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Status and Physics opportunities at the factory Overview KLOE at DA NE Data Taking in Y2K and Y2001 Radiative Decays + - 0 (e + e - + - ) Ks semileptonic decays Direct CP violation Conclusions Snowmass 2001 - 6 July C.Bloise Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN
Overview DA NE Symmetric e + e - machine E beam =510 MeV Desired Working Luminosity 5 10 32 cm -2 s -1 Working Luminosity now 2.5 10 31 cm -2 s -1 DEAR ( DA NE Exotic Atoms Research) Measurement of the K line shift in kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium FINUDA (Fisica Nucleare a Dafne) -hypernuclei spectroscopy and lifetime ; I=1/2 rule Search for -hypernuclei KLOE (KLOng Experiment) radiative decays (f0 , a0 , , ’ ) Measurement of interest for ChPT (K Semileptonic Decays and Kl4, / ’ mixing, K 3 … ) Measurement of ) at low energy : of interest to improve the knowledge of g-2 Measurement to test CP and CPT violation with K ( Double Ratio, Interferometry)
DA NE Two independent machines intersection at 25 mrad Bunch length 3 cm Horizontal size 2 mm Vertical size 0.02 mm Working condition now : 800 mA stored into 50 e + /e - bunches Delivered Luminosity : 1.3 pb -1 per day (sustained)
The KLOE Detector d=4m
)GeV( ps54 E (t) 50 ps Time resolution (neutrals channel only) e+e- e+e- EMC: time and energy performances e + e e + e from DC Energy residuals Energy resolution
Emc resolution on full neutral channels M = 135.0 MeV M = 13.0 MeV M = 546.4 MeV M = 40.3 MeV PDG ‘00 KLOE 10.7 pb -1
DC resolution and stability Stability vs Pressure 1 month Residuals Resolution calibration performed when residuals > 40 m each color represents a calibration point
DC momentum resolution I After correcting for K dE/dx : M = 1019.0 MeV = 1.2 MeV K + K - p /p < 0.3% 45° < < 135° Polar angle p (MeV/c) ee eeee eeee eeee ee ee eeee eeee eeee ee
DC momentum resolution II M = 497.7 MeV/c 2 M = 1 MeV/c 2 M = 497.7 MeV/c 2 M = 1 MeV/c 2 P c.o.m. = 110 MeV/c p = 1.8 MeV/c P c.o.m. = 110 MeV/c p = 1.8 MeV/c KS KS KS KS
The Trigger System Two level system: Two independent chains: EmC trigger: based on multiplicity of fired calorimeter’s sectors DC trigger: based on multiplicity of hit drift chamber wires Fast ( 200 ns ) L1 to start calorimeter’s FEE Slower ( s ) L2 to collect more event information and confirm L1 decision L1 synchronised with machine RF/4 and distributed with 50 ps precision Requirements: High ( > 99 % ) efficiency on all CP violating decays Technical solution: Trigger must reject/downscale: Bhabhas ( 20 ) cosmic rays machine background
The KLOE physics program CPT limits K S + e - / - e + vs K L + e - / - e + CP violation studies (double ratio+interf.) rare and not so rare K S decays ( ee, ) kaon form factors (K L l, K 0 l ) K ± decays (in particular 0 e ±, ) HAD for (g-2) semileptonic K S decays (K S l ) regeneration measurements at low momenta radiative decays ( ’ , ƒ 0 , a 0 , …) Luminosity arrow (pb -1 )
Y2K Data Data taking: 23 Sep—11 Dec 5.61G triggers, 13.6 TB raw data L dt = 23.1 pb -1 Total events collected: 130M Bhabhas 10.9M K L tags 7.2M K L crash 19.5M K + K - w/ vertex 415 nb -1 / day
Data Taking - Y2001 e+/e- Machines much more symmetric Lower Wiggler Field Beam Decoupling @DEAR Easier Multibunch Operation Feedback system improved Max Luminosity Limited by Background Level @KLOE Single-bunch Luminosity - 10 30 cm -2 s -1 reached @ 20 mA Peak Luminosity ~1.9 10 31 cm -2 s -1 Average/Peak Luminosity ~ 0.55
