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Book Three Unit 9 Health Care 忻州师院附中 王和平. P________ is still a problem in China. overty.

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1 Book Three Unit 9 Health Care 忻州师院附中 王和平

2 P________ is still a problem in China. overty

3 1.I c____________ a doctor about my pains. 2.Few people realized the s________________ of the discovery. 3.He was in great honor due to his great d___________ to his country. 4.There are f_________________ differences between your religious beliefs and mine. 5.Politicians love to use s_____________ to support their arguments. 6.He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for a___________ his authority. 7.He could remember every trivial (adj. 平凡的 ) i___________ in great detail. 8.Police are looking for him n_____________. onsulted ignificance evotion undamental tatistics busing ncident ationwide Revision word spelling

4 Pre-reading 1.Can you think of the situations where people need help? 2. While one is in such situations, which organization can help besides the people around him or her? 1.Can you think of the situations where people need help? 2. While one is in such situations, which organization can help besides the people around him or her? The WHO together with the government. Serious illness, jobless, accidents, wars, disasters…

5 True or False 1.The project is aimed at improving the situation for the poorest people in China. 2. The project is designed to encourage health care reform and increase poverty. 3. It is the second largest health and medical aid programme in the country. 4. So far, the project has helped more than 2,000 people receive medical aid. 5. The goal is to explore and develop a new health care model for China. T F F T T

6 1._____For laid-off workers in poor areas, disease put extra pressure on the family. 2._____The Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS 3._____Millions of Chinese people in urban areas can’t afford proper health care. 4._____People must help each other if society is to develop and prosper. 5._____The government’s efforts to fight poverty and improve health care cover several aspects. E The information (Para D-I) is about a health care project. Decide which part would be the most suitable for questions 1-5. there are 1 extra piece that you don’t need to use.(10 scores) I G D H

7 By the end of 2003, _______ million Urban Chinese were living on money given to them by the government. A total of _______ billion yuan was spent on supporting those who were unable to make a living. 22 15.1

8 This allowance, however, is only enough to cover the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing. 2.The underlined word means _______ A. important B. basic C. common D. essential B 1.In which sentence does the word cover have the same meaning as the word above_______ A. By sunset we had covered thirty miles. B. Cover the table with a cloth. C. They need more money to cover their demands D. He laughed to cover his nervousness c

9 small allowance poor health care serious illness live in poverty Health careMedical insurance Poverty The relationship between poverty and sickness:

10 Causes & Effects If the workers like Wang Lin had money, they could afford to c_______ a doctor p_______ medicines from a chemist make sure their children keep a h______ diet purchase medical i______ onsult urchase ealthy nsurance

11 Causes and effects 1. Many low-income families can’t afford medical insurance. 2. Low-income families can’t afford to pay for medical treatment. 3. Low-income families can’t provide a healthy diet for their children. 4. The government is providing free health care for low-income families. A. Low-income families are able to receive treatment. B. When a family member gets sick, the family falls into poverty. C. Children in low-income families often get sick. D. Measures to fight poverty will not work.

12 What efforts does the government make to fight poverty and improve health care? _____ A. Reducing poverty B. Helping sick people get treated properly C. Providing medical insurance for the poor D. Providing free AIDS tests and free treatment for those who cannot afford it E E. All of the above

13 Cloze test Wang Lin was __________with tuberculosis. His situation seemed hopeless, because he is a ____ worker, and his wife has an _______of 300 yuan per month. _____________________his son has taken a ____ for his education. Thanks to the government’s health care ________he received treatment in time. The project is designed to encourage health care ________and reduce ______.The government is trying to help laid-off workers. A small _________is provided to _____ their basic needs such as food and clothing. It doesn’t cover health care, housing or education. diagnosed laid -off income To make matters worse loan project reform poverty allowance cover

14 For laid-off workers, disease puts extra _______ on the families. Among the many aspects of the government’s ______to fight poverty, health care occupies an important _______.If low-income families cannot afford to purchase medical ________ other measures to reduce poverty will not succeed. The government is making great efforts to fight __________ and improve health care. A series of programs and the development of local and nationwide health care networks are ______ that the government is serious about health care. efforts position pressure insurance poverty signs

15 Health Care In CanadaCanada Health Care In ChinaChina

16 For most families in cities, they don’t have to worry about paying medical bills. However, according to some articles on-line, it shows that medicines are largely unaffordable to rural residents who earn an average of $300 a year. City residents remain better- off, mostly because 60% of them have some forms of health insurance. Only 10% of rural residents do, and most of them are government employees or live in wealthy coastal areas, where many work in factories. That means right now in 2006 there are still so many Chinese people who can’t afford health care.

17 Canada is one of the countries which has the best health care insurance system. Most of the communities in this country are provided with hospitals and clinics with good service. After registering the health care insurance plan, all of the residents, citizens and permanent residents can get free medical treatment. The money given to the hospitals and doctors is from the country’s tax.

18 Compared with the health care insurance in Canada, the one in China _______ A. is more advanced than that in Canada B. cares more about the poor C. has a long way to go D. is suitable for the Chinese C

19 Explanation diagnosed with: be identified with a disease e.g.1) Mary is diagnosed with AIDS 2)when she was only seven years old. This sentence means that when Mary was seven, the doctor told her that she had the disease AIDS. diagnosed with: be identified with a disease e.g.1) Mary is diagnosed with AIDS 2)when she was only seven years old. This sentence means that when Mary was seven, the doctor told her that she had the disease AIDS.

20 2.Mr. Wang is a laid-off worker and his wife has an income of only 300 yuan per-month. lay sb. off: dismiss sb. 解雇,使下 1) 由于效益不佳,工厂不得不解雇五名 工人,王林就是 下岗职工中的一名。 The factory has to lay off at least 50 workers because of the low benefits, thus Wang Lin becomes one of the laid-off workers. 2)The boss laid off workmen because of a shortage of materials. 2.Mr. Wang is a laid-off worker and his wife has an income of only 300 yuan per-month. lay sb. off: dismiss sb. 解雇,使下 1) 由于效益不佳,工厂不得不解雇五名 工人,王林就是 下岗职工中的一名。 The factory has to lay off at least 50 workers because of the low benefits, thus Wang Lin becomes one of the laid-off workers. 2)The boss laid off workmen because of a shortage of materials.

21 3.have an income of ____________ 2000 people. The city has a/an _____________ of 350 km². _____________ 1000years. _____________ 12000books. live within one’s income 量入为出 His wife has an income of 300 yuan per month. e.g 他妻子每个月有 300 元的入。 population area history collection

22 4. to make matters worse = what’s worse = worse still 使情况更困难 e.g.1) To make matters worse, he became seriously ill. 2) I lost my way to the hotel, to make matters worse, I forget the name of the hotel where I live. 4. to make matters worse = what’s worse = worse still 使情况更困难 e.g.1) To make matters worse, he became seriously ill. 2) I lost my way to the hotel, to make matters worse, I forget the name of the hotel where I live.

23 Para.B5.Wang Lin was told about a health care project that provides treatment at half the cost or less, depending on … cost “ 费用,成本,价格 ” at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何 at the cost of =at the loss /expense of 丧失, 牺牲 depend on /upon 依靠, 依赖,视 … 而定 Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.

24 6. Thanks to the project and the kindness of his family andneighbors …. thanks to 由于,因为 = because of e.g. 1)Thanks to the kind help of Mr.Wang, I could arrive at the station on time.” If Mr. Wang hadn’t helped me, I could not have arrived at the station on time. 2) Thanks to the engineer’s help, the problems in the experiment have been solved. 6. Thanks to the project and the kindness of his family andneighbors …. thanks to 由于,因为 = because of e.g. 1)Thanks to the kind help of Mr.Wang, I could arrive at the station on time.” If Mr. Wang hadn’t helped me, I could not have arrived at the station on time. 2) Thanks to the engineer’s help, the problems in the experiment have been solved.

25 “If sb.. Had done … sb.would/could/might/should have done …” 是对过去的虚拟假设 e.g.1) If Mathilde’s husband had been wealthy, she would have borrowed the necklace from her friend. 7.If I had had insurance, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.

26 Discussion What suggestions will you give to the government to improve the health care in China? provide encourage allowance clinic consult purchase medical insurance low-income families meet the fundamental needs

27 Writing Writer a letter to the mayor to give your suggestions about the health care In China. The first sentence has been given. Dear mayor, I’m writing to you to give my suggestions about the health care in China. __________ ___________________________________ Best wishes. a student from Wenzhou No. 22 Middle School

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