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Capstone Project “the name of your product” “the name of your sponsor” Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 Team Member 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Capstone Project “the name of your product” “the name of your sponsor” Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 Team Member 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capstone Project “the name of your product” “the name of your sponsor” Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3 Team Member 4 Team Member 5

2 Sample Slides  The following slides are samples of what your presentation should cover. I’m using a fake example involving an app that provides info on where a person can get cheap gas in places where you might need to see an example Your may use these as templates – that is just fill them in with your own content You may build your own from scratch – just make sure that this information is covered in your presentation.

3 Product Overview The problem it addresses  Gas prices may vary between different stations  Drivers want to know where the least expensive gas will be along a route  Product X shows a list of gas stations within a mile of a planned route, ordered by current gas prices

4 Background - give some information about why your product is needed  Recent Oregonian article: Gas prices varied between $2.05 and $1.95 per gallon of regular  Drivers may find a cheaper station down the road after getting a fill-up

5 Who is your audience?  Drivers who plan on taking a pre- defined route  Have a WAP-enabled cell phone  Will be traveling within the Portland metro area

6 What are their characteristics? what do we know about them?  At least 250,000 registered car owners - drive 100,000 miles a day  Over half between 25 and 35 years of age  Most have a computer at home  Most common kind of cell phone is a Nokia ABC - only 25% pay for WAP service

7 Key Assumptions and Constraints, References – what are you assuming?  No technical people around to maintain the service after delivery  The web site will be hosted on a Linux box owned by the sponsor  We will support the WAP-188- WAPGenFormats-20010710-a specification  We assume users will have a WAP- enabled cell phone

8 Your Product – you may have this summary slide and a separate slide for each feature  Features Feature 1 – enter trip route Feature 2 – show list of stations within a mile of route Feature 3 – order station list by price or distance from route Feature 4 – another cool function

9 Feature 1 – you may have a separate slide for each feature  This feature is shown using the screen capture (use Alt-PrtScr to capture a screen image) and explained within the context of the “typical user”

10 Feature 2 – you may have a separate slide for each feature  This feature is shown using the screen capture (use Alt-PrtScr to capture a screen image) and explained within the context of the “typical user”

11 Feature 3 – you may have a separate slide for each feature  This feature is shown using the screen capture (use Alt-PrtScr to capture a screen image) and explained within the context of the “typical user”

12 Deliverables - What is your team actually going to deliver to the sponsor?  Source code and Developer’s Notes will be delivered on a CD  Working application loaded on sponsor’s server  Database tables will be pre-loaded with most recent gas prices at time of delivery

13 The Process What steps will you go through?  Initial specification obtained from sponsor  User survey to establish type of equipment in use  Initial prototype developed and shown to sponsor for approval  …

14 Show Your Schedule go to JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUN Sample Text On Time! To edit the timeline, select the timeline object, and then click Ungroup on the Draw menu.

15 Calendar and Milestones show milestones on calendar December 2008January 2009 February 2009March 2009

16 Resource Identification  3 PCs running XP  1 PC running Linux  5 developers  Visual Studio Mobile Development Library

17 Meetings and Reviews  Initial Kick-off meeting 10/18/08  Sponsor meeting for needs analysis 11/01/08  …  Final presentation review by team 03/10/2009

18 Configuration Management

19 Roles and Responsibilities  Project Manager – Joe Smith  Computer Geek – Sally Jones  User needs analyst – Bill Gatling  …

20 Risk Management  Bad things that can happen, probability (low, Medium, High) and our response or mitigation efforts

21 Quality Assurance and Testing  Review of specifications  Unit testing  System testing prior to hand over  Beta testing

22 Deployment – how will the sponsor organization begin using the new application?  Initial Load 03/01/09  Beta usage by employees and team member friends 03/10/09 – 03/15/09  Refinement 03/16/09 – 03/19/09  Available for public use – 03/21/09

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