Data Taking -Y2001 Data taking: 16 — 29 Apr 2.16 G triggers, 5.3 TB raw data L dt = 11.3 pb -1 ~900 nb -1 /day Resumed in June 1.3 pb -1 integrated per day
Data Taking - Y2001 Machine Development Insertion of Octupoles to correct Non-linear Distortions in the Wigglers (September) Background Reduction Increase in the Luminosity Upgrade of the control system of the Quads in the IRs in 2002 Kloe Data Taking : 15 weeks till the end of the year Exp. Integrated Luminosity : ~200 pb-1, assuming No improvement in the Luminosity, Stable running scenario
Data Yield - 200 pb -1 Ks 2 10 8 Tagged Ks (Kl visible Interactions) 0.6 10 8 Ks + - 0.3 10 8 x BR ~ 2 10 7 Ks 0 0 0.3 10 8 x BR ~ 1 10 7 Ks e 0.9 10 7 x BR ~ 6700 Ks 3.3 10 7 x BR ~ 70 Ks 0 e + e - Single Event Sensitivity 0.8-1.5 10 -7 Ks 0 0 0 Single Event Sensitivity 3 10 -8 Kl 2 10 8 Tagged Kl (Ks + - ) 0.9 10 8 Kl Decay in FV (D.C.) 2.5 10 7... Kl + - ~ 2.7 10 4 Kl 0 0 ~ 1.0 10 4 Kl ~ 0.5 10 4 K +/- 3 10 8 Tagged K + (K - ) 0.7 10 8 Reconstructed K + (K - ) 5 10 7
’ + - 7 favourable S/B 223 events selected in ‘00 22 ± 7 background sidebands 196 ± 20 expected signal M ’ = 958.0 0.6 MeV/c 2 BR( ’ ) = (6.9 ± 0.6 ± 0.5) 10 -5 (PDG2000: BR = (6.7 ± 1.5) 10 -5 ) P = (-14 ± 1.6) o ’ Branching Ratio and ’ mixing angle
f 0 decay Fit Procedure: First fit: (E,p) and TOF constraints applied Pairing: best ’s pairing with 2 o +M o o > 700 MeV Second fit: constraints on o masses also required Preliminary result: Excess of 1960 56 events BR( f 0 ) = ( 0.79 ± 0.02 ± 0.08 ) · 10 -4
(E + E )/ 3 GeV (direct) e + e 3 contributions to Dalitz plot ~0.3M events in the fit the mass and width of the , the M( ) and the direct decay contribution are left free A 1 (x10 -2 ) 1 (deg) M( +,- ) M( 0 ) M(+,-) KLOE 8.5 0.5 88 9 775.3 0.4 773.0 0.6 149.1 1.0 0.4 0.3 (*) PDG -15 11 (CMD-2) 776.0 0.9 (**) 150.2 0.8 - (*) CPT test at < 5 x 10 -4 (**) mixed charges ( decay and e + e - ) average: M( 0 ) - M( +,- ) = 0.4 0.8 Efficiency (X,Y) from Montecarlo: fine tuning in progress to reduce systematic effects on M( 0 ) (now at 2 MeV level) E 0 – m 0 GeV
Measurement of (e + e - + - ) @ s 1 GeV Hadronic cross section below the threshold has been measured by CMD-2 at Novosibirsk Collider by the energy scan At KLOE we are investigating the radiative return method (a photon radiated in the initial state ) to measure had
had and the interest in the measurement of had has increased recently with the new results of the BNL g-2 experiment is correlated to the hadronic cross section via the dispersion integral: In the case of a radiative photon the cross section is related to had via the radiator function H:
KLOE contribution to the measurement The KLOE detector @DA NE can study: the resonance, which contributes to ~65% of the dispersion integral this measurement has been recently performed by the CMD-2 detector at Novosibirsk with a precision of ~1% the hadronic cross section above threshold this has become recently interesting after the fit of Jegerlehner et al. of the NA7 e e data the fit can be analitically extrapolated in the timelike region and used to test data
The fiducial volume Two fiducial volumes are currently studied: small angle: 169 o highest cross section; small bckd from ; no photon tagging available resonance large angle: 60 o < <120 o large bckd from , especially at low Q 2 ; possibility of using the calorimeter to discriminate m at threshold the pions must be central (55 o - 125 o ) to cut down the background
