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Section 3 : Business Continuity Lecture 29. After completing this chapter you will be able to:  Discuss local replication and the possible uses of local.

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1 Section 3 : Business Continuity Lecture 29

2 After completing this chapter you will be able to:  Discuss local replication and the possible uses of local replicas  Explain consistency considerations when replicating file systems and databases  Discuss host and array based replication technologies ◦ Functionality ◦ Differences ◦ Considerations ◦ Selecting the appropriate technology

3 Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:  Define local replication  Discuss the possible uses of local replicas  Explain replica considerations such as Recoverability and Consistency  Describe how consistency is ensured in file system and database replication  Explain Dependent write principle

4  Replica - An exact copy  Replication - The process of reproducing data  Local replication - Replicating data within the same array or the same data center SourceReplica (Target) REPLICATION

5  Alternate source for backup ◦ An alternative to doing backup on production volumes  Fast recovery ◦ Provide minimal RTO (recovery time objective)  Decision support ◦ Use replicas to run decision support operations such as creating a report ◦ Reduce burden on production volumes  Testing platform ◦ To test critical business data or applications  Data Migration ◦ Use replicas to do data migration instead of production volumes

6  Types of Replica: choice of replica tie back into RPO (recovery point objective) ◦ Point-in-Time (PIT)  non zero RPO ◦ Continuous  near zero RPO  What makes a replica good ◦ Recoverability/Re-startability  Replica should be able to restore data on the source device  Restart business operation from replica ◦ Consistency  Ensuring consistency is primary requirement for all the replication technologies

7  Ensure data buffered in the host is properly captured on the disk when replica is created ◦ Data is buffered in the host before written to disk  Consistency is required to ensure the usability of replica  Consistency can be achieved in various ways: ◦ For file Systems  Offline: Un-mount file system  Online: Flush host buffers ◦ For Databases  Offline: Shutdown database  Online: Database in hot backup mode  Dependent Write I/O Principle  By Holding I/Os

8 File System Application Memory Buffers Logical Volume Manager Physical Disk Driver Data Sync Daemon SourceReplica

9  Dependent Write: A write I/O that will not be issued by an application until a prior related write I/O has completed ◦ A logical dependency, not a time dependency  Inherent in all Database Management Systems (DBMS) ◦ e.g. Page (data) write is dependent write I/O based on a successful log write  Necessary for protection against local outages ◦ Power failures create a dependent write consistent image ◦ A Restart transforms the dependent write consistent to transitionally consistent  i.e. Committed transactions will be recovered, in-flight transactions will be discarded

10  Inconsistent  Consistent SourceReplica 44 33 22 11 SourceReplica 44 33 2 1 

11 5 Source Replica Consistent 44 33 22 11 5

12 Key points covered in this lesson:  Possible uses of local replicas ◦ Alternate source for backup ◦ Fast recovery ◦ Decision support ◦ Testing platform ◦ Data Migration  Recoverability and Consistency  File system and database replication consistency  Dependent write I/O principle

13 Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:  Discuss Host and Array based local replication technologies ◦ Options ◦ Operation ◦ Comparison

14  Host based ◦ Logical Volume Manager (LVM) based replication (LVM mirroring) ◦ File System Snapshot  Storage Array based ◦ Full volume mirroring ◦ Pointer based full volume replication ◦ Pointer based virtual replication

15 Host Logical Volume Physical Volume 1 Physical Volume 2

16  LVM based replicas add overhead on host CPUs ◦ Each write is translated into two writes on the disk ◦ Can degrade application performance  If host volumes are already storage array LUNs then the added redundancy provided by LVM mirroring is unnecessary ◦ The devices will have some RAID protection already  Both replica and source are stored within the same volume group ◦ Replica cannot be accessed by another host ◦ If server fails, both source and replica would be unavailable  Keeping track of changes on the mirrors is a challenge

17  Pointer-based replica ◦ Uses Copy on First Write principle ◦ Uses bitmap and block map  Bitmap: Used to track blocks that have changed on the production/source FS after creation of snap – initially all zero  Block map: Used to indicate block address from which data is to be read when the data is accessed from the Snap FS – initially points to production/source FS ◦ Requires a fraction of the space used by the original FS ◦ Implemented by either FS itself or by LVM

18 Metadata  Write to Production FS Prod FS Metadata 1 Data a 2 Data b Snap FS 1 Nodata 3 no data 4 no data BitBLK 1-0 2-0 N Data N New writes 3 Data C 2 no data c 2 Data c 3-0 3-2 4 Data dD 1 no data 1 Data d 4-0 4-1 3-1 3-0 4-1 4-0

19  Reads from snap FS ◦ Consult the bitmap  If 0 then direct read to the production FS  If 1 then go to the block map get the block address and read data from that address Metadata Snap FS 1 Nodata 2 Data c 3 no data 4 no data BitBLK 1-0 2-0 3-2 4-1 2-0 3-1 4-1 1 Data d Prod FS Metadata 1 Data a 2 Data b 3 Data C 4 Data D N Data N

20  Replication performed by the Array Operating Environment  Replicas are on the same array  Types of array based replication ◦ Full-volume mirroring ◦ Pointer-based full-volume replication ◦ Pointer-based virtual replication Production Server BC Server Array Source Replica

