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ENSURING EVERY VOICE IS HEARD. Speed Networking Prompt Find someone you do not know in the room. Introduce yourself and chat about why you chose to attend.

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Presentation on theme: "ENSURING EVERY VOICE IS HEARD. Speed Networking Prompt Find someone you do not know in the room. Introduce yourself and chat about why you chose to attend."— Presentation transcript:


2 Speed Networking Prompt Find someone you do not know in the room. Introduce yourself and chat about why you chose to attend this session on Liberating Structures.

3 If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. African Proverb

4 TRIZ Prompt How can we cultivate an environment in which people do not feel free to express diverse opinions or perspectives? What can we do to make people feel unwelcome and unsafe? Be specific. What are we doing in our own practice that in any way resembles this? What steps can we take to flip it?

5 TRIZ Stop counterproductive activities and behaviors to make space for innovation 1.Make a list of all you can do to make sure that you achieve the worst result imaginable. 2.Go down this list item by item and ask yourselves, ‘Is there anything that we are currently doing that in any way, shape, or form resembles this item?’ 3.Go through the items on your second list and decide what first steps will help you stop what you know creates undesirable results?

6 Is this elephant in your room? Deadly boring meetings Wondering why people don’t speak up Group process that feels like drudgery Separating the deciders from the doers Excluding people because it slows you down Great ideas that never leave the drawing board

7 Over-Controlled Presentation/Lecture Too uniform Engaging only one person or a select few in shaping direction Flow in one direction ? ?

8 Conventional Structures Too Tight or Too Loose Presentation Too uniform Engaging only one person or a select few in shaping direction Flow in one direction Open Discussion Under-controlled Too unstable Too random to shape direction

9 Liberating Structures Distributed, tight and loose Diverse yet interdependent relationships Distributed control, flow from any point, any direction As the action unfolds, direction is shaped by participants themselves out of local interaction

10 Liberating Structures Introducing tiny shifts in how we meet, plan, decide and relate to one another Simple Expert-less Results-focused Rapid cycling Inclusive Multi-scale Seriously fun Self-spreading

11 Sources of Knowing and Innovating Three levels of individual and collective agency Explicit: What people tell you they know or need in a focus group Tacit: What you can observe people doing Emergent: What you can invent together that is not yet enacted

12 How to Generate Finding best practices, separating know-how from local context Drawing out embodied or hidden know-how in a local context Actualizing what is possible now Sources of Knowing Explicit Tacit Emergent

13 How to Generate Finding best practices, separating know-how from local context Drawing out embodied or hidden know-how in a local context Actualizing what is possible now Sources of Knowing Explicit Tacit Emergent

14 1-2-4-All Prompt On your own, think of a time when you have had success in engaging faculty in relation to your office mission. Share your experience with another person. Now, you and your partner connect with another pair. In a group of 4, work together to identify common themes. What do those experiences teach you about what works?

15 1-2-4-All Engage Everyone Simultaneously in Generating Questions, Ideas, and Suggestions Self, pairs, foursomes, whole group Equal time and opportunity for everyone Face to face interaction between participants 1 minute alone, 2 minutes in pairs, 4 minutes in foursomes, 5 minute for whole group

16 What, So What, Now What? W³ Together, Look Back on Progress and Decide What to Do Moving Forward WHAT? What happened? What did you notice, what facts or observations stood out? SO WHAT? Why is that important? What patterns or conclusions are emerging? What hypotheses can you make? NOW WHAT? What actions make sense?

17 What, So What, Now What? W³ WHAT? What happened? What did you notice, what stood out? SO WHAT? Why is that important? What patterns emerged? What hypotheses can you make? NOW WHAT? What actions make sense? What steps might we take to apply these practices in our work and organizations?

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