The Event Generator : EVA EVA generates the process ee , with a hard photon (E >10MeV) emitted by ISR or by FSR (and a soft photon) At present accurate simulation is limited to polar angles of the system: 5 o < <21 o 159 o < <175 o This causes a reduction by a factor of ~6 in statistics Kuehn et al. have published (hep-ph/0106132, 13 Jun 2001) the NLO corrections to the process; the new version of EVA will be soon available
The method the Backgrounds come from: - the acceptance acc is evaluated from MC - the global selection efficiency sel is evaluated from DATA+MC - the trigger efficiency trig is evaluated from DATA the Luminosity is measured using the Bhabha scattering at large angles e + e - e + e - (radiative Bhabha) e + e - e + e - 0 (BR = 15.5 %) e + e - (Final State Radiation)
Background suppression Bhabha events are rejected with a likelihood function based on the TOF and on the shape of the energy deposit in the EMC the likelihood function is built from data using and ee events and (FSR) events are suppressed by the acceptance cuts and, anyhow, they populate the high M region Efficiency of likelihood function = efficiency on pions = (1-eff) for electrons
Cutting on M trk After the likelihood cut the signal peak is clearly visible in the M trk variable The final background suppression is obtained by cutting 10MeV around the pion mass For an inclusive analysis this cut must be released on the high M trk side Before Likelihood ( Rad. Bhabhas ) After Likelihood M trk is defined by the following relation
The pion form factor The error on the small angle points will decrease by ~3 once we can lower the angular cut s = M (MeV) |F (s)| 2 small angle large angle Ldt = 16.5 pb -1 CMD-2 result : hep-ex/9904027 26 Apr 1999 G-S parametrization with fixed parameters (no fit)
Ks tagging Clean Ks selection by time of flight of K L interacting in calorimeter distribution KSKS E cl 100 MeV |cos( cl )| 0.7 * = [0.195,0.245] E cl 100 MeV |cos( cl )| 0.7 * = [0.195,0.245] “KL” TAG ~ 30 %
Analysis of K S e (1) ee L interacting in EMC (KLCRASH) Events selection summary Kcrash tag Kinematics preselection Track to cluster association to apply time of flight e identification Close kinematically the event to get p Normalization to K S
Analysis of K S e 2 methods to estimate TCA, T 0 and calorimeter trigger efficiencies: 2.Efficiencies directly from data using K S L e control sample 1.Single particle efficiencies taken from data using K S subsamples and K L e control samples. Efficiencies for , , e used to weight the Monte Carlo: E miss ( e)-P miss (MeV) E miss (e )-P miss (MeV)
K S e signal The fit is performed in the variable E miss -P miss A fit is performed on data using MC spectra for background and signal CMD2 : BR(K S e ) = [7.2 ± 1.2] 10 -4 KLOE preliminary result: BR(K S e ) = [7.47 ± 0.51(stat)] 10 -4 (systematics under evaluation) In a 5MeV window: signal248 17 background9.0 1.4 K S e and K S - MC FIT Data: 2000 11.5 pb -1 N(K S e 19 events E miss -P miss
Conclusions KLOE will integrate 200 pb -1 by the end of the year “Rare” Ks Decays SES 10 -8 -10 -7 Semileptonic and non-leptonic Kaon Decays Scalar and Pseudo-Scalar Mesons below 1 GeV had near threshold / 1 GeV Machine Development continues Octupole installation Interaction Regions will be Upgraded in 2002 A Peak-Luminosity of 10 32 cm -2 s -1 is needed to address CP/ CPT studies (Double Ratio – Interferometry )
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