21  Target is a full physical copy of the source device  Target is attached to the source and data from source is copied to the target  Target is unavailable while it is attached  Target device is as large as the source device  Good for full backup, decision support, development, testing and restore to last PIT Source Target Attached Array Read/WriteNot Ready

22  After synchronization, target can be detached from the source and made available for BC (business continuity) operations  PIT is determined by the time of detachment  After detachment, re-synchronization can be incremental ◦ Only updated blocks are resynchronized ◦ Modified blocks are tracked using bitmaps Source Target Detached - PIT Read/Write Array

23 Attached/ Synchronization Source = Target Detached Source ≠ Target Resynchronization Source = Target

24  Provide full copy of source data on the target  Target device is made accessible for business operation as soon as the replication session is started  Point-in-Time is determined by time of session activation  Two modes ◦ Copy on First Access (deferred) ◦ Full Copy mode  Target device is at least as large as the source device

25 Write to Source Source Target Read/Write Write to Target Read from Target Source Target Source Target Read/Write

26  On session start, the entire contents of the Source device is copied to the Target device in the background  If the replication session is terminated, the target will contain all the original data from the source at the PIT of activation ◦ Target can be used for restore and recovery ◦ In CoFA mode, the target will only have data was accessed until termination, and therefore it cannot be used for restore and recovery  Most vendor implementations provide the ability to track changes: ◦ Made to the Source or Target ◦ Enables incremental re-synchronization

27  Targets do not hold actual data, but hold pointers to where the data is located ◦ Target requires a small fraction of the size of the source volumes  A replication session is setup between source and target devices ◦ Target devices are accessible immediately when the session is started ◦ At the start of the session the target device holds pointers to data on source device  Typically recommended if the changes to the source are less than 30%

28 Source Save Location Target Virtual Device

29  Changes will/can occur to the Source/Target devices after PIT has been created  How and at what level of granularity should this be tracked ◦ Too expensive to track changes at a bit by bit level  Would require an equivalent amount of storage to keep track ◦ Based on the vendor some level of granularity is chosen and a bit map is created (one for source and one for target)  For example one could choose 32 KB as the granularity  If any change is made to any bit on one 32KB chunk the whole chunk is flagged as changed in the bit map  For 1GB device, map would only take up 32768/8/1024 = 4KB space

30 Source Target 0= unchanged= changed Logical OR At PIT Target Source After PIT… 00000000 00000000 10010100 00110001 10110101 1 For resynchronization/restore

31  Source has a failure ◦ Logical Corruption ◦ Physical failure of source devices ◦ Failure of Production server  Solution ◦ Restore data from target to source  The restore would typically be done incrementally  Applications can be restarted even before synchronization is complete -----OR------ ◦ Start production on target  Resolve issues with source while continuing operations on target  After issue resolution restore latest data on target to source

32  Before a Restore ◦ Stop all access to the Source and Target devices ◦ Identify target to be used for restore  Based on RPO and Data Consistency ◦ Perform Restore  Before starting production on target ◦ Stop all access to the Source and Target devices ◦ Identify Target to be used for restart  Based on RPO and Data Consistency ◦ Create a “Gold” copy of Target  As a precaution against further failures ◦ Start production on Target

33  Pointer-based full volume replicas ◦ Restores can be performed to either the original source device or to any other device of like size  Restores to the original source could be incremental in nature  Restore to a new device would involve a full synchronization  Pointer-based virtual replicas ◦ Restores can be performed to the original source or to any other device of like size as long as the original source device is healthy  Target only has pointers  Pointers to source for data that has not been written to after PIT  Pointers to the “save” location for data was written after PIT  Thus to perform a restore to an alternate volume the source must be healthy to access data that has not yet been copied over to the target

34 FactorFull-volume mirroring Pointer-based full-volume replication Pointer-based virtual replication Performance impact on source No impact CoFA mode – some impact Full copy – no impact High impact Size of target At least same as the source Small fraction of the source Accessibility of source for restoration Not required CoFA mode – required Full copy – not required Required Accessibility to target Only after synchronization and detachment from the source Immediately accessible

35 06:00 A.M. : 12 : 01 : 02 : 03 : 04 : 05 : 06 : 07 : 08 : 09 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 01 : 02 : 03 : 04 : 05 : 06 : 07 : 08 : 09 : 10 : 11 : P.M.A.M. 12:00 P.M. 06:00 P.M. 12:00 A.M. Source Target Devices Point-In-Time

36  Replication management software residing on storage array  Provides an interface for easy and reliable replication management  Two types of interface: ◦ CLI ◦ GUI

37 Key points covered in this lesson:  Replication technologies ◦ Host based  LVM based mirroring  File system snapshot ◦ Array based  Full volume mirroring  Pointer-based full volume copy  Pointer-based virtual replica

38 Key points covered in this chapter:  Definition and possible use of local replicas  Consistency considerations when replicating file systems and databases  Host based replication ◦ LVM based mirroring, File System Snapshot  Storage array based replication ◦ Full volume mirroring, Pointer based full volume and virtual replication ◦ Choice of technology Additional Task Research on EMC Replication Products

39  Describe the uses of a local replica in various business operations.  How can consistency be ensured when replicating a database?  What are the differences among full volume mirroring and pointer based replicas?  What is the key difference between full copy mode and deferred mode?  What are the considerations when performing restore operations for each array replication technology?

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