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“Fagets Videnskabsteori” Science theory Why and how? Introduction Lars Bo Henriksen Lektor, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "“Fagets Videnskabsteori” Science theory Why and how? Introduction Lars Bo Henriksen Lektor, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Fagets Videnskabsteori” Science theory Why and how? Introduction Lars Bo Henriksen Lektor, Ph.D.

2 Science theory Content 1. Lesson. Research, science and truth (LBH) About science and different sciences. Rationalism, positivism and hermeneutics/phenomenology. About truth and truth claims. Scientific method. 2. Lesson. Technology, engineers and engineering science (LBH) What is technology? What is an engineer? What is engineering science?

3 Science theory 3. Lesson. Arguments and reason (CP) How do we state the reasons for … ? What is an argument, what is a good argument? Practical argumentation. What types of reasons do we state in science and engineering? Scientific methods; inductive methods, the hypothetical deductive method and reasoning for the best explanation. Methods in science and engineering.

4 Science theory 4. Lesson. Scientific models and the use of models (CP) Models as interest relative representations; the reductionist thought: abstraction, idealisation and approcsimation; scientific theories and the development of models; same object many models. 5. Lesson. Scientific methods, paradigms and students projects (LBH) What is a paradigm? What is method? How do we write chapter 2?

5 Science theory Mini-project Writing chapter 2 (Method) for the main project or an appendix to main report 10 pages (perhaps) “What do you think?” - find a subject yourself Evaluation: Take it easy - Evaluated by LBH and CP (and main supervisor)

6 Science theory Make your own choice Ethics – find a dilemma and discuss it Method – present central concepts from debates on scientific method, argumentation, explanation, understanding, truth, reliability, validity Science history – Where did your topic come from, how did it develop, special features, relations to other sciences. Your topic in society – how do you relate to society, to the genral public, to politics …

7 Science theory (Proposal) Mini-project Initiating problem (Society, History, Ethics) Problem statement (Method, science theory) Analyses Conclusion Perspectives (Society, Ethics)

8 Science theory Why science theory? Because you are at the university!! Because the parliament and government says so!!

9 Science theory The birth of science theory Tradition – philosophy at university (Filosoficum) The new ”Filosofikum” –Public debate –Studium generale –Proposal in parliament February 2000 Mystery of education and union of university deans –Expert rapport –Ministry of education - 10 point programme September 2004

10 Science theory Content “Filosofikum” Science theory Reason”Bildung”Better scientists ContentGeneralGeneral and (History of philosophy,specific logic and method)(what?) ResponcibilityInstitute of philosophyStudy board TeachingPhilosophersDual competence ExamOralTest, 8-15 page essay PlaceringFirst yearLater (6. semester) ”How much?”1/4 year2 ects

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