: –Lack of visibility between tiers. No responsiveness. –Tiers have different conceptual schemes and systems that are difficult to integrate. –Trust, security etc…

4 Solution: REA? The Resource-Event-Agent model (McCarthy) Idea: Manage the complexity of the supply chain domain by repeated use of a simple template. Hypothesis: REA can serve as a model for VMI, CPFR and supply chain integration in general. The 3 REA exchanges

5 Transfer Introduced by McCarthy 1982 Concerned with the transfer of rights such as ownership, custody, insurance issues etc.. Independent of perspective so both companies are equally part of the model. (Bidirectionality)

6 Transformation Introduced by McCarthy & Geerts 2000 Concerned with the transformation of features. Problem: Ownership and custody can not be ignored in transformations due to the ontological nature of a conversion.

7 Transport Introduced by us 2005 ;) Concerned with the flow of resources through different tiers in the supply chain. Also concerned with custody of resources. Requires an extension of REA: Location

8 Classification scheme for events We have introduced a classification scheme to describe the different types of REA-events and – commitments based on the properties that they alter. OwnerCustodyLocationExistenceDirection TransferYesNo Bi ConsumeYes Out ProduceYes In LoadNoYes NoOut UnloadNoYes NoIn

9 Our REA metamodel New entity: Location New relations: Capacity, consists, contains, request Relations between entities are generally many-to-many

10 Further REA issues Goods in transit? Can a location always be determined for a ressource? New event types? (”weak” transfer, maintenance etc….) Business rules as type images (policies) or logical rules? Alternative SCM models? (SCOR, ebXML, RosettaNet, proprietary models)

11 Architecture

12 Overview Problems: - Supply Chain interoperability - Converging the conceptual understanding -Providing a common standard to adhere to -Semantic integreation vs. Syntactic integration

13 Conceptual architecture I Problems - ”Integration spaghetti” - Small companies are left out - High transactionspecific costs - Non-flexible supply-chain - No ”competitive edge” - ”Island of information”

14 Conceptual architecture II Solution - Hub’n’spoke architecture - No maintenance overhead as before - Using the REA-model as the hub - Provide a common and easy to understand concept by focusing on economic primitives - Achive competitive edge

15 Information requirements Data requirements for salesorder (Agreement & Commitment) 17 elements XML representation of an salesorder from Navision 200+ elements

16 Standardization Need for a explicit schema definition Mismatch between need for a common standard and interest for tight coupling Non-proprietary standard Standardization comitees jointly agreeing on a common standard ebXML and CPFR?

17 Further integration issues? Testing integration between different ERP- systems Providing a framework for EAI tools to achive semantic integration Alternatives?

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