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Sept 27 th – 29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Task 3.3 Grid Monitoring Subtask 3.3.2 SANTA-G Brian Coghlan, Stuart Kenny Trinity College Dublin.

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Presentation on theme: "Sept 27 th – 29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Task 3.3 Grid Monitoring Subtask 3.3.2 SANTA-G Brian Coghlan, Stuart Kenny Trinity College Dublin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept 27 th – 29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Task 3.3 Grid Monitoring Subtask 3.3.2 SANTA-G Brian Coghlan, Stuart Kenny Trinity College Dublin.

2 Sept 27 th –29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Task 3.3.2 SANTA-G Ad-hoc, non-invasive monitoring with external instruments. Generic template. Instruments could be anything! (e.g. fish sonars, PCR analysers). CrossGrid Demonstrator: Network tracing Use Case: Validation/Calibration/Optimisation of invasive monitoring tools.

3 Sept 27 th –29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Network Tracing Node TCPDump Sensor Canonical Producer RGMA Network Tracing Instrument Trace Circular Queue data query register data pkts

4 Sept 27 th –29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Network Tracing TCPDump – Collects raw network trace data Sensor – Collects data and stores in circular queue Sensor – Makes data available through R- GMA by creating Canonical Producers. Canonical Producer – New form of R-GMA Producer from TCD. R-GMA: the DataGrid information system

5 Sept 27 th –29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Use Case RGMA R-GMA Consumers Non-Invasive DataSet Validation/ Calibration Invasive DataSet Invasive Tool Monitored Component Optimisation data query Network Tracer data query pkts data

6 Sept 27 th –29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Use Case R-GMA Consumers – Any form of R-GMA consumer (e.g. ConsumerProducer) Invasive tool – Any form of invasive monitoring tool (e.g. OCM-G) Validation/Calibration: Compare data – validation Mismatch – calibration Optimisation

7 Sept 27 th –29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 Any Questions ?

8 Sept 27 th –29 th, 2002Linz 2002, Task 3.3.2 SANTA-G Sensor Sensor DBProducer File Info Store Config File Canonical Producer Canonical Query Engine Trace Files Grid Information System (R-GMA